#!/bin/perl -T #============================================================= -*-perl-*-w # # BackupPC_Admin: Apache/CGI interface for BackupPC. # # DESCRIPTION # BackupPC_Admin provides a flexible web interface for BackupPC. # It is a CGI script that runs under Apache. # # It requires that Apache pass in $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} and # $ENV{REMOTE_USER}. The latter requires .ht_access style # authentication. Replace the code below if you are using some other # type of authentication, and have a different way of getting the # user name. # # Also, this script needs to run as the BackupPC user. To accomplish # this the script is typically installed as setuid to the BackupPC user, # or it can run under mod_perl with httpd running as the BackupPC user. # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2001 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #======================================================================== # # Version 2.0.0beta3, released 1 Jun 2003. # # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net. # #======================================================================== use strict; use CGI; use lib "/usr/local/BackupPC/lib"; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::FileZIO; use BackupPC::Attrib qw(:all); use BackupPC::View; use Data::Dumper; use vars qw($Cgi %In $MyURL $User %Conf $TopDir $BinDir $bpc); use vars qw(%Status %Info %Jobs @BgQueue @UserQueue @CmdQueue %QueueLen %StatusHost); use vars qw($Hosts $HostsMTime $ConfigMTime $PrivAdmin); use vars qw(%UserEmailInfo $UserEmailInfoMTime %RestoreReq); use vars qw ($Lang); $Cgi = new CGI; %In = $Cgi->Vars; # # We require that Apache pass in $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} and $ENV{REMOTE_USER}. # The latter requires .ht_access style authentication. Replace this # code if you are using some other type of authentication, and have # a different way of getting the user name. # $MyURL = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; $User = $ENV{REMOTE_USER}; if ( !defined($bpc) ) { ErrorExit($Lang->{BackupPC__Lib__new_failed__check_apache_error_log}) if ( !($bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new(undef, undef, 1)) ); $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir(); $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir(); %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); $Lang = $bpc->Lang(); $ConfigMTime = $bpc->ConfigMTime(); } elsif ( $bpc->ConfigMTime() != $ConfigMTime ) { $bpc->ConfigRead(); %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); $ConfigMTime = $bpc->ConfigMTime(); $Lang = $bpc->Lang(); } # # Clean up %ENV for taint checking # delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; $ENV{PATH} = $Conf{MyPath}; # # Verify we are running as the correct user # if ( $Conf{BackupPCUserVerify} && $> != (my $uid = (getpwnam($Conf{BackupPCUser}))[2]) ) { ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Wrong_user__my_userid_is___}}"), < This is an installation problem. If you are using mod_perl then it appears that Apache is not running as user $Conf{BackupPCUser}. If you are not using mod_perl, then most like setuid is not working properly on BackupPC_Admin. Check the permissions on $Conf{CgiDir}/BackupPC_Admin and look at the documentation. EOF } if ( !defined($Hosts) || $bpc->HostsMTime() != $HostsMTime ) { $HostsMTime = $bpc->HostsMTime(); $Hosts = $bpc->HostInfoRead(); # turn moreUsers list into a hash for quick lookups foreach my $host (keys %$Hosts) { $Hosts->{$host}{moreUsers} = {map {$_, 1} split(",", $Hosts->{$host}{moreUsers}) } } } my %ActionDispatch = ( "summary" => \&Action_Summary, $Lang->{Start_Incr_Backup} => \&Action_StartStopBackup, $Lang->{Start_Full_Backup} => \&Action_StartStopBackup, $Lang->{Stop_Dequeue_Backup} => \&Action_StartStopBackup, "queue" => \&Action_Queue, "view" => \&Action_View, "LOGlist" => \&Action_LOGlist, "emailSummary" => \&Action_EmailSummary, "browse" => \&Action_Browse, $Lang->{Restore} => \&Action_Restore, "RestoreFile" => \&Action_RestoreFile, "hostInfo" => \&Action_HostInfo, "generalInfo" => \&Action_GeneralInfo, "restoreInfo" => \&Action_RestoreInfo, ); # # Set default actions, then call sub handler # $In{action} ||= "hostInfo" if ( defined($In{host}) ); $In{action} = "generalInfo" if ( !defined($ActionDispatch{$In{action}}) ); $ActionDispatch{$In{action}}(); exit(0); ########################################################################### # Action handling subroutines ########################################################################### sub Action_Summary { my($fullTot, $fullSizeTot, $incrTot, $incrSizeTot, $str, $strNone, $strGood, $hostCntGood, $hostCntNone); $hostCntGood = $hostCntNone = 0; GetStatusInfo("hosts"); my $Privileged = CheckPermission(); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit($Lang->{Only_privileged_users_can_view_PC_summaries} ); } foreach my $host ( sort(keys(%Status)) ) { my($fullDur, $incrCnt, $incrAge, $fullSize, $fullRate, $reasonHilite); my($shortErr); my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); my $fullCnt = $incrCnt = 0; my $fullAge = $incrAge = -1; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) { if ( $Backups[$i]{type} eq "full" ) { $fullCnt++; if ( $fullAge < 0 || $Backups[$i]{startTime} > $fullAge ) { $fullAge = $Backups[$i]{startTime}; $fullSize = $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024 * 1024); $fullDur = $Backups[$i]{endTime} - $Backups[$i]{startTime}; } $fullSizeTot += $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024 * 1024); } else { $incrCnt++; if ( $incrAge < 0 || $Backups[$i]{startTime} > $incrAge ) { $incrAge = $Backups[$i]{startTime}; } $incrSizeTot += $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024 * 1024); } } if ( $fullAge < 0 ) { $fullAge = ""; $fullRate = ""; } else { $fullAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $fullAge) / (24 * 3600)); $fullRate = sprintf("%.2f", $fullSize / ($fullDur <= 0 ? 1 : $fullDur)); } if ( $incrAge < 0 ) { $incrAge = ""; } else { $incrAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $incrAge) / (24 * 3600)); } $fullTot += $fullCnt; $incrTot += $incrCnt; $fullSize = sprintf("%.2f", $fullSize / 1000); $incrAge = " " if ( $incrAge eq "" ); $reasonHilite = $Conf{CgiStatusHilightColor}{$Status{$host}{reason}} || $Conf{CgiStatusHilightColor}{$Status{$host}{state}}; $reasonHilite = " bgcolor=\"$reasonHilite\"" if ( $reasonHilite ne "" ); if ( $Status{$host}{state} ne "Status_backup_in_progress" && $Status{$host}{state} ne "Status_restore_in_progress" && $Status{$host}{error} ne "" ) { ($shortErr = $Status{$host}{error}) =~ s/(.{48}).*/$1.../; $shortErr = " ($shortErr)"; } $str = < ${HostLink($host)} ${UserLink(defined($Hosts->{$host}) ? $Hosts->{$host}{user} : "")} $fullCnt $fullAge $fullSize $fullRate $incrCnt $incrAge $Lang->{$Status{$host}{state}} $Lang->{$Status{$host}{reason}}$shortErr EOF if ( @Backups == 0 ) { $hostCntNone++; $strNone .= $str; } else { $hostCntGood++; $strGood .= $str; } } $fullSizeTot = sprintf("%.2f", $fullSizeTot / 1000); $incrSizeTot = sprintf("%.2f", $incrSizeTot / 1000); my $now = timeStamp2(time); Header($Lang->{BackupPC__Server_Summary}); print eval ("qq{$Lang->{BackupPC_Summary}}"); Trailer(); } sub Action_StartStopBackup { my($str, $reply); my $start = 1 if ( $In{action} eq $Lang->{Start_Incr_Backup} || $In{action} eq $Lang->{Start_Full_Backup} ); my $doFull = $In{action} eq $Lang->{Start_Full_Backup} ? 1 : 0; my $type = $doFull ? "full" : "incremental"; my $host = $In{host}; my $Privileged = CheckPermission($host); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Only_privileged_users_can_stop_or_start_backups}}")); } ServerConnect(); if ( $In{doit} ) { if ( $start ) { if ( $Hosts->{$host}{dhcp} ) { $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("backup $In{hostIP} ${EscURI($host)}" . " $User $doFull"); $str = eval("qq{$Lang->{Backup_requested_on_DHCP__host}}"); } else { $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("backup ${EscURI($host)}" . " ${EscURI($host)} $User $doFull"); $str = eval("qq{$Lang->{Backup_requested_on__host_by__User}}"); } } else { $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("stop ${EscURI($host)} $User $In{backoff}"); $str = eval("qq{$Lang->{Backup_stopped_dequeued_on__host_by__User}}"); } Header(eval ("qq{$Lang->{BackupPC__Backup_Requested_on__host}}") ); print (eval ("qq{$Lang->{REPLY_FROM_SERVER}}")); Trailer(); } else { if ( $start ) { my $ipAddr = ConfirmIPAddress($host); Header(eval("qq{$Lang->{BackupPC__Start_Backup_Confirm_on__host}}")); print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Are_you_sure_start}}")); } else { my $backoff = ""; GetStatusInfo("host(${EscURI($host)})"); if ( $StatusHost{backoffTime} > time ) { $backoff = sprintf("%.1f", ($StatusHost{backoffTime} - time) / 3600); } Header($Lang->{BackupPC__Stop_Backup_Confirm_on__host}); print (eval ("qq{$Lang->{Are_you_sure_stop}}")); } Trailer(); } } sub Action_Queue { my($strBg, $strUser, $strCmd); GetStatusInfo("queues"); my $Privileged = CheckPermission(); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit($Lang->{Only_privileged_users_can_view_queues_}); } while ( @BgQueue ) { my $req = pop(@BgQueue); my($reqTime) = timeStamp2($req->{reqTime}); $strBg .= < ${HostLink($req->{host})} $reqTime $req->{user} EOF } while ( @UserQueue ) { my $req = pop(@UserQueue); my $reqTime = timeStamp2($req->{reqTime}); $strUser .= < ${HostLink($req->{host})} $reqTime $req->{user} EOF } while ( @CmdQueue ) { my $req = pop(@CmdQueue); my $reqTime = timeStamp2($req->{reqTime}); (my $cmd = $req->{cmd}[0]) =~ s/$BinDir\///; $strCmd .= < ${HostLink($req->{host})} $reqTime $req->{user} $cmd $req->{cmd}[0] EOF } Header($Lang->{BackupPC__Queue_Summary}); print ( eval ( "qq{$Lang->{Backup_Queue_Summary}}") ); Trailer(); } sub Action_View { my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host}); my $compress = 0; my $fh; my $host = $In{host}; my $num = $In{num}; my $type = $In{type}; my $linkHosts = 0; my($file, $comment); my $ext = $num ne "" ? ".$num" : ""; ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Invalid_number__num}}")) if ( $num ne "" && $num !~ /^\d+$/ ); if ( $type eq "XferLOG" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG$ext"; $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG$ext" if ( !-f $file && !-f "$file.z"); } elsif ( $type eq "XferLOGbad" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad"; $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad" if ( !-f $file && !-f "$file.z"); } elsif ( $type eq "XferErrbad" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad"; $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad" if ( !-f $file && !-f "$file.z"); $comment = $Lang->{Extracting_only_Errors}; } elsif ( $type eq "XferErr" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG$ext"; $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG$ext" if ( !-f $file && !-f "$file.z"); $comment = $Lang->{Extracting_only_Errors}; } elsif ( $type eq "RestoreLOG" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/RestoreLOG$ext"; } elsif ( $type eq "RestoreErr" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/RestoreLOG$ext"; $comment = $Lang->{Extracting_only_Errors}; } elsif ( $host ne "" && $type eq "config" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/config.pl"; $file = "$TopDir/conf/$host.pl" if ( $host ne "config" && -f "$TopDir/conf/$host.pl" && !-f $file ); } elsif ( $type eq "docs" ) { $file = "$BinDir/../doc/BackupPC.html"; if ( open(LOG, $file) ) { Header($Lang->{BackupPC__Documentation}); print while ( ); close(LOG); Trailer(); } else { ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Unable_to_open__file__configuration_problem}}")); } return; } elsif ( $type eq "config" ) { $file = "$TopDir/conf/config.pl"; } elsif ( $type eq "hosts" ) { $file = "$TopDir/conf/hosts"; } elsif ( $host ne "" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/LOG$ext"; } else { $file = "$TopDir/log/LOG$ext"; $linkHosts = 1; } if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit($Lang->{Only_privileged_users_can_view_log_or_config_files}); } if ( !-f $file && -f "$file.z" ) { $file .= ".z"; $compress = 1; } Header(eval("qq{$Lang->{Backup_PC__Log_File__file}}") ); print( eval ("qq{$Lang->{Log_File__file__comment}}")); if ( defined($fh = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($file, 0, $compress)) ) { my $mtimeStr = $bpc->timeStamp((stat($file))[9], 1); print ( eval ("qq{$Lang->{Contents_of_log_file}}")); print "
        if ( $type eq "XferErr" || $type eq "XferErrbad"
				|| $type eq "RestoreErr" ) {
	    my $skipped;
            while ( 1 ) {
                $_ = $fh->readLine();
                if ( $_ eq "" ) {
		    print(eval ("qq{$Lang->{skipped__skipped_lines}}"))
						    if ( $skipped );
                if ( /smb: \\>/
                        || /^\s*(\d+) \(\s*\d+\.\d kb\/s\) (.*)$/
                        || /^tar: dumped \d+ files/
                        || /^added interface/i
                        || /^restore tar file /i
                        || /^restore directory /i
                        || /^tarmode is now/i
                        || /^Total bytes written/i
                        || /^Domain=/i
                        || /^Getting files newer than/i
                        || /^Output is \/dev\/null/
                        || /^\([\d\.]* kb\/s\) \(average [\d\.]* kb\/s\)$/
                        || /^\s+directory \\/
                        || /^Timezone is/
                        || /^\.\//
                        || /^  /
			    ) {
						     if ( $skipped );
		$skipped = 0;
                print ${EscHTML($_)};
        } elsif ( $linkHosts ) {
            while ( 1 ) {
                $_ = $fh->readLine();
                last if ( $_ eq "" );
                my $s = ${EscHTML($_)};
                $s =~ s/\b([\w-]+)\b/defined($Hosts->{$1})
                                        ? ${HostLink($1)} : $1/eg;
                print $s;
        } elsif ( $type eq "config" ) {
            while ( 1 ) {
                $_ = $fh->readLine();
                last if ( $_ eq "" );
                # remove any passwords and user names
                print ${EscHTML($_)};
        } else {
            while ( 1 ) {
                $_ = $fh->readLine();
                last if ( $_ eq "" );
                print ${EscHTML($_)};
    } else {
	printf( eval("qq{$Lang->{_pre___Can_t_open_log_file__file}}"));
    print <

sub Action_LOGlist
    my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host});

    if ( !$Privileged ) {
    my $host = $In{host};
    my($url0, $hdr, $root, $str);
    if ( $host ne "" ) {
        $root = "$TopDir/pc/$host/LOG";
        $url0 = "&host=${EscURI($host)}";
        $hdr = "for host $host";
    } else {
        $root = "$TopDir/log/LOG";
        $url0 = "";
        $hdr = "";
    for ( my $i = -1 ; ; $i++ ) {
        my $url1 = "";
        my $file = $root;
        if ( $i >= 0 ) {
            $file .= ".$i";
            $url1 = "&num=$i";
        $file .= ".z" if ( !-f $file && -f "$file.z" );
        last if ( !-f $file );
        my $mtimeStr = $bpc->timeStamp((stat($file))[9], 1);
        my $size     = (stat($file))[7];
        $str .= < $file 
    print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Log_File_History__hdr}}"));

sub Action_EmailSummary
    my $Privileged = CheckPermission();

    if ( !$Privileged ) {
    my(%EmailStr, $str);
    foreach my $u ( keys(%UserEmailInfo) ) {
        next if ( !defined($UserEmailInfo{$u}{lastTime}) );
        my $emailTimeStr = timeStamp2($UserEmailInfo{$u}{lastTime});
        $EmailStr{$UserEmailInfo{$u}{lastTime}} .= <${UserLink($u)} 
    foreach my $t ( sort({$b <=> $a} keys(%EmailStr)) ) {
        $str .= $EmailStr{$t};
    print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Recent_Email_Summary}}"));

sub Action_Browse
    my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host});
    my($i, $dirStr, $fileStr, $attr);
    my $checkBoxCnt = 0;

    if ( !$Privileged ) {
    my $host  = $In{host};
    my $num   = $In{num};
    my $share = $In{share};
    my $dir   = $In{dir};

    ErrorExit($Lang->{Empty_host_name}) if ( $host eq "" );
    # Find the requested backup and the previous filled backup
    my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);
    for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) {
        last if ( $Backups[$i]{num} == $num );
    if ( $i >= @Backups ) {
        ErrorExit("Backup number $num for host ${EscHTML($host)} does"
	        . " not exist.");
    my $backupTime = timeStamp2($Backups[$i]{startTime});
    my $backupAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $Backups[$i]{startTime})
                                    / (24 * 3600));
    my $view = BackupPC::View->new($bpc, $host, \@Backups);

    if ( $dir eq "" || $dir eq "." || $dir eq ".." ) {
	$attr = $view->dirAttrib($num, "", "");
	if ( keys(%$attr) > 0 ) {
	    $share = (sort(keys(%$attr)))[0];
	    $dir   = '/';
	} else {
    $dir = "/$dir" if ( $dir !~ /^\// );
    my $relDir  = $dir;
    my $currDir = undef;

    # Loop up the directory tree until we hit the top.
    while ( 1 ) {
        my($fLast, $fLastum, @DirStr);

	$attr = $view->dirAttrib($num, $share, $relDir);
        if ( !defined($attr) ) {

        my $fileCnt = 0;          # file counter
        $fLast = $dirStr = "";

        # Loop over each of the files in this directory
	foreach my $f ( sort(keys(%$attr)) ) {
            my($dirOpen, $gotDir, $imgStr, $img, $path);
            my $fURI = $f;                             # URI escaped $f
            my $shareURI = $share;                     # URI escaped $share
	    if ( $relDir eq "" ) {
		$path = "/$f";
	    } else {
		($path = "$relDir/$f") =~ s{//+}{/}g;
	    if ( $shareURI eq "" ) {
		$shareURI = $f;
		$path  = "/";
            $path =~ s{^/+}{/};
            $path     =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg;
            $fURI     =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg;
            $shareURI =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg;
            $dirOpen  = 1 if ( defined($currDir) && $f eq $currDir );
            if ( $attr->{$f}{type} == BPC_FTYPE_DIR ) {
                # Display directory if it exists in current backup.
                # First find out if there are subdirs
		my($bold, $unbold, $BGcolor);
		$img |= 1 << 6;
		$img |= 1 << 5 if ( $attr->{$f}{nlink} > 2 );
		if ( $dirOpen ) {
		    $bold = "";
		    $unbold = "";
		    $img |= 1 << 2;
		    $img |= 1 << 3 if ( $attr->{$f}{nlink} > 2 );
		my $imgFileName = sprintf("%07b.gif", $img);
		$imgStr = "";
		if ( "$relDir/$f" eq $dir ) {
		    $BGcolor = " bgcolor=\"$Conf{CgiHeaderBgColor}\"";
		} else {
		    $BGcolor = "";
		my $dirName = $f;
		$dirName =~ s/ / /g;
		push(@DirStr, {needTick => 1,
			       tdArgs   => $BGcolor,
			       link     => <$imgStr $bold$dirName$unbold
                $gotDir = 1;
		if ( $dirOpen ) {
		    my($lastTick, $doneLastTick);
		    foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) {
			$lastTick = $d if ( $d->{needTick} );
		    $doneLastTick = 1 if ( !defined($lastTick) );
		    foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) {
			$img = 0;
			if  ( $d->{needTick} ) {
			    $img |= 1 << 0;
			if ( $d == $lastTick ) {
			    $img |= 1 << 4;
			    $doneLastTick = 1;
			} elsif ( !$doneLastTick ) {
			    $img |= 1 << 3 | 1 << 4;
			my $imgFileName = sprintf("%07b.gif", $img);
			$imgStr = "";
			push(@DirStr, {needTick => 0,
				       tdArgs   => $d->{tdArgs},
				       link     => $imgStr . $d->{link}
            if ( $relDir eq $dir ) {
                # This is the selected directory, so display all the files
                my $attrStr;
                if ( defined($a = $attr->{$f}) ) {
                    my $mtimeStr = $bpc->timeStamp($a->{mtime});
		    # UGH -> fix this
                    my $typeStr  = BackupPC::Attrib::fileType2Text(undef,
                    my $modeStr  = sprintf("0%o", $a->{mode} & 07777);
                    $attrStr .= <$typeStr

                } else {
                    $attrStr .= " \n";
		(my $fDisp = "${EscHTML($f)}") =~ s/ / /g;
                if ( $gotDir ) {
                    $fileStr .= < $fDisp

                } else {
                    $fileStr .= < $fDisp

	@DirStrPrev = @DirStr;
        last if ( $relDir eq "" && $share eq "" );
        # Prune the last directory off $relDir, or at the very end
	# do the top-level directory.
	if ( $relDir eq "" || $relDir eq "/" || $relDir !~ /(.*)\/(.*)/ ) {
	    $currDir = $share;
	    $share = "";
	    $relDir = "";
	} else {
	    $relDir  = $1;
	    $currDir = $2;
    $share = $currDir;
    my $dirDisplay = "$share/$dir";
    $dirDisplay =~ s{//+}{/}g;
    $dirDisplay =~ s{/+$}{}g;
    $dirDisplay = "/" if ( $dirDisplay eq "" );
    my $filledBackup;

    if ( (my @mergeNums = @{$view->mergeNums}) > 1 ) {
	my $numF = join(", #", @mergeNums);
        $filledBackup = eval("qq{$Lang->{This_display_is_merged_with_backup}}");

    foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) {
	$dirStr .= "{tdArgs}>$d->{link}\n";

    ### hide checkall button if there are no files
    my ($topCheckAll, $checkAll, $fileHeader);
    if ( $fileStr ) {
    	$fileHeader = eval("qq{$Lang->{fileHeader}}");

	$checkAll = $Lang->{checkAll};

    	# and put a checkall box on top if there are at least 20 files
	if ( $checkBoxCnt >= 20 ) {
	    $topCheckAll = $checkAll;
	    $topCheckAll =~ s{allFiles}{allFilestop}g;
    } else {
	$fileStr = eval("qq{$Lang->{The_directory_is_empty}}");
    my @otherDirs;
    foreach my $i ( $view->backupList($share, $dir) ) {
        my $path = $dir;
        my $shareURI = $share;
        $path =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/eg;
        $shareURI =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/eg;
        push(@otherDirs, "$i");

    if ( @otherDirs ) {
	my $otherDirs  = join(",\n", @otherDirs);
        $filledBackup .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Visit_this_directory_in_backup}}");
    print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Backup_browse_for__host}}"));

sub Action_Restore
    my($str, $reply);
    my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host});
    if ( !$Privileged ) {
    my $host  = $In{host};
    my $num   = $In{num};
    my $share = $In{share};
    my(@fileList, $fileListStr, $hiddenStr, $pathHdr, $badFileCnt);
    my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);

    if ( !defined($Hosts->{$host}) ) {
    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $In{fcbMax} ; $i++ ) {
        next if ( !defined($In{"fcb$i"}) );
        (my $name = $In{"fcb$i"}) =~ s/%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
        $badFileCnt++ if ( $name =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} );
	if ( @fileList == 0 ) {
	    $pathHdr = $name;
	} else {
	    while ( substr($name, 0, length($pathHdr)) ne $pathHdr ) {
		$pathHdr = substr($pathHdr, 0, rindex($pathHdr, "/"));
        push(@fileList, $name);
        $hiddenStr .= <
        $fileListStr .= < ${EscHTML($name)}
    $hiddenStr .= "\n";
    $hiddenStr .= "\n";
    $badFileCnt++ if ( $In{pathHdr} =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} );
    $badFileCnt++ if ( $In{num} =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} );
    if ( @fileList == 0 ) {
    if ( $badFileCnt ) {
    if ( @fileList == 1 ) {
	$pathHdr =~ s/(.*)\/.*/$1/;
    $pathHdr = "/" if ( $pathHdr eq "" );
    if ( $In{type} != 0 && @fileList == $In{fcbMax} ) {
	# All the files in the list were selected, so just restore the
	# entire parent directory
	@fileList = ( $pathHdr );
    if ( $In{type} == 0 ) {
        # Tell the user what options they have

	# Verify that Archive::Zip is available before showing the
	# zip restore option
	if ( eval { require Archive::Zip } ) {
	    print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Option_2__Download_Zip_archive}}"));
	} else {
	    print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Option_2__Download_Zip_archive2}}"));
	print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Option_3__Download_Zip_archive}}"));
    } elsif ( $In{type} == 1 ) {
        # Provide the selected files via a tar archive.
	my @fileListTrim = @fileList;
	if ( @fileListTrim > 10 ) {
	    @fileListTrim = (@fileListTrim[0..9], '...');
	$bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User downloaded tar archive for $host,"
		       . " backup $num; files were: "
		       . join(", ", @fileListTrim));

        my @pathOpts;
        if ( $In{relative} ) {
            @pathOpts = ("-r", $pathHdr, "-p", "");
	print(STDOUT <cmdSystemOrEval(["$BinDir/BackupPC_tarCreate",
		 "-h", $host,
		 "-n", $num,
		 "-s", $share,
	    sub { print(@_); }
    } elsif ( $In{type} == 2 ) {
        # Provide the selected files via a zip archive.
	my @fileListTrim = @fileList;
	if ( @fileListTrim > 10 ) {
	    @fileListTrim = (@fileListTrim[0..9], '...');
	$bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User downloaded zip archive for $host,"
		       . " backup $num; files were: "
		       . join(", ", @fileListTrim));

        my @pathOpts;
        if ( $In{relative} ) {
            @pathOpts = ("-r", $pathHdr, "-p", "");
	print(STDOUT <cmdSystemOrEval(["$BinDir/BackupPC_zipCreate",
		 "-h", $host,
		 "-n", $num,
		 "-c", $In{compressLevel},
		 "-s", $share,
	    sub { print(@_); }
    } elsif ( $In{type} == 3 ) {
        # Do restore directly onto host
	if ( !defined($Hosts->{$In{hostDest}}) ) {
	if ( !CheckPermission($In{hostDest}) ) {
        $fileListStr = "";
        foreach my $f ( @fileList ) {
            my $targetFile = $f;
	    (my $strippedShare = $share) =~ s/^\///;
	    (my $strippedShareDest = $In{shareDest}) =~ s/^\///;
            substr($targetFile, 0, length($pathHdr)) = $In{pathHdr};
            $fileListStr .= <$host:/$strippedShare$f$In{hostDest}:/$strippedShareDest$targetFile
    } elsif ( $In{type} == 4 ) {
	if ( !defined($Hosts->{$In{hostDest}}) ) {
	if ( !CheckPermission($In{hostDest}) ) {
	my $hostDest = $1 if ( $In{hostDest} =~ /(.+)/ );
	my $ipAddr = ConfirmIPAddress($hostDest);
        # Prepare and send the restore request.  We write the request
        # information using Data::Dumper to a unique file,
        # $TopDir/pc/$hostDest/restoreReq.$$.n.  We use a file
        # in case the list of files to restore is very long.
        my $reqFileName;
        for ( my $i = 0 ; ; $i++ ) {
            $reqFileName = "restoreReq.$$.$i";
            last if ( !-f "$TopDir/pc/$hostDest/$reqFileName" );
        my %restoreReq = (
	    # source of restore is hostSrc, #num, path shareSrc/pathHdrSrc
            num         => $In{num},
            hostSrc     => $host,
            shareSrc    => $share,
            pathHdrSrc  => $pathHdr,

	    # destination of restore is hostDest:shareDest/pathHdrDest
            hostDest    => $hostDest,
            shareDest   => $In{shareDest},
            pathHdrDest => $In{pathHdr},

	    # list of files to restore
            fileList    => \@fileList,

	    # other info
            user        => $User,
            reqTime     => time,
        my($dump) = Data::Dumper->new(
                         [  \%restoreReq],
        if ( open(REQ, ">$TopDir/pc/$hostDest/$reqFileName") ) {
            print(REQ $dump->Dump);
        } else {
	$reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("restore ${EscURI($ipAddr)}"
			. " ${EscURI($hostDest)} $User $reqFileName");
	$str = eval("qq{$Lang->{Restore_requested_to_host__hostDest__backup___num}}");
	print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Reply_from_server_was___reply}}"));

sub Action_RestoreFile
    restoreFile($In{host}, $In{num}, $In{share}, $In{dir});

sub restoreFile
    my($host, $num, $share, $dir, $skipHardLink, $origName) = @_;
    my($Privileged) = CheckPermission($host);

    # Some common content (media) types from www.iana.org (via MIME::Types).
    my $Ext2ContentType = {
	'asc'  => 'text/plain',
	'avi'  => 'video/x-msvideo',
	'bmp'  => 'image/bmp',
	'book' => 'application/x-maker',
	'cc'   => 'text/plain',
	'cpp'  => 'text/plain',
	'csh'  => 'application/x-csh',
	'csv'  => 'text/comma-separated-values',
	'c'    => 'text/plain',
	'deb'  => 'application/x-debian-package',
	'doc'  => 'application/msword',
	'dot'  => 'application/msword',
	'dtd'  => 'text/xml',
	'dvi'  => 'application/x-dvi',
	'eps'  => 'application/postscript',
	'fb'   => 'application/x-maker',
	'fbdoc'=> 'application/x-maker',
	'fm'   => 'application/x-maker',
	'frame'=> 'application/x-maker',
	'frm'  => 'application/x-maker',
	'gif'  => 'image/gif',
	'gtar' => 'application/x-gtar',
	'gz'   => 'application/x-gzip',
	'hh'   => 'text/plain',
	'hpp'  => 'text/plain',
	'h'    => 'text/plain',
	'html' => 'text/html',
	'htmlx'=> 'text/html',
	'htm'  => 'text/html',
	'iges' => 'model/iges',
	'igs'  => 'model/iges',
	'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
	'jpe'  => 'image/jpeg',
	'jpg'  => 'image/jpeg',
	'js'   => 'application/x-javascript',
	'latex'=> 'application/x-latex',
	'maker'=> 'application/x-maker',
	'mid'  => 'audio/midi',
	'midi' => 'audio/midi',
	'movie'=> 'video/x-sgi-movie',
	'mov'  => 'video/quicktime',
	'mp2'  => 'audio/mpeg',
	'mp3'  => 'audio/mpeg',
	'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg',
	'mpg'  => 'video/mpeg',
	'mpp'  => 'application/vnd.ms-project',
	'pdf'  => 'application/pdf',
	'pgp'  => 'application/pgp-signature',
	'php'  => 'application/x-httpd-php',
	'pht'  => 'application/x-httpd-php',
	'phtml'=> 'application/x-httpd-php',
	'png'  => 'image/png',
	'ppm'  => 'image/x-portable-pixmap',
	'ppt'  => 'application/powerpoint',
	'ppt'  => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint',
	'ps'   => 'application/postscript',
	'qt'   => 'video/quicktime',
	'rgb'  => 'image/x-rgb',
	'rtf'  => 'application/rtf',
	'rtf'  => 'text/rtf',
	'shar' => 'application/x-shar',
	'shtml'=> 'text/html',
	'swf'  => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
	'tex'  => 'application/x-tex',
	'texi' => 'application/x-texinfo',
	'texinfo'=> 'application/x-texinfo',
	'tgz'  => 'application/x-gtar',
	'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
	'tif'  => 'image/tiff',
	'txt'  => 'text/plain',
	'vcf'  => 'text/x-vCard',
	'vrml' => 'model/vrml',
	'wav'  => 'audio/x-wav',
	'wmls' => 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript',
	'wml'  => 'text/vnd.wap.wml',
	'wrl'  => 'model/vrml',
	'xls'  => 'application/vnd.ms-excel',
	'xml'  => 'text/xml',
	'xwd'  => 'image/x-xwindowdump',
	'z'    => 'application/x-compress',
	'zip'  => 'application/zip',
        %{$Conf{CgiExt2ContentType}},       # add site-specific values
    if ( !$Privileged ) {
    ErrorExit($Lang->{Empty_host_name}) if ( $host eq "" );

    $dir = "/" if ( $dir eq "" );
    my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);
    my $view = BackupPC::View->new($bpc, $host, \@Backups);
    my $a = $view->fileAttrib($num, $share, $dir);
    if ( $dir =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} || !defined($a) ) {
        ErrorExit("Can't restore bad file ${EscHTML($dir)}");
    my $f = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($a->{fullPath}, 0, $a->{compress});
    my $data;
    if ( !$skipHardLink && $a->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_HARDLINK ) {
	# hardlinks should look like the file they point to
	my $linkName;
        while ( $f->read(\$data, 65536) > 0 ) {
            $linkName .= $data;
	$linkName =~ s/^\.\///;
	my $share = $1 if ( $dir =~ /^\/?(.*?)\// );
	restoreFile($host, $num, $share, $linkName, 1, $dir);
    $bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User recovered file $host/$num:$share/$dir ($a->{fullPath})");
    $dir = $origName if ( defined($origName) );
    my $ext = $1 if ( $dir =~ /\.([^\/\.]+)$/ );
    my $contentType = $Ext2ContentType->{lc($ext)}
				    || "application/octet-stream";
    my $fileName = $1 if ( $dir =~ /.*\/(.*)/ );
    $fileName =~ s/"/\\"/g;
    print "Content-Type: $contentType\n";
    print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n";
    print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$fileName\"\n\n";
    while ( $f->read(\$data, 1024 * 1024) > 0 ) {
        print STDOUT $data;

sub Action_HostInfo
    my $host = $1 if ( $In{host} =~ /(.*)/ );
    my($statusStr, $startIncrStr);

    $host =~ s/^\s+//;
    $host =~ s/\s+$//;
    return Action_GeneralInfo() if ( $host eq "" );
    $host = lc($host)
                if ( !-d "$TopDir/pc/$host" && -d "$TopDir/pc/" . lc($host) );
    if ( $host =~ /\.\./ || !-d "$TopDir/pc/$host" ) {
        # try to lookup by user name
        if ( !defined($Hosts->{$host}) ) {
            foreach my $h ( keys(%$Hosts) ) {
                if ( $Hosts->{$h}{user} eq $host
                        || lc($Hosts->{$h}{user}) eq lc($host) ) {
                    $host = $h;
                                if ( !defined($Hosts->{$host}) );
        $In{host} = $host;
    %Conf = $bpc->Conf();
    my $Privileged = CheckPermission($host);
    if ( !$Privileged ) {

    my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host);
    my($str, $sizeStr, $compStr, $errStr, $warnStr);
    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) {
        my $startTime = timeStamp2($Backups[$i]{startTime});
        my $dur       = $Backups[$i]{endTime} - $Backups[$i]{startTime};
        $dur          = 1 if ( $dur <= 0 );
        my $duration  = sprintf("%.1f", $dur / 60);
        my $MB        = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024*1024));
        my $MBperSec  = sprintf("%.2f", $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024*1024*$dur));
        my $MBExist   = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{sizeExist} / (1024*1024));
        my $MBNew     = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{sizeNew} / (1024*1024));
        my($MBExistComp, $ExistComp, $MBNewComp, $NewComp);
        if ( $Backups[$i]{sizeExist} && $Backups[$i]{sizeExistComp} ) {
            $MBExistComp = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{sizeExistComp}
                                                / (1024 * 1024));
            $ExistComp = sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 *
                  (1 - $Backups[$i]{sizeExistComp} / $Backups[$i]{sizeExist}));
        if ( $Backups[$i]{sizeNew} && $Backups[$i]{sizeNewComp} ) {
            $MBNewComp = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{sizeNewComp}
                                                / (1024 * 1024));
            $NewComp = sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 *
                  (1 - $Backups[$i]{sizeNewComp} / $Backups[$i]{sizeNew}));
        my $age = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $Backups[$i]{startTime}) / (24*3600));
        my $browseURL = "$MyURL?action=browse&host=${EscURI($host)}&num=$Backups[$i]{num}";
        my $filled = $Backups[$i]{noFill} ? $Lang->{No} : $Lang->{Yes};
        $filled .= " ($Backups[$i]{fillFromNum}) "
                            if ( $Backups[$i]{fillFromNum} ne "" );
	my $ltype;
	if ($Backups[$i]{type} eq "full") { $ltype = $Lang->{full}; }
	else { $ltype = $Lang->{incremental}; }
        $str .= < $Backups[$i]{num} 
        $sizeStr .= < $Backups[$i]{num} 

	my $is_compress = $Backups[$i]{compress} || $Lang->{off};
	if (! $ExistComp) { $ExistComp = " "; }
	if (! $MBExistComp) { $MBExistComp = " "; }
        $compStr .= < $Backups[$i]{num} 

        $errStr .= < $Backups[$i]{num} 

    my @Restores = $bpc->RestoreInfoRead($host);
    my $restoreStr;

    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Restores ; $i++ ) {
        my $startTime = timeStamp2($Restores[$i]{startTime});
        my $dur       = $Restores[$i]{endTime} - $Restores[$i]{startTime};
        $dur          = 1 if ( $dur <= 0 );
        my $duration  = sprintf("%.1f", $dur / 60);
        my $MB        = sprintf("%.1f", $Restores[$i]{size} / (1024*1024));
        my $MBperSec  = sprintf("%.2f", $Restores[$i]{size} / (1024*1024*$dur));
	my $Restores_Result = $Lang->{failed};
	if ($Restores[$i]{result} ne "failed") { $Restores_Result = $Lang->{success}; }
	$restoreStr  .= <$Restores[$i]{num} 

    if ( $restoreStr ne "" ) {
	$restoreStr = eval("qq{$Lang->{Restore_Summary}}");
    if ( @Backups == 0 ) {
        $warnStr = $Lang->{This_PC_has_never_been_backed_up};
    if ( defined($Hosts->{$host}) ) {
        my $user = $Hosts->{$host}{user};
	my @moreUsers = sort(keys(%{$Hosts->{$host}{moreUsers}}));
	my $moreUserStr;
	foreach my $u ( sort(keys(%{$Hosts->{$host}{moreUsers}})) ) {
	    $moreUserStr .= ", " if ( $moreUserStr ne "" );
	    $moreUserStr .= "${UserLink($u)}";
	if ( $moreUserStr ne "" ) {
	    $moreUserStr = " ($Lang->{and} $moreUserStr).\n";
	} else {
	    $moreUserStr = ".\n";
        if ( $user ne "" ) {
            $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{This_PC_is_used_by}$moreUserStr}");
        if ( defined($UserEmailInfo{$user})
                && $UserEmailInfo{$user}{lastHost} eq $host ) {
            my $mailTime = timeStamp2($UserEmailInfo{$user}{lastTime});
            my $subj     = $UserEmailInfo{$user}{lastSubj};
            $statusStr  .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Last_email_sent_to__was_at___subject}}");
    if ( defined($Jobs{$host}) ) {
        my $startTime = timeStamp2($Jobs{$host}{startTime});
        (my $cmd = $Jobs{$host}{cmd}) =~ s/$BinDir\///g;
        $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{The_command_cmd_is_currently_running_for_started}}");
    if ( $StatusHost{BgQueueOn} ) {
        $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Host_host_is_queued_on_the_background_queue_will_be_backed_up_soon}}");
    if ( $StatusHost{UserQueueOn} ) {
        $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Host_host_is_queued_on_the_user_queue__will_be_backed_up_soon}}");
    if ( $StatusHost{CmdQueueOn} ) {
        $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{A_command_for_host_is_on_the_command_queue_will_run_soon}}");
    my $startTime = timeStamp2($StatusHost{endTime} == 0 ?
                $StatusHost{startTime} : $StatusHost{endTime});
    my $reason = "";
    if ( $StatusHost{reason} ne "" ) {
        $reason = " ($Lang->{$StatusHost{reason}})";
    $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Last_status_is_state_StatusHost_state_reason_as_of_startTime}}");

    if ( $StatusHost{state} ne "Status_backup_in_progress"
	    && $StatusHost{state} ne "Status_restore_in_progress"
	    && $StatusHost{error} ne "" ) {
        $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Last_error_is____EscHTML_StatusHost_error}}");
    my $priorStr = "Pings";
    if ( $StatusHost{deadCnt} > 0 ) {
        $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Pings_to_host_have_failed_StatusHost_deadCnt__consecutive_times}}");
        $priorStr = $Lang->{Prior_to_that__pings};
    if ( $StatusHost{aliveCnt} > 0 ) {
        $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{priorStr_to_host_have_succeeded_StatusHostaliveCnt_consecutive_times}}");

        if ( $StatusHost{aliveCnt} >= $Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt}
		&& $Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt} >= 0 && $Conf{BlackoutHourBegin} >= 0
		&& $Conf{BlackoutHourEnd} >= 0 ) {
            my(@days) = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
            my($days) = join(", ", @days[@{$Conf{BlackoutWeekDays}}]);
            my($t0) = sprintf("%d:%02d", $Conf{BlackoutHourBegin},
                            60 * ($Conf{BlackoutHourBegin}
                                     - int($Conf{BlackoutHourBegin})));
            my($t1) = sprintf("%d:%02d", $Conf{BlackoutHourEnd},
                            60 * ($Conf{BlackoutHourEnd}
                                     - int($Conf{BlackoutHourEnd})));
            $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Because__host_has_been_on_the_network_at_least__Conf_BlackoutGoodCnt_consecutive_times___}}");
    if ( $StatusHost{backoffTime} > time ) {
        my $hours = sprintf("%.1f", ($StatusHost{backoffTime} - time) / 3600);
        $statusStr .= eval("qq{$Lang->{Backups_are_deferred_for_hours_hours_change_this_number}}");

    if ( @Backups ) {
        # only allow incremental if there are already some backups
        $startIncrStr = <

    $startIncrStr = eval ("qq{$startIncrStr}");


sub Action_GeneralInfo
    GetStatusInfo("info jobs hosts queueLen");
    my $Privileged = CheckPermission();

    my($jobStr, $statusStr);
    foreach my $host ( sort(keys(%Jobs)) ) {
        my $startTime = timeStamp2($Jobs{$host}{startTime});
        next if ( $host eq $bpc->trashJob
                    && $Jobs{$host}{processState} ne "running" );
        $Jobs{$host}{type} = $Status{$host}{type}
                    if ( $Jobs{$host}{type} eq "" && defined($Status{$host}));
        (my $cmd = $Jobs{$host}{cmd}) =~ s/$BinDir\///g;
        (my $xferPid = $Jobs{$host}{xferPid}) =~ s/,/, /g;
        $jobStr .= < ${HostLink($host)} 
					? $Hosts->{$host}{user} : "")} 
        $jobStr .= "\n";
    foreach my $host ( sort(keys(%Status)) ) {
        next if ( $Status{$host}{reason} ne "Reason_backup_failed"
		    && $Status{$host}{reason} ne "Reason_restore_failed"
		    && (!$Status{$host}{userReq}
			|| $Status{$host}{reason} ne "Reason_no_ping") );
        my $startTime = timeStamp2($Status{$host}{startTime});
        my($errorTime, $XferViewStr);
        if ( $Status{$host}{errorTime} > 0 ) {
            $errorTime = timeStamp2($Status{$host}{errorTime});
        if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad"
                || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad.z"
                || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad"
                || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad.z"
                ) {
            $XferViewStr = <$Lang->{XferLOG},
        } else {
            $XferViewStr = "";
        (my $shortErr = $Status{$host}{error}) =~ s/(.{48}).*/$1.../;   
        $statusStr .= < ${HostLink($host)} 
					? $Hosts->{$host}{user} : "")} 
    my $now          = timeStamp2(time);
    my $nextWakeupTime = timeStamp2($Info{nextWakeup});
    my $DUlastTime   = timeStamp2($Info{DUlastValueTime});
    my $DUmaxTime    = timeStamp2($Info{DUDailyMaxTime});
    my $numBgQueue   = $QueueLen{BgQueue};
    my $numUserQueue = $QueueLen{UserQueue};
    my $numCmdQueue  = $QueueLen{CmdQueue};
    my $serverStartTime = timeStamp2($Info{startTime});
    my $poolInfo     = genPoolInfo("pool", \%Info);
    my $cpoolInfo    = genPoolInfo("cpool", \%Info);
    if ( $Info{poolFileCnt} > 0 && $Info{cpoolFileCnt} > 0 ) {
        $poolInfo = <Uncompressed pool:
  • Compressed pool:
    EOF } elsif ( $Info{cpoolFileCnt} > 0 ) { $poolInfo = $cpoolInfo; } Header($Lang->{H_BackupPC_Server_Status}); print (eval ("qq{$Lang->{BackupPC_Server_Status}}")); Trailer(); } sub Action_RestoreInfo { my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host}); my $host = $1 if ( $In{host} =~ /(.*)/ ); my $num = $In{num}; my $i; if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit($Lang->{Only_privileged_users_can_view_restore_information}); } # # Find the requested restore # my @Restores = $bpc->RestoreInfoRead($host); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @Restores ; $i++ ) { last if ( $Restores[$i]{num} == $num ); } if ( $i >= @Restores ) { ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Restore_number__num_for_host__does_not_exist}}")); } %RestoreReq = (); do "$TopDir/pc/$host/RestoreInfo.$Restores[$i]{num}" if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/RestoreInfo.$Restores[$i]{num}" ); my $startTime = timeStamp2($Restores[$i]{startTime}); my $reqTime = timeStamp2($RestoreReq{reqTime}); my $dur = $Restores[$i]{endTime} - $Restores[$i]{startTime}; $dur = 1 if ( $dur <= 0 ); my $duration = sprintf("%.1f", $dur / 60); my $MB = sprintf("%.1f", $Restores[$i]{size} / (1024*1024)); my $MBperSec = sprintf("%.2f", $Restores[$i]{size} / (1024*1024*$dur)); my $fileListStr = ""; foreach my $f ( @{$RestoreReq{fileList}} ) { my $targetFile = $f; (my $strippedShareSrc = $RestoreReq{shareSrc}) =~ s/^\///; (my $strippedShareDest = $RestoreReq{shareDest}) =~ s/^\///; substr($targetFile, 0, length($RestoreReq{pathHdrSrc})) = $RestoreReq{pathHdrDest}; $fileListStr .= <$RestoreReq{hostSrc}:/$strippedShareSrc$f$RestoreReq{hostDest}:/$strippedShareDest$targetFile EOF } Header(eval("qq{$Lang->{Restore___num_details_for__host}}")); print(eval("qq{$Lang->{Restore___num_details_for__host2 }}")); Trailer(); } ########################################################################### # Miscellaneous subroutines ########################################################################### sub timeStamp2 { my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($_[0] == 0 ? time : $_[0] ); $year += 1900; $mon++; if ( $Conf{CgiDateFormatMMDD} ) { return sprintf("$mon/$mday %02d:%02d", $hour, $min); } else { return sprintf("$mday/$mon %02d:%02d", $hour, $min); } } sub HostLink { my($host) = @_; my($s); if ( defined($Hosts->{$host}) || defined($Status{$host}) ) { $s = "$host"; } else { $s = $host; } return \$s; } sub UserLink { my($user) = @_; my($s); return \$user if ( $user eq "" || $Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate} eq "" ); if ( $Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck} eq "" || -f sprintf($Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck}, $user, $user, $user) ) { $s = "$user"; } else { $s = $user; } return \$s; } sub EscHTML { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/&/&/g; $s =~ s/\"/"/g; $s =~ s/>/>/g; $s =~ s/\n

    ", @mesg); $Conf{CgiHeaderFontType} ||= "arial"; $Conf{CgiHeaderFontSize} ||= "3"; $Conf{CgiNavBarBgColor} ||= "#ddeeee"; $Conf{CgiHeaderBgColor} ||= "#99cc33"; if ( !defined($ENV{REMOTE_USER}) ) { $mesg .= < Note: \$ENV{REMOTE_USER} is not set, which could mean there is an installation problem. BackupPC_Admin expects Apache to authenticate the user and pass their user name into this script as the REMOTE_USER environment variable. See the documentation. EOF } $bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User (host=$In{host}) got CGI error: $head") if ( defined($bpc) ); if ( !defined($Lang->{Error}) ) { Header("BackupPC: Error"); $mesg = <$mesg

    EOF Trailer(); } else { Header(eval("qq{$Lang->{Error}}")); print (eval("qq{$Lang->{Error____head}}")); Trailer(); } exit(1); } sub ServerConnect { # # Verify that the server connection is ok # return if ( $bpc->ServerOK() ); $bpc->ServerDisconnect(); if ( my $err = $bpc->ServerConnect($Conf{ServerHost}, $Conf{ServerPort}) ) { ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Unable_to_connect_to_BackupPC_server}}")); } } sub GetStatusInfo { my($status) = @_; ServerConnect(); my $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("status $status"); $reply = $1 if ( $reply =~ /(.*)/s ); eval($reply); # ignore status related to admin and trashClean jobs if ( $status =~ /\bhosts\b/ ) { delete($Status{$bpc->adminJob}); delete($Status{$bpc->trashJob}); } } sub ReadUserEmailInfo { if ( (stat("$TopDir/log/UserEmailInfo.pl"))[9] != $UserEmailInfoMTime ) { do "$TopDir/log/UserEmailInfo.pl"; $UserEmailInfoMTime = (stat("$TopDir/log/UserEmailInfo.pl"))[9]; } } # # Check if the user is privileged. A privileged user can access # any information (backup files, logs, status pages etc). # # A user is privileged if they belong to the group # $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup}, or they are in $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} # or they are the user assigned to a host in the host file. # sub CheckPermission { my($host) = @_; my $Privileged = 0; return 0 if ( $User eq "" && $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} ne "*" || $host ne "" && !defined($Hosts->{$host}) ); if ( $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} ne "" ) { my($n,$p,$gid,$mem) = getgrnam($Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup}); $Privileged ||= ($mem =~ /\b$User\b/); } if ( $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} ne "" ) { $Privileged ||= ($Conf{CgiAdminUsers} =~ /\b$User\b/); $Privileged ||= $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} eq "*"; } $PrivAdmin = $Privileged; $Privileged ||= $User eq $Hosts->{$host}{user}; $Privileged ||= defined($Hosts->{$host}{moreUsers}{$User}); return $Privileged; } # # Returns the list of hosts that should appear in the navigation bar # for this user. If $Conf{CgiNavBarAdminAllHosts} is set, the admin # gets all the hosts. Otherwise, regular users get hosts for which # they are the user or are listed in the moreUsers column in the # hosts file. # sub GetUserHosts { if ( $Conf{CgiNavBarAdminAllHosts} && CheckPermission() ) { return sort keys %$Hosts; } return sort grep { $Hosts->{$_}{user} eq $User || defined($Hosts->{$_}{moreUsers}{$User}) } keys(%$Hosts); } # # Given a host name tries to find the IP address. For non-dhcp hosts # we just return the host name. For dhcp hosts we check the address # the user is using ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}) and also the last-known IP # address for $host. (Later we should replace this with a broadcast # nmblookup.) # sub ConfirmIPAddress { my($host) = @_; my $ipAddr = $host; if ( defined($Hosts->{$host}) && $Hosts->{$host}{dhcp} && $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^(\d+[\.\d]*)$/ ) { $ipAddr = $1; my($netBiosHost, $netBiosUser) = $bpc->NetBiosInfoGet($ipAddr); if ( $netBiosHost ne $host ) { my($tryIP); GetStatusInfo("host(${EscURI($host)})"); if ( defined($StatusHost{dhcpHostIP}) && $StatusHost{dhcpHostIP} ne $ipAddr ) { $tryIP = eval("qq{$Lang->{tryIP}}"); ($netBiosHost, $netBiosUser) = $bpc->NetBiosInfoGet($StatusHost{dhcpHostIP}); } if ( $netBiosHost ne $host ) { ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Can_t_find_IP_address_for}}"), eval("qq{$Lang->{host_is_a_DHCP_host}}")); } $ipAddr = $StatusHost{dhcpHostIP}; } } return $ipAddr; } sub genPoolInfo { my($name, $info) = @_; my $poolSize = sprintf("%.2f", $info->{"${name}Kb"} / (1000 * 1024)); my $poolRmSize = sprintf("%.2f", $info->{"${name}KbRm"} / (1000 * 1024)); my $poolTime = timeStamp2($info->{"${name}Time"}); $info->{"${name}FileCntRm"} = $info->{"${name}FileCntRm"} + 0; return eval("qq{$Lang->{Pool_Stat}}"); } ########################################################################### # HTML layout subroutines ########################################################################### sub Header { my($title) = @_; my @adminLinks = ( { link => "", name => $Lang->{Status}, priv => 1}, { link => "?action=summary", name => $Lang->{PC_Summary} }, { link => "?action=view&type=LOG", name => $Lang->{LOG_file} }, { link => "?action=LOGlist", name => $Lang->{Old_LOGs} }, { link => "?action=emailSummary", name => $Lang->{Email_summary} }, { link => "?action=view&type=config", name => $Lang->{Config_file} }, { link => "?action=view&type=hosts", name => $Lang->{Hosts_file} }, { link => "?action=queue", name => $Lang->{Current_queues} }, { link => "?action=view&type=docs", name => $Lang->{Documentation}, priv => 1}, { link => "http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq", name => "FAQ", priv => 1}, { link => "http://backuppc.sourceforge.net", name => "SourceForge", priv => 1}, ); print $Cgi->header(); print < $title $Conf{CgiHeaders}
    EOF NavSectionTitle("BackupPC"); print " \n"; if ( defined($In{host}) && defined($Hosts->{$In{host}}) ) { my $host = $In{host}; NavSectionTitle( eval("qq{$Lang->{Host_Inhost}}") ); NavSectionStart(); NavLink("?host=${EscURI($host)}", $Lang->{Home}); NavLink("?action=view&type=LOG&host=${EscURI($host)}", $Lang->{LOG_file}); NavLink("?action=LOGlist&host=${EscURI($host)}", $Lang->{Old_LOGs}); if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad.z" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad.z" ) { NavLink("?action=view&type=XferLOGbad&host=${EscURI($host)}", $Lang->{Last_bad_XferLOG}); NavLink("?action=view&type=XferErrbad&host=${EscURI($host)}", $Lang->{Last_bad_XferLOG_errors_only}); } if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/config.pl" ) { NavLink("?action=view&type=config&host=${EscURI($host)}", $Lang->{Config_file}); } NavSectionEnd(); } NavSectionTitle($Lang->{Hosts}); if ( defined($Hosts) && %$Hosts > 0 ) { NavSectionStart(1); foreach my $host ( GetUserHosts() ) { NavLink("?host=${EscURI($host)}", $host); } NavSectionEnd(); } print <
    EOF NavSectionTitle($Lang->{NavSectionTitle_}); NavSectionStart(); foreach my $l ( @adminLinks ) { if ( $PrivAdmin || $l->{priv} ) { NavLink($l->{link}, $l->{name}); } else { NavLink(undef, $l->{name}); } } NavSectionEnd(); print <   EOF } sub Trailer { print < EOF } sub NavSectionTitle { my($head) = @_; print < $head EOF } sub NavSectionStart { my($padding) = @_; $padding = 1 if ( !defined($padding) ); print < EOF } sub NavSectionEnd { print "\n"; } sub NavLink { my($link, $text) = @_; print "·"; if ( defined($link) ) { $link = "$MyURL$link" if ( $link eq "" || $link =~ /^\?/ ); print <$text EOF } else { print <$text EOF } } sub h1 { my($str) = @_; return \<  $str EOF } sub h2 { my($str) = @_; return \<  $str EOF }