#!/usr/bin/env python #GoodFET SPI Flash Client #by Travis Goodspeed import sys; import binascii; import array; import time; from GoodFETNRF import GoodFETNRF; from intelhex import IntelHex; regnames=["CONFIG","EN_AA","EN_RXADDR","SETUP_AW","SETUP_RET", "RF_CH","RF_SETUP","STATUS","OBSERVE_TX","RPD", "RX_ADDR_P0","RX_ADDR_P1","RX_ADDR_P2","RX_ADDR_P3","RX_ADDR_P4","RX_ADDR_P5", "TX_ADDR", "RX_PW_P0","RX_PW_P1","RX_PW_P2","RX_PW_P3","RX_PW_P4","RX_PW_P5", "FIFO_STATUS","?", "?","?","?","DYNPD","FEATURE","AGC_CONFIG","?","?", "?","?","?","?","?","?","?","?"]; def printpacket(packet): s=""; i=0; for foo in packet: i=i+1; if i>client.packetlen: break; s="%s %02x" % (s,ord(foo)); print "%s" % s; def printmspacket(packet,offset=1): keyword=client.RF_getsmac(); #print "keyword=%010x" % key; key=[]; for foo in range(0,5): key.append(keyword&0xFF); keyword=(keyword>>8); #print "Keybyte %02x" % key[foo]; i=0; s=""; for foo in packet: if i>=4: s="%s %02x" % (s,ord(foo)^key[(i+offset)%5]); else: s="%s %02x" % (s,ord(foo)); i=i+1; print "%s" % (s); def printconfig(): print "Encoding %s" % client.RF_getenc(); print "Freq %10i MHz" % (client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); print "Rate %10i kbps" % (client.RF_getrate()/1000); print "PacketLen %02i bytes" % client.RF_getpacketlen(); #print "MacLen %2i bytes" % client.RF_getmaclen(); print "SMAC 0x%010x" % client.RF_getsmac(); print "TMAC 0x%010x" % client.RF_gettmac(); if(len(sys.argv)==1): print "Usage: %s verb [objects]\n" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s info" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s test" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s regs" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s regbits" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s pyregs" % sys.argv[0]; print ""; print "%s tune aa|55,mac,r5,r6\n\tTunes to a configuration." % sys.argv[0]; print "%s sniff\n\tSniffs packets by current config." % sys.argv[0]; print "%s sniffob\n\tSniffs OpenBeacon traffic." % sys.argv[0]; print "%s snifftp\n\tSniffs Turning Point Clicker traffic." % sys.argv[0]; print "%s sniffsf\n\tSniffs SparkFun Dongle traffic." % sys.argv[0]; print ""; print "%s sniffprom [0xaa|0x55]\n\tSniffs promiscuously for a preamble of 0xAA or 0x55" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s autotune\n\tSearches for a valid destination address." % sys.argv[0]; print ""; print "%s sniffskybrake\n\tSniffs skybrake. [broken?]" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s sniffmskb\n\tSniffs MS KB. [broken?]" % sys.argv[0]; print "%s hosttp\n\tHosts Turning Point Clicker traffic." % sys.argv[0]; print "%s carrier [freq]\n\tHolds a carrier on [freq] Hz." % sys.argv[0]; sys.exit(); #Initialize FET and set baud rate client=GoodFETNRF(); client.serInit() client.NRFsetup(); if(sys.argv[1]=="info"): printconfig(); if(sys.argv[1]=="test"): print "Old registers:" printconfig(); # Set PWR_UP=1 and PRIM_RX=0 in CONFIG. client.poke(0x00,2); #Delay of 1.5ms by round-trip. print "\n\n"; #Try all data rates for foo in [250*10**3, 1*10**6, 2*10**6]: client.RF_setrate(foo); if(client.RF_getrate()!=foo): print "ERROR Rate %i not supported. Got %i instead." % (foo, client.RF_getrate()); print "\n\n"; client.poke(0x0A,0xDEADBEEF,5); #print "SMAC set to %010x" % client.RF_getsmac(); if client.RF_getsmac()!=0xdeadbeef: print "ERROR: Failed to set MAC address."; print "Final registers:" printconfig(); if(sys.argv[1]=="carrier"): if len(sys.argv)>2: client.RF_setfreq(eval(sys.argv[2])); client.RF_carrier(); printconfig(); print "\nHolding a carrier wave."; while(1): time.sleep(1); if(sys.argv[1]=="tune"): if len(sys.argv)>2: client.tune(sys.argv[2]); else: print "Specify a tuning, such as 'aa,c78c65805e,14,09'"; if(sys.argv[1]=="regs"): for r in range(0,0x20): print "r[0x%02x]=0x%010x //%16s " % (r,client.peek(r),regnames[r]); if(sys.argv[1]=="pyregs"): for r in range(0,0x20): print "client.set(0x%02x,0x%010x); #%16s " % (r,client.peek(r),regnames[r]); if(sys.argv[1]=="peek"): start=0x0000; if(len(sys.argv)>2): start=int(sys.argv[2],16); stop=start; if(len(sys.argv)>3): stop=int(sys.argv[3],16); print "Peeking from %02x to %02x." % (start,stop); while start<=stop: print "%02x: %010x" % (start,client.peek(start)); start=start+1; if(sys.argv[1]=="poke"): start=0x0000; val=0x00; if(len(sys.argv)>2): start=int(sys.argv[2],16); if(len(sys.argv)>3): val=int(sys.argv[3],16); print "Poking %02x to become %010x." % (start,val); client.poke(start,val); print "Poked to %04x" % client.peek(start); if(sys.argv[1]=="sniffob"): #Reversal of transmitter code from nRF_CMD.c of OpenBeacon #TODO remove all poke() calls. client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 client.RF_setfreq(2481 * 10**6); client.poke(0x06,0x09); #2MBps, -18dBm in RF_SETUP client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register #OpenBeacon defines these in little endian as follows. client.RF_setmaclen(5); # SETUP_AW for 5-byte addresses. #0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01 client.RF_setsmac(0x0102030201); #'O', 'C', 'A', 'E', 'B' client.RF_settmac(0x424541434F); #Set packet length of 16. client.RF_setpacketlen(16); #Power radio, prime for RX, one-byte checksum. client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03|0x08); #0x08 for one byte, 0x04 for two. print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); #Now we're ready to get packets. while 1: packet=None; while packet==None: #time.sleep(0.1); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); printpacket(packet); sys.stdout.flush(); if(sys.argv[1]=="regbits"): print "Scanning registers to determine which bits are valid." regbits=range(0,0x30); for r in range(0,0x30): old=client.peek(r); #Which bits can be set? client.poke(r,0xFF); ones=client.peek(r); #Which bits can be clear? client.poke(r,0x00); zeroes=client.peek(r); regbits[r]=(ones & (~zeroes)); for r in range(0,0x30): if regbits[r]!=0: print "r[0x%02x] masked %02x // %s" % (r,regbits[r], regnames[r]); if(sys.argv[1]=="sniffprom"): #Reversal of transmitter code from nRF_CMD.c of OpenBeacon #TODO remove all poke() calls. client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 #client.RF_setfreq(2481 * 10**6); #client.poke(0x06,0x09); #2MBps, -18dBm in RF_SETUP client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register #OpenBeacon defines these in little endian as follows. client.RF_setmaclen(2); # SETUP_AW for shortest #It's better to have a known fragment, when one is available. #client.RF_setsmac(0x00AA); #client.RF_setsmac(0x0055); #Should end in 55 or AA depending upon the packet. tail=0x55 if(len(sys.argv)>2): tail=int(sys.argv[2],16); else: print "Please specify a tail of 0xAA or 0x55."; sys.exit(1); client.RF_setsmac(tail); #Longest length. client.RF_setpacketlen(32); #Power radio, prime for RX, no checksum client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03); #0x08 for checksum, 0x04 for two. print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); #Now we're ready to get packets. while 1: packet=None; while packet==None: #time.sleep(0.1); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); printpacket(packet); sys.stdout.flush(); class AutoTuner(): """This guesses addresses by searching through packets.""" addresses={}; client=None; #Limits on search space, because you usually know what you're looking for. rate=False; chan=False; sync=False; startch=0; #Useful for forcing an early match. def init(self,goodfet, rate=True,chan=True,sync=True): """Initializes a link to the GoodFET for autotuning.""" self.client=goodfet; self.rate=rate; self.chan=chan; self.sync=sync; client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 #Disable shockburst. client.poke(0x1C,0x00); client.poke(0x1D,0x00); client.RF_setmaclen(2); # SETUP_AW for shortest #historic #client.RF_setsmac(0x00AA); #client.RF_setsmac(0x0055); client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03); #prime radio. return; def packetaddr(self,packet,justmac=False): """Returns a loaded packet address, including channel and rate.""" sync=self.client.RF_getsmac()&0xFF; mac=""; #MAC,RF_CH,RATE for i in range(0,5): mac="%s%02x" % (mac,ord(packet[i])); if justmac: return mac; ch=self.client.peek(0x05); rate=self.client.peek(0x06); return "%02x,%s,%02x,%02x" % ( sync,mac,ch,rate); def validmac(self,packet): sync=self.client.RF_getsmac()&0xFF; mac=self.packetaddr(packet,justmac=True); if (ord(packet[0])&0x80)^(sync&0x80): #print "%02x%02x invalid entry." % (sync,ord(packet[0])); #This is a special kind of failure. Freq is probably right, but MAC is wrong. return False; if mac=='5555555555' or mac=='aaaaaaaaaa': return False; return True; def handle(self,packet): """Handles a packet.""" #printpacket(packet); if not self.validmac(packet): #print "Dropped packet from %s" % self.packetaddr(packet,justmac=True); #printpacket(packet); return; addr=self.packetaddr(packet); #Increment the address count. count=0; try: count=self.addresses[addr]; except: pass; self.addresses[addr]=count+1; rate=count*1.0/len(self.addresses); if self.addresses[addr]>1 or rate>0.01: print "'%s' looks valid\t%i\t%0.5f" % ( addr,count,rate); return addr; tunecount=0; def selftune(self,threshold=2,forever=False, delay=5.0): """Tunes to the first strong signal. It's important that this not get triggered by false positives.""" while 1: self.retune(); start=time.mktime(time.localtime()); while (time.mktime(time.localtime())-start) < delay: packet=None; while packet==None: packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); addr=guesser.handle(packet); try: count=self.addresses[addr]; except: count=0; if count>threshold: #Tune it in here? client.tune(addr); return addr; sys.stdout.flush(); def retune(self): """Tunes to another channel or preamble looking for the next packet.""" count=self.tunecount; self.tunecount=count+1; #Swap the SYNC value most often. if self.sync: sync=0xAA; if count&1: sync=0x55; self.client.RF_setsmac(sync); count=(count>>1); if self.rate: #Then the data rate. rate=0; #This swaps between 1Mbps and 2Mbps. #TODO add support for 256kbps, if anyone uses it. if count&1: rate=rate|0x08; #print "Setting rate to 0x%02x" % rate; if(rate==0x20): rate=0x08; self.client.poke(0x06,rate); count=(count>>1); if self.chan: self.client.poke(0x05, (count+self.startch)&0x7f); print "Tuned to %i MHz" % ( self.client.RF_getfreq() /(10**6)); #Grab two packets to clear buffers. #Should retune only after a few packets to reduce this delay. packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); return; if(sys.argv[1]=="autotune"): #Reversal of transmitter code from nRF_CMD.c of OpenBeacon #TODO remove all poke() calls. guesser=AutoTuner(); guesser.init(client,rate=True,sync=True,chan=True); #client.RF_setfreq(2481 * 10**6); client.poke(0x06,0x09); #2MBps, -18dBm in RF_SETUP client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register #This is determined by the MAC, which we don't yet know. #Longest length. client.RF_setpacketlen(32); #Power radio, prime for RX, no checksum client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03); #0x08 for checksum, 0x04 for two. print "Autotuning on %i MHz" % ( client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); print "sync,mac,r5,r6"; #Now we're ready to get packets. guesser.selftune(threshold=2, forever=True); if(sys.argv[1]=="sniffmskb"): #MSWK 3000 v2.0 #TODO remove all poke() calls. client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 client.poke(0x06,0x09); #2MBps, -18dBm in RF_SETUP client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register #This is the address of a specific keyboard. #Other keyboards will be different. client.RF_setmaclen(5); #Known pairs. The channel and the low address bytes must match. #client.RF_setfreq((2400+0x13) * 10**6); #client.RF_setsmac(0xc00a3598cd); #client.RF_setfreq((2400+0x15) * 10**6); #client.RF_setsmac(0xc10446facd); #Mac packet length, illegally 0-length address field. client.RF_setpacketlen(16); #aa,c00a3598cd,13,09 if len(sys.argv)>2: client.tune(sys.argv[2]); else: print "Searching for a keyboard."; guesser=AutoTuner(); guesser.init(client, rate=False, sync=True, chan=True); guesser.selftune(threshold=4,forever=False, delay=10.0); client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 #client.RF_setmaclen(3); #Finally, dynamic payload lengths need to be enabled. #client.poke(0x01,0x01); client.poke(0x1C,0x01); client.poke(0x1D,0x06); client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03); #prime radio. print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); #Now we're ready to get packets. while 1: packet=None; while packet==None: #time.sleep(1); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); #print "."; printmspacket(packet); sys.stdout.flush(); if(sys.argv[1]=="sniffskybrake"): #Reversal of transmitter code from nRF_CMD.c of OpenBeacon #TODO remove all poke() calls. client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 client.RF_setfreq(2439 * 10**6); client.poke(0x06,0x00); #1MBps client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register #OpenBeacon defines these in little endian as follows. client.RF_setmaclen(2); # SETUP_AW for 3-byte addresses. #0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01 client.RF_setsmac(0x070700d2c4); #reversed #client.RF_setsmac(0xd2c4); #client.RF_setsmac(0); #Mac packet length, illegally 0-length address field. client.RF_setpacketlen(32); #Power radio, prime for RX, one-byte checksum. client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03); #0x08 for one byte, 0x04 for two. print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); print "%i byte mac match." % client.RF_getmaclen(); #Now we're ready to get packets. while 1: packet=None; while packet==None: #time.sleep(0.1); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); printpacket(packet); sys.stdout.flush(); if(sys.argv[1]=="sniffsf"): #Reversal of transmitter code from nRF_CMD.c of OpenBeacon #TODO remove all poke() calls. client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 client.RF_setfreq(2402 * 10**6); client.poke(0x06,0x07); #1Mbps client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register #OpenBeacon defines these in little endian as follows. client.RF_setmaclen(5); # SETUP_AW for 5-byte addresses. client.RF_setsmac(0xe7e7e7e7e7); client.RF_settmac(0xe7e7e7e7e7); #Set packet length of 16. client.RF_setpacketlen(4); #Power radio, prime for RX, one-byte checksum. client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03|0x08); #0x08 for one byte, 0x04 for two. print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); #Now we're ready to get packets. while 1: packet=None; while packet==None: #time.sleep(0.1); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); printpacket(packet); sys.stdout.flush(); if(sys.argv[1]=="snifftp"): client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 client.RF_setfreq((2400+0x29) * 10**6); client.poke(0x06,0x00); #1Mbps client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register client.RF_setmaclen(3); # SETUP_AW for 3-byte addresses. client.RF_setsmac(0x123456); client.RF_setpacketlen(4); #Power radio, prime for RX, two-byte checksum. client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03|0x04|0x08); print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); #Now we're ready to get packets. while 1: packet=None; while packet==None: #time.sleep(0.1); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); printpacket(packet); sys.stdout.flush(); if(sys.argv[1]=="hosttp"): client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x01,0x00); #Disable Shockburst client.poke(0x02,0x01); #Set RX Pipe 0 chan=0x29; client.RF_setfreq((2400+chan) * 10**6); client.poke(0x06,0x00); #1Mbps client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register client.RF_setmaclen(3); # SETUP_AW for 3-byte addresses. client.RF_setsmac(0x123456); client.RF_setpacketlen(4); #Power radio, prime for RX, two-byte checksum. client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03|0x04|0x08); print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); #Now we're ready to get packets. while 1: packet=None; while packet==None: packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); mac=((ord(packet[0])<<16)+ (ord(packet[1])<<8)+ ord(packet[2])); key=packet[3]; print "%c from %06x" % (key,mac); sys.stdout.flush(); if(sys.argv[1]=="sniff"): #client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register #Power radio, prime for RX, no checksum. client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03); #Mac packet length. client.RF_setpacketlen(32); #Mac length, reduced #client.RF_setmaclen(3); # SETUP_AW for shortest print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); #Now we're ready to get packets. while 1: packet=None; while packet==None: #time.sleep(0.1); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); printpacket(packet); sys.stdout.flush(); if(sys.argv[1]=="explore"): #client.poke(0x00,0x00); #Stop nRF client.poke(0x07,0x78); #Reset status register #Power radio, prime for RX, no checksum. client.poke(0x00,0x70|0x03); #Set packet length of 32. #Without checksums, extra data will mix in. client.RF_setpacketlen(32); client.RF_setmaclen(3); # shortest address length #Now we're ready to get packets. for smac in [0x0102030201, 0]: client.RF_setsmac(smac); for chan in range(0,0x80): client.RF_setfreq((2400+chan) * 10**6); time.sleep(1); packet=client.RF_rxpacket(); if packet!=None: print "Listening as %010x on %i MHz" % (client.RF_getsmac(), client.RF_getfreq()/10**6); printpacket(packet); sys.stdout.flush();