use IsisDB module instead of OpenIsis -- this will fix various problems in
[webpac] / openisis / tcl / miki
1 #!/opt/openisis/tcl/bin/tspr print
2 <%--
3         mikidoc Tcl server page
4         $Id: miki,v 1.5 2003/06/10 11:02:11 kripke Exp $
5 --%><%!
7 proc mikidoc file {
8         set fid [open $file]
9         set notes ""
10         set in 0
11         set eol "\n"
12         set code 0
13         while 1 {
14                 set len [gets $fid line]
15                 set is 0
16                 set c [string index $line 0]
17                 set tab [expr {"\t" == [string index $line 1] ? 2 : 1}]
18                 if {$code && "$" != $c} {
19                         set line [::openIsis::2html $line]
20                 } else {
21                         switch -- $c "" { # empty
22                                 set line "<br/>"
23                         } {$} { # toggle code
24                                 if $code {
25                                         set line "</pre>"; set code 0
26                                 } else {
27                                         set line "<pre>"; set code 1
28                                 }
29                         } * { # head
30                                 set anchor ""
31                                 if { 1==$tab && 2<$len && " " != [string index $line 1]} {
32                                         set i [string first "\t" $line]
33                                         if {1 < $i} {
34                                                 set tab [expr $i+1]
35                                                 set anchor "<a name=\"\
36                                                         [string range $line 1 [expr $i-1]]\">&nbsp;</a>"
37                                         }
38                                 }
39                                 set line "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><b>\
40                                         [string range $line $tab end]\
41                                         </b>$anchor</td></tr><tr><td align=\"justify\">"
42                         } - {
43                                 if [string match ---* $line] {
44                                         set line "<hr>"
45                                 } else {
46                                         set line "[expr {1 == $in ? "</li>" : "<ul>"}]<li>\
47                                                 [string range $line $tab end]"
48                                         if {40 > $len} { append line "<br/>" }
49                                         set is 1
50                                 }
51                         } | {
52                                 set is 2
53                                 if {2 != $in} {
54                                         set l "<table>\n<tr bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\">"
55                                         set td th
56                                 } else {
57                                         set l <tr>
58                                         set td td
59                                 }
60                                 foreach cell [split [string range $line $tab end] "|\t"] {
61                                         append l "<$td>$cell</$td>"
62                                 }
63                                 append l </tr>
64                                 set line $l
65                         } "\t" {
66                                 set is $in
67                                 if {"\t" == $line} { append line "<br/>" }
68                         } > {
69                                 set is $in
70                                 foreach {ref name} [split [string range $line $tab end] "\t"] break
71                                 if {"" == $name} { set name $ref }
72                                 set line "<a href=\"$ref\">$name</a>"
73                         } . {
74                                 if [string match ...* $line] {
75                                         set notes [string trim [string range $line 3 end]]
76                                         continue
77                                 }
78                         } ! {
79                                 set eol "<br/>\n"
80                                 continue
81                         } ";" {
82                                 continue
83                         }
84                 }
85                 if {$in != $is} { # close where we 
86                         switch $in \
87                         1 { puts "</ul>\n" } \
88                         2 { puts "</table>\n" } \
89                 }
90                 if {0 > $len} break
91                 append line $eol
92                 puts $line
93                 set in $is
94         }
95         close $fid
96         return $notes
97 }
99 %><%
100         # request standard tags
101         # -10 SCRIPT_NAME
102         # -11 PATH_INFO
103         # -12 REMOTE_USER
104         #
105         # request parameters
106         #       1 print
107         #
108         global env
109         # foreach e [array names env] { ::puts stderr "$e\t$env($e)" }
110         # ::puts stderr [request serialize]
112         set script [lindex [request get -10] 0]
113         set name /OverView
114         catch {set name [lindex [request get -11] 0]}
115         set sides 0
116         if [catch {request get 1}] { set sides 1 }
117         set name [string map {/ "" . ""} $name]
119         cd /opt/openisis/doc
120         if ![file isfile $name.txt] { set name OverView }
121         set right ""
123 %><html>
124 <head>
125   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
126   <title>OpenIsis - <%=name%></title>
127         <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
128 </head>
129 <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
130         marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
131 <% if $sides { %>
132 <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
133         marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" border="0">
134 <tr>
135         <%-- left: the index --%>
136         <td valign="top" width="160">
137   <table border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%" cols="1">
138         <tr>
139                 <td valign="top">
140 <% mikidoc ".index" %>
141                 <hr>
142                 <a href="<%=name%>?print=">print</a><br>
143                 <a href="/doc/<%=$name.txt%>">plaintext</a>
144                 </td>
145         </tr>
146         </table>
147         </td>
148         <%-- middle: the content --%>
149         <td valign="top">
150 <% } ;# sides %>
151   <table border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%" cols="1">
152         <tr>
153                 <td valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFFFFF"><b>
154         <%=name%>
155                 </b></font></td>
156         </tr>
157         <tr>
158                 <td align="justify">
159 <% set right [mikidoc $name.txt] %>
160                 </td>
161         </tr>
162         </table>
163 <% if $sides { %>
164 <%
165         if {"" != $right} {
166 %>
167         <%-- right: notes --%>
168         </td>
169         <td valign="top" width="25%">
170   <table border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%" cols="1">
171         <tr>
172                 <td valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFFFFF"><b>
173         <%=right%>
174                 </b></font></td>
175         </tr>
176         <tr>
177                 <td align="justify">
178 <% mikidoc $right.txt %>
179                 </td>
180         </tr>
181         </table>
182 <%
183         }
184 %>
185         </td>
186 </tr>
187 </table>
188 <% } ;# sides %>
189 <!--
190 $Revision: 1.5 $
191 -->
192 </body>
193 </html>