. */ class BookReaderImages { public $MIMES = array('gif' => 'image/gif', 'jp2' => 'image/jp2', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'png' => 'image/png', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff'); public $EXTENSIONS = array('gif' => 'gif', 'jp2' => 'jp2', 'jpeg' => 'jpeg', 'jpg' => 'jpeg', 'png' => 'png', 'tif' => 'tiff', 'tiff' => 'tiff'); // Width when generating thumbnails public $imageSizes = array( 'thumb' => 100, 'small' => 240, 'medium' => 500, 'large' => 1024, ); // Paths to command-line tools var $exiftool = '/petabox/sw/books/exiftool/exiftool'; var $kduExpand = '/petabox/sw/bin/kdu_expand'; /* * Returns a page image when all parameters such as the image stack location are * passed in. * * Approach: * * Get info about requested image (input) * Get info about requested output format * Determine processing parameters * Process image * Return image data * Clean up temporary files */ function serveRequest($requestEnv) { // Process some of the request parameters $zipPath = $requestEnv['zip']; $file = $requestEnv['file']; if (! $ext) { $ext = $requestEnv['ext']; } else { // Default to jpg $ext = 'jpeg'; } if (isset($requestEnv['callback'])) { // validate callback is valid JS identifier (only) $callback = $requestEnv['callback']; $identifierPatt = '/^[[:alpha:]$_]([[:alnum:]$_])*$/'; if (! preg_match($identifierPatt, $callback)) { $this->BRfatal('Invalid callback'); } } else { $callback = null; } if ( !file_exists($zipPath) ) { $this->BRfatal('Image stack does not exist at ' . $zipPath); } // Make sure the image stack is readable - return 403 if not $this->checkPrivs($zipPath); // Get the image size and depth $imageInfo = $this->getImageInfo($zipPath, $file); // Output json if requested if ('json' == $ext) { // $$$ we should determine the output size first based on requested scale $this->outputJSON($imageInfo, $callback); // $$$ move to BookReaderRequest exit; } // Unfortunately kakadu requires us to know a priori if the // output file should be .ppm or .pgm. By decompressing to // .bmp kakadu will write a file we can consistently turn into // .pnm. Really kakadu should support .pnm as the file output // extension and automatically write ppm or pgm format as // appropriate. $this->decompressToBmp = true; // $$$ shouldn't be necessary if we use file info to determine output format if ($this->decompressToBmp) { $stdoutLink = '/tmp/stdout.bmp'; } else { $stdoutLink = '/tmp/stdout.ppm'; } $fileExt = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); // Rotate is currently only supported for jp2 since it does not add server load $allowedRotations = array("0", "90", "180", "270"); $rotate = $requestEnv['rotate']; if ( !in_array($rotate, $allowedRotations) ) { $rotate = "0"; } // Image conversion options $pngOptions = ''; $jpegOptions = '-quality 75'; // The pbmreduce reduction factor produces an image with dimension 1/n // The kakadu reduction factor produceds an image with dimension 1/(2^n) if (isset($requestEnv['height'])) { $powReduce = $this->nearestPow2Reduce($requestEnv['height'], $imageInfo['height']); $scale = pow(2, $powReduce); } else if (isset($requestEnv['width'])) { $powReduce = $this->nearestPow2Reduce($requestEnv['width'], $imageInfo['width']); $scale = pow(2, $powReduce); } else { // $$$ could be cleaner // Provide next smaller power of two reduction $scale = $requestEnv['scale']; if (!$scale) { $scale = 1; } if (array_key_exists($scale, $this->imageSizes)) { $srcRatio = floatval($imageInfo['width']) / floatval($imageInfo['height']); if ($srcRatio > 1) { // wide $dimension = 'width'; } else { $dimension = 'height'; } $powReduce = $this->nearestPow2Reduce($this->imageSizes[$scale], $imageInfo[$dimension]); } else { $powReduce = $this->nearestPow2ForScale($scale); } $scale = pow(2, $powReduce); } // Override depending on source image format // $$$ consider doing a 302 here instead, to make better use of the browser cache // Limit scaling for 1-bit images. See https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bookreader/+bug/486011 if (1 == $imageInfo['bits']) { if ($scale > 1) { $scale /= 2; $powReduce -= 1; // Hard limit so there are some black pixels to use! if ($scale > 4) { $scale = 4; $powReduce = 2; } } } if (!file_exists($stdoutLink)) { system('ln -s /dev/stdout ' . $stdoutLink); } putenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/petabox/sw/lib/kakadu'); $unzipCmd = $this->getUnarchiveCommand($zipPath, $file); $decompressCmd = $this->getDecompressCmd($imageInfo['type'], $powReduce, $rotate, $scale, $stdoutLink); // Non-integer scaling is currently disabled on the cluster // if (isset($_REQUEST['height'])) { // $cmd .= " | pnmscale -height {$_REQUEST['height']} "; // } switch ($ext) { case 'png': $compressCmd = ' | pnmtopng ' . $pngOptions; break; case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': default: $compressCmd = ' | pnmtojpeg ' . $jpegOptions; $ext = 'jpeg'; // for matching below break; } if (($ext == $fileExt) && ($scale == 1) && ($rotate === "0")) { // Just pass through original data if same format and size $cmd = $unzipCmd; } else { $cmd = $unzipCmd . $decompressCmd . $compressCmd; } // print $cmd; $filenameForClient = $this->filenameForClient($file, $ext); $headers = array('Content-type: '. $MIMES[$ext], // XXX is nginx swallowing this? 'Cache-Control: max-age=15552000', 'Content-disposition: inline; filename=' . $filenameForClient); $errorMessage = ''; if (! $this->passthruIfSuccessful($headers, $cmd, $errorMessage)) { // $$$ move to BookReaderRequest // $$$ automated reporting trigger_error('BookReader Processing Error: ' . $cmd . ' -- ' . $errorMessage, E_USER_WARNING); // Try some content-specific recovery $recovered = false; if ($imageInfo['type'] == 'jp2') { $records = $this->getJp2Records($zipPath, $file); if ($powReduce > intval($records['Clevels'])) { $powReduce = $records['Clevels']; $reduce = pow(2, $powReduce); } else { $reduce = 1; $powReduce = 0; } $cmd = $unzipCmd . $this->getDecompressCmd($imageInfo['type'], $powReduce, $rotate, $scale, $stdoutLink) . $compressCmd; if ($this->passthruIfSuccessful($headers, $cmd, $errorMessage)) { // $$$ move to BookReaderRequest $recovered = true; } else { trigger_error('BookReader fallback image processing also failed: ' . $errorMessage, E_USER_WARNING); } } if (! $recovered) { $this->BRfatal('Problem processing image - command failed'); } } if (isset($tempFile)) { unlink($tempFile); } } function getUnarchiveCommand($archivePath, $file) { $lowerPath = strtolower($archivePath); if (preg_match('/\.([^\.]+)$/', $lowerPath, $matches)) { $suffix = $matches[1]; if ($suffix == 'zip') { return 'unzip -p ' . escapeshellarg($archivePath) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($file); } else if ($suffix == 'tar') { return ' ( 7z e -so ' . escapeshellarg($archivePath) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($file) . ' 2>/dev/null ) '; } else { $this->BRfatal('Incompatible archive format'); } } else { $this->BRfatal('Bad image stack path'); } $this->BRfatal('Bad image stack path or archive format'); } /* * Returns the image type associated with the file extension. */ function imageExtensionToType($extension) { if (array_key_exists($extension, $this->EXTENSIONS)) { return $this->EXTENSIONS[$extension]; } else { $this->BRfatal('Unknown image extension'); } } /* * Get the image information. The returned associative array fields will * vary depending on the image type. The basic keys are width, height, type * and bits. */ function getImageInfo($zipPath, $file) { return $this->getImageInfoFromExif($zipPath, $file); // this is fast /* $fileExt = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $type = imageExtensionToType($fileExt); switch ($type) { case "jp2": return getImageInfoFromJp2($zipPath, $file); default: return getImageInfoFromExif($zipPath, $file); } */ } // Get the records of of JP2 as returned by kdu_expand function getJp2Records($zipPath, $file) { $cmd = $this->getUnarchiveCommand($zipPath, $file) . ' | ' . $this->kduExpand . ' -no_seek -quiet -i /dev/stdin -record /dev/stdout'; exec($cmd, $output); $records = Array(); foreach ($output as $line) { $elems = explode("=", $line, 2); if (1 == count($elems)) { // delimiter not found continue; } $records[$elems[0]] = $elems[1]; } return $records; } /* * Get the image width, height and depth using the EXIF information. */ function getImageInfoFromExif($zipPath, $file) { // We look for all the possible tags of interest then act on the // ones presumed present based on the file type $tagsToGet = ' -ImageWidth -ImageHeight -FileType' // all formats . ' -BitsPerComponent -ColorSpace' // jp2 . ' -BitDepth' // png . ' -BitsPerSample'; // tiff $cmd = $this->getUnarchiveCommand($zipPath, $file) . ' | '. $this->exiftool . ' -S -fast' . $tagsToGet . ' -'; exec($cmd, $output); $tags = Array(); foreach ($output as $line) { $keyValue = explode(": ", $line); $tags[$keyValue[0]] = $keyValue[1]; } $width = intval($tags["ImageWidth"]); $height = intval($tags["ImageHeight"]); $type = strtolower($tags["FileType"]); switch ($type) { case "jp2": $bits = intval($tags["BitsPerComponent"]); break; case "tiff": $bits = intval($tags["BitsPerSample"]); break; case "jpeg": $bits = 8; break; case "png": $bits = intval($tags["BitDepth"]); break; default: $this->BRfatal("Unsupported image type $type for file $file in $zipPath"); break; } $retval = Array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'bits' => $bits, 'type' => $type); return $retval; } /* * Output JSON given the imageInfo associative array */ function outputJSON($imageInfo, $callback) { header('Content-type: text/plain'); $jsonOutput = json_encode($imageInfo); if ($callback) { $jsonOutput = $callback . '(' . $jsonOutput . ');'; } echo $jsonOutput; } function getDecompressCmd($imageType, $powReduce, $rotate, $scale, $stdoutLink) { switch ($imageType) { case 'jp2': $decompressCmd = " | " . $this->kduExpand . " -no_seek -quiet -reduce $powReduce -rotate $rotate -i /dev/stdin -o " . $stdoutLink; if ($this->decompressToBmp) { // We suppress output since bmptopnm always outputs on stderr $decompressCmd .= ' | (bmptopnm 2>/dev/null)'; } break; case 'tiff': // We need to create a temporary file for tifftopnm since it cannot // work on a pipe (the file must be seekable). // We use the BookReaderTiff prefix to give a hint in case things don't // get cleaned up. $tempFile = tempnam("/tmp", "BookReaderTiff"); // $$$ look at bit depth when reducing $decompressCmd = ' > ' . $tempFile . ' ; tifftopnm ' . $tempFile . ' 2>/dev/null' . $this->reduceCommand($scale); break; case 'jpeg': $decompressCmd = ' | ( jpegtopnm 2>/dev/null ) ' . $this->reduceCommand($scale); break; case 'png': $decompressCmd = ' | ( pngtopnm 2>/dev/null ) ' . $this->reduceCommand($scale); break; default: $this->BRfatal('Unknown image type: ' . $imageType); break; } return $decompressCmd; } // If the command has its initial output on stdout the headers will be emitted followed // by the stdout output. If initial output is on stderr an error message will be // returned. // // Returns: // true - if command emits stdout and has zero exit code // false - command has initial output on stderr or non-zero exit code // &$errorMessage - error string if there was an error // // $$$ Tested with our command-line image processing. May be deadlocks for // other cases. function passthruIfSuccessful($headers, $cmd, &$errorMessage) { $retVal = false; $errorMessage = ''; $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w"), // stderr is a pipe to write to ); $cwd = NULL; $env = NULL; $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, $env); if (is_resource($process)) { // $pipes now looks like this: // 0 => writeable handle connected to child stdin // 1 => readable handle connected to child stdout // 2 => readable handle connected to child stderr $stdin = $pipes[0]; $stdout = $pipes[1]; $stderr = $pipes[2]; // check whether we get input first on stdout or stderr $read = array($stdout, $stderr); $write = NULL; $except = NULL; $numChanged = stream_select($read, $write, $except, NULL); // $$$ no timeout if (false === $numChanged) { // select failed $errorMessage = 'Select failed'; $retVal = false; } if ($read[0] == $stdout && (1 == $numChanged)) { // Got output first on stdout (only) // $$$ make sure we get all stdout $output = fopen('php://output', 'w'); foreach($headers as $header) { header($header); } stream_copy_to_stream($pipes[1], $output); fclose($output); // okay since tied to special php://output $retVal = true; } else { // Got output on stderr // $$$ make sure we get all stderr $errorMessage = stream_get_contents($stderr); $retVal = false; } fclose($stderr); fclose($stdout); fclose($stdin); // It is important that you close any pipes before calling // proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock $cmdRet = proc_close($process); if (0 != $cmdRet) { $retVal = false; $errorMessage .= "Command failed with result code " . $cmdRet; } } return $retVal; } function BRfatal($string) { throw new Exception("Image error: $string"); } // Returns true if using a power node function onPowerNode() { exec("lspci | fgrep -c Realtek", $output, $return); if ("0" != $output[0]) { return true; } else { exec("egrep -q AMD /proc/cpuinfo", $output, $return); if ($return == 0) { return true; } } return false; } function reduceCommand($scale) { if (1 != $scale) { if ($this->onPowerNode()) { return ' | pnmscale -reduce ' . $scale . ' 2>/dev/null '; } else { return ' | pnmscale -nomix -reduce ' . $scale . ' 2>/dev/null '; } } else { return ''; } } function checkPrivs($filename) { if (!is_readable($filename)) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); exit(0); } } // Given file path (inside archive) and output file extension, return a filename // suitable for Content-disposition header function filenameForClient($filePath, $ext) { $pathParts = pathinfo($filePath); if ('jpeg' == $ext) { $ext = 'jpg'; } return $pathParts['filename'] . '.' . $ext; } // Returns the nearest power of 2 reduction factor that results in a larger image function nearestPow2Reduce($desiredDimension, $sourceDimension) { $ratio = floatval($sourceDimension) / floatval($desiredDimension); return $this->nearestPow2ForScale($ratio); } // Returns nearest power of 2 reduction factor that results in a larger image function nearestPow2ForScale($scale) { $scale = intval($scale); if ($scale <= 1) { return 0; } $binStr = decbin($scale); // convert to binary string. e.g. 5 -> '101' return strlen($binStr) - 1; } } ?>