. */ require_once '/petabox/setup.inc'; $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $book = $_REQUEST['book']; // support multiple books within an item if ("" == $id) { echo "No identifier specified!"; die(-1); } $locator = new Locator(); $results = $locator->locateUDP($id, 1, false); $server = $results[0][0]; $vhost = $server; // Check if we're on a dev vhost and point to JSIA in the user's public_html on the datanode if (preg_match("/^www-(\w+)/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], $match)) { // $$$ the remapping isn't totally automatic yet and requires user to // ln -s ~/petabox/www/datanode/BookReader ~/public_html/BookReader // so we enable it only for known hosts $devhosts = array('mang', 'testflip', 'rkumar'); if (in_array($match[1], $devhosts)) { $vhost = $server . ":81/~" . $match[1]; } } $url = "http://{$vhost}/BookReader/BookReaderJSIA.php?id=" . urlencode($id) . "&itemPath={$results[0][1]}&server={$server}"; if ($book) { $url .= "&subPrefix=" . urlencode($book); } if (("" != $results[0][0]) && ("" != $results[0][1])) { header("Location: $url"); } ?>