0.1 (09 Nov 2007) - Initial release 0.1.1 (11 Nov 2007) - Fixed bug decoding version 0 QR Codes - Now default zoom is 2.5x in Java ME client 0.1.2 (28 Nov 2007) - Issue 11 fixed: Build problems on Windows - Can now build "ZXingReaderBasic" which does not require JSR-234 - Issue 14 fixed: release .zip builds into one directory 0.1.3 (7 Dec 2007) - Unit test for QR Code decoding - Added EAN-13 support - Now builds with class file format version 1.2 -- may solve some compatibility issues? - Fixed obfuscation step bug causing NoClassDefFoundError 0.1.4 (13 Dec 2007) - Added Blackberry client build script -- does not yet work - Big change to handling of content of barcodes: - com.google.zxing.client.result moved from core-ext to core - Rewritten for J2ME - core-ext removed - J2ME client now uses this code for better parsing/handling of results 0.2 (07 Jan 2008) - Few small bug fixes in AlignmentPatternFinder, MultiFormatReader (thank K. Kakima, Andreas) - LCDUIImageMonochromeBitmapSource now public - Notably improved decoding for Basic version -- Regular version still your best bet if you can run it though 0.2.1 (16 Jan 2008) - Slight tweaks and enhancements to decode and runtime performance of UPCDecoder - Added black-box test suites against a known set of images (Thanks to Enrique G. S. for additional images) 0.2.2 (22 Jan 2008) - Now includes junit locally to build tests - Fixed "MIDlet" name in MANIFEST.MF, which may solve some problems - Friendlier error message when barcode can't be found 0.3 (04 Feb 2008) - Major refactoring of 1D barcode decoding - Added support for UPC-E, EAN-8 - Also added Code 39, Code 128 support -- may need refinement - Now any "game" key triggers photo capture - Workaround implemented for Nokias that use "capture://image" in MMAPI - UPC codes now trigger lookup to upcdatabase.com 0.4 (15 Feb 2008) - First release of Android client -- only guaranteed to work with "M3" builds so far. - Major reorganization of current test cases and data - Worked around ProGuard issue with paths with spaces on Windows - Phones that don't like FocusControl.AUTO_LOCK won't cause an error now - Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in 1D barcode decoders - Worked around "java.lang.Error 136" from Nokia N70 (?) - Fixed bug in Shift_JIS detection and implemented basic UTF-8 detection for nonstandard QR Codes that don't use ISO-8859-1 0.4.5 (22 Feb 2008) - Checked in first minimal working Blackberry client. Still quite crude. - Fixed UTF-8 detection again - Refactored Reed-Solomon to allow different GF(256) primitive polynomials, in preparation for Data Matrix - Slight improvement to 1D decoding accuracy, most noticeable in improvements to Code 128 decoding - Bug fix in Code39Reader -- typo in encoding of letter "I" and "0" - Bug fix in 1D readers -- error in counting black/white pixel counts in certain situations - Now supports Extended Code 39 - Tiny bug fix to QRCodeReader for images that extend all the way to top or left - Android client now builds with ProGuard optimization