/* Over complicated desk LED dimmer 2016-01-10 Dobrica Pavlinusic */ const int led_pin = 13; const int buzzer_pin = 4; const int mosfet_pins[] = { 9, 10, 6 }; // PWM pins: 3,5,6,9,10,11 const int ldr_pin = A3; // LDR +5 -- A3 -[10K]- GND const int pir_pin = A2; #define TOUCHPAD 1 // set this to 0 if debugging without touchpad #define PIR_TIMEOUT 10 // s #if TOUCHPAD #include PS2 mouse(8, 7); // PS2 synaptics clock, data #endif int mosfet_pwm[] = { 255, 255, 255 }; // initial and current state of mosfet pwm void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("setup"); pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH); // signal reset pinMode(buzzer_pin, OUTPUT); for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) { pinMode(mosfet_pins[i], OUTPUT); analogWrite(mosfet_pins[i], mosfet_pwm[i]); } pinMode(ldr_pin, INPUT); pinMode(pir_pin, INPUT); #if TOUCHPAD Serial.println("Synaptics touchpad init"); mouse.write(0xff); // reset mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.read(); // blank */ mouse.read(); // blank */ mouse.write(0xf0); // remote mode -- send motion data only on $EB (read data) command mouse.read(); // ack delayMicroseconds(100); mouse.write(0xe8); // set resolution mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0x03); // rr ( rr * 64 + ss * 16 + tt * 4 + uu == modebyte ) mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0xe8); mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0x00); // ss mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0xe8); mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0x01); // tt mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0xe8); mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0x00); // uu mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0xf3); // set samplerate 20 (stores mode) mouse.read(); // ack byte mouse.write(0x14); mouse.read(); // ack byte delayMicroseconds(100); #endif Serial.println("Commands: b - beep, qwe/asd/zxc - MOSFETs"); digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW); } void mosfet(int nr, int value) { int pwm = mosfet_pwm[nr]; if ( pwm == value ) { Serial.println("ignored"); return; } Serial.print("MOSFET "); Serial.print(nr); Serial.print(" = "); Serial.println(value); int sleep = 1000 / abs(pwm - value); int step = pwm < value ? 1 : -1; for(int i=pwm; i != value; i += step) { analogWrite(mosfet_pins[nr], i); Serial.println(i); delay(sleep); } analogWrite(mosfet_pins[nr], value); mosfet_pwm[nr] = value; } unsigned int last_cx = 0; unsigned int last_cy = 0; int last_ldr = 0; // number of LDR reading to average #define LDR_SIZE 100 static int ldr_sum = 0; static int ldr_count = 0; int last_pir = 0; long int pir_millis = millis(); void loop() { #if TOUCHPAD byte mstat1; byte mstat2; byte mxy; byte mx; //x coordinate byte my; //y coordinate byte mz; //z pressure value unsigned int cx,cy; mouse.write(0xeb); // read data mouse.read(); mstat1 = mouse.read(); mxy = mouse.read(); mz = mouse.read(); mstat2 = mouse.read(); mx = mouse.read(); my = mouse.read(); // collect the bits for x and y cx = (((mstat2 & 0x10) << 8) | ((mxy & 0x0F) << 8) | mx ); // 1100-5800 cy = (((mstat2 & 0x20) << 7) | ((mxy & 0xF0) << 4) | my ); // 800-5000 if ( last_cx != cx || last_cy != cy ) { last_cx = cx; last_cy = cy; Serial.print("X="); Serial.print(cx, DEC); Serial.print("\tY="); Serial.print(cy, DEC); Serial.print("\tZ="); Serial.print(mz, DEC); if ( cx > 1100 && cy > 800 ) { int nr = ( cx - 1100 ) / (( 5800 - 1100 ) / 3); int pwm = ( cy - 800 ) / (( 5000 - 800 ) / 255); pwm -= 1; // allow off Serial.print("\tmosfet = "); Serial.print(nr); Serial.print("\tpwm = "); Serial.print(pwm); if ( nr >= 0 && nr <= 2 && pwm >= 0 && pwm <= 255 ) { analogWrite(mosfet_pins[nr], pwm); Serial.print("\tOK"); } else { Serial.print("\tIGNORED"); } } Serial.println(); } #endif if (Serial.available()) { digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH); int in = Serial.read(); switch (in) { case 'b': tone(buzzer_pin, 1800, 100); delay(200); tone(buzzer_pin, 2200, 100); delay(500); break; case 'q': mosfet(0, 255); break; case 'a': mosfet(0, 127); break; case 'z': mosfet(0, 0); break; case 'w': mosfet(1, 255); break; case 's': mosfet(1, 127); break; case 'x': mosfet(1, 0); break; case 'e': mosfet(2, 255); break; case 'd': mosfet(2, 127); break; case 'c': mosfet(2, 0); break; /* m1 = (m1 + 10) % 255; analogWrite(mosfet1_pin, m1); Serial.print("MOSFET 1 = "); Serial.println(m1); break; case 'a': m1 = (m1 - 10) % 255; analogWrite(mosfet1_pin, m1); Serial.print("MOSFET 1 = "); Serial.println(m1); break; */ default: Serial.print("unknown command "); Serial.println(in); } digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW); } int ldr = analogRead(ldr_pin); ldr_sum += ldr >> 2; ldr_count++; if ( ldr_count > LDR_SIZE ) { ldr = ldr_sum / ldr_count; ldr_count = 0; ldr_sum = 0; if ( abs(ldr - last_ldr) > 5 ) { Serial.print("LDR = "); Serial.println(ldr); } last_ldr = ldr; } int pir = digitalRead(pir_pin); if ( pir != last_pir) { last_pir = pir; Serial.print("PIR = "); Serial.println(pir); } long int ms = millis(); if ( pir == 0 ) { if (pir_millis > 0 && ms - pir_millis > PIR_TIMEOUT * 1000 ) { Serial.println("PIR timeout, fade-out"); pir_millis = -1; // mark that we are in timeout for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) { analogWrite(mosfet_pins[i], 0); } } } else { if (pir_millis < 0) { Serial.println("PIR fade-in after timeout"); for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) { analogWrite(mosfet_pins[i], mosfet_pwm[i]); } } pir_millis = ms; } }