beta-beta-beta INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS Feel free to contact me via e-mail to if those instructions don't work for you. 1. You will need PostgreSQL (for now) Using any other database is quite easy, and involves editing of dbi_* parameters in isis2xml.conf [global] section (which you want to do anyway to specify user and password to connect to database). Then, create database: $ createdb webpac CREATE DATABASE Tables for index(es) will be created automatically on first run. If you change data for index often, you might want to drop and re-create database to erase tables for indexes which are removed. 2. Use CPAN shell to install modules used: $ sudo cpan cpan> install module_name Modules which are needed: Text::Unaccent version 1.02 or higher, you might need to get this one from Config::IniFiles DBD::Pg or some other DBD driver, you can also use the one which came with distribution (e.g. libdbd-pg-perl on Debian) CGI::Application HTML::Pager HTML::Template HTML::FillInForm SWISH SWISH::Fork and of course, swish-e executable (e.g. swish-e package on Debian) CPAN shell will also download some more modules to satisfy dependencies. If you plan to use M$ Excel files for import (type=excel), you will need: Spreadsheet::ParseExcel