use strict; use warnings; #use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use inc::Module::Install; name 'WebPAC'; version '2.33'; license 'GPL'; requires 'YAML'; requires 'File::Slurp'; requires 'Log::Log4perl' => '1.02'; requires 'Cwd'; requires 'Storable'; requires 'DBM::Deep'; # 'Template'; requires 'Time::HiRes'; requires 'File::Temp'; requires 'List::Util'; requires 'Encode'; requires 'LWP'; requires 'File::Path'; requires 'Biblio::Isis' => '0.24'; requires 'MARC::Fast' => '0.09'; requires 'List::Util'; requires 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel'; requires 'MARC::Record' => '2.0'; requires 'Data::Dump'; requires 'MARC::Lint' => '1.43'; requires 'Business::ISBN' => '2.02'; # WebPAC::Normalize::ISBN requires 'Proc::Queue'; requires 'PPI'; requires 'XML::LibXML'; requires 'Pod::Usage'; requires 'Class::Accessor'; requires 'JSON'; requires 'File::Spec'; requires 'Sort::External'; features( 'WebPAC::Output::Webpacus and WebPAC::Output::Jifty' => [ -default => 0, recommends('Jifty'), ], ); features( 'WebPAC::Input::XML' => [ -default => 0, recommends('XML::Simple'), recommends('File::Find'), ], ); features( 'WebPAC::Input::PDF' => [ -default => 0, recommends('CAM::PDF'), ], ); features( 'WebPAC::Output::Estraier' => [ -default => 0, recommends('Search::Estraier' => 0.06), ], ); build_requires 'Test::More'; clean_files('WebPAC-* pod2html Makefile tags'); auto_install; WriteAll; sub MY::postamble { return <<'MAKE_MORE'; HTML_DIR=pod2html # no need to include --limit here! #profile_perl=./ --only ffps --stats #profile_perl=./ --only ffps/libri --validate conf/validate/ffps-libri #profile_perl=./ --only ffps --validate-delimiters conf/validate/delimiters/ffps profile_perl=./ --only ffps --validate conf/validate/ffps-libri --validate-delimiters conf/validate/delimiters/ffps html: $(TO_INST_PM) test -e $(HTML_DIR) && rm -Rf "$(HTML_DIR)" || true mkdir "$(HTML_DIR)" # add additional html documents test ! -z "`which`" && svk update && > $(HTML_DIR)/Changes.html || true test -e $(HTML_DIR)/pod.css || ln -s ../pod.css $(HTML_DIR)/ test ! -z "`which`" && --frames="WebPAC documentation" --existing --css=pod.css ./lib $(HTML_DIR) changelog: svn update && svn -v log > Changes tags: ctags *.p[ml] */*.p[ml] */*/*.p[ml] sf: file:///home/dpavlin/private/svn/webpac2/trunk/ webpac2 config_yml: test ! -e conf/config.yml && ln -s /data/Webpacus/config.yml conf/ || true #perl -c conf/normalize/*.pl perl -c conf/normalize/*.pl 2>&1 | grep 'conf/normalize' | grep -v 'OK' | sed -e 's#^.*conf/normalize#conf/normalize#' -e 's#,##' | awk '{ print "+" $3 " " $1 }' | xargs -i echo vi {} run: config_yml rm -f log ./ --clean --limit 100 full: config_yml rm -f log ./ profile: all perl -d:DProf $(profile_perl) --limit 250 && dprofpp -O 50 > profile.`perl -e 'my @p = glob("profile.[0-9]*"); print scalar @p + 1'` profile2: perl -d:SmallProf $(profile_perl) --limit 100 && sort -k 2nr,2 smallprof.out | vi -R - MAKE_MORE }