HTML5TV This is my attempt to finish my masters degree. I'm just kidding :-) Actually, in 1997 I had idea to have masters degree on topic of video delivery over Internet. I was few years too early to make it actually work, but now-days we have all components needed to create good video archive on the web. I envision this as combination of two parts: * powerful editing suite running locally to annotate video * good web interface with sync between slides and video SOURCE MATERIAL I have some of my presentations in video with slides, but I also have few of freely available presentations which would benefit from audio-video slide annotation. So you are assumed to have two files: 1. video file in Ogg Theora format 2. pdf file with slides of presentation all other meta-data should be stored in git under media/ If you have different file formats, go ahead and use ffmpeg2theora: New Theora encoder 1.1 create videos that are better than anything I saw on the web, oggz tool has chop support, so extracting part of video is very easy and possible. VIDEO EDITING I really don't want to learn another set of tools. I like mplayer, it works on all platforms I'm interested in (including EeePC and PlayStation 3) and i all-ready know keyboard shortcuts for it. So, I used it over it's slave protocol which is described on and available locally as docs/slave.txt which I used to implement new keyboard commands: dpavlin@t61p:~/t61p/html5tv$ grep -A10 'keyboard' bin/ # XXX keyboard shortcuts $1 eq 'c' ? repl : $1 eq ',' ? add_subtitle : $1 eq 'F1' ? prev_subtitle : $1 eq 'F2' ? move_subtitle( -0.3 ) : $1 eq 'F3' ? move_subtitle( +0.3 ) : $1 eq 'F4' ? next_subtitle : $1 eq 'F9' ? add_subtitle : $1 eq 'F12' ? edit_subtitles : warn "CUSTOM $1\n" ; I used to work with semi-professional Sony U-matic video montage back in 1990 and have grown to love it's work flow which doesn't force you to click all over the screen to do something useful. In fact, with it, you need 3-5 times more time to finish material, and with most video editing solutions available in open source, I needed at least 10-20 times more time to do anything useful. SUBTITLING I decided to store subtitles in array-of-arrays in yaml with simple structure of start,end,title. On every save, I need also to create .srt subtitle format for mplayer and json data for web interface. Effective subtitle editing requires preroll. This is feature from my U-matic days because scopes (U-matic video recorders with magnetic tape) couldn't speed up instantly, so they would rewind, start AND SHOW YOU FEW SECONDS BEFORE YOUR EDIT. This is crucial part in implementing following work flow with mplayer: 1. press i to record EDL point (start of subtitle) 2. press i to end EDL (end of subtitle) 3. press , to enter subtitle (usually you want to enter subtitle after end of sentence) 4. preroll 3 seconds before subtitle and review it 5. continue subtitling, goto 1 You can also use F9 to add subtitle (nicely located near i key) or F12 to enter vi and make bulk subtitle changes (remove empty subtitles and so on). SLIDES Subtitles are least common denominator for meta data which I want to preserve. However, to sync subtitles with slides, I have introduced magic syntax: [42] slide title which triggers switch to slide 42. HTML5 WEB INTERFACE Web interface using HTML5