#!/bin/perl #============================================================= # # BackupPC_archiveHost: Archive files for a single host # # DESCRIPTION # # Usage: BackupPC_archiveHost tarCreatePath splitPath parPath host bkupNum \ # compPath fileExt splitSize outLoc parFile share # # This script is run for each host to create an archive. # # This script is executed by BackupPC_archive, based on the setting # of $Conf{ArchiveClientCmd}. This script can be copied and modified # for site-specific behavior. Update $Conf{ArchiveClientCmd} to point # at your customized archive script. # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # Josh Marshall # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #======================================================================== # # Version 2.1.2, released 5 Sep 2005. # # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net. # #======================================================================== use strict; use File::Path; use lib "/usr/local/BackupPC2.1.0/lib"; use BackupPC::Lib; # # Pick up the command-line arguments # if ( @ARGV != 11 ) { print <new failed\n") if ( !(my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new) ); # # Make sure the specified programs are executable # foreach my $prog ( ($tarCreate, $compPath, $splitPath, $parPath) ) { next if ( $prog eq "" || -x $prog ); print("Error: $prog is not an executable program\n"); exit(1); } my $mesg = "Writing tar archive for host $host, backup #$bkupNum"; # # Build the command we will run # $share = $bpc->shellEscape($share); $host = $bpc->shellEscape($host); my $cmd = "$tarCreate -t -h $host -n $bkupNum -s $share . "; $cmd .= "| $compPath " if ( $compPath ne "cat" && $compPath ne "" ); if ( -b $outLoc || -c $outLoc || -f $outLoc ) { # # Output file is a device or a regular file, so don't use split # $cmd .= ">> $outLoc"; $mesg .= " to $outLoc"; } else { mkpath($outLoc) if ( !-d $outLoc ); if ( !-d $outLoc ) { print("Error: unable to create output directory $outLoc\n"); exit(1); } if ( $splitSize > 0 && -x $splitPath ) { $cmd .= "| $splitPath -b $splitSize - $outLoc/$host.$bkupNum.tar$fileExt."; $mesg .= ", split to output files $outLoc/$host.$bkupNum.tar$fileExt.*"; } else { $cmd .= "> $outLoc/$host.$bkupNum.tar$fileExt"; $mesg .= " to output file $outLoc/$host.$bkupNum.tar$fileExt"; } } print("$mesg\n"); # # Run the command # my $ret = system($cmd); if ( $ret ) { print("Executing: $cmd\n"); print("Error: $tarCreate, compress or split failed\n"); exit(1); } # # Run optional parity file generation (only if the output is a directory, # ie: not a tape device). # if ( -d $outLoc && -x $parPath ) { if ( $parfile != 0 ) { print("Running $parPath to create parity files\n"); my $parCmd = "$parPath c -r$parfile $outLoc/$host.$bkupNum.tar$fileExt.par2 $outLoc/$host.$bkupNum.tar$fileExt*"; $ret = system($parCmd); if ( $ret ) { print("Executing: $parCmd\n"); print("Error: $parPath failed\n"); exit(1); } } }