#!/usr/bin/env python #USB Mass Storage Emulator #by Travis Goodspeed #with thanks to Brandon Wilson and his Linky project. import sys; import binascii; import array; import time; from GoodFETMAXUSB import *; class GoodFETMAXUSBMass(GoodFETMAXUSB): """This emulates a USB Mass Storage device.""" def massinit(self): """Initialize a USB Mass Storage device.""" self.usb_disconnect(); time.sleep(1); self.usb_connect(); self.massrun(); def massrun(self): """Main loop of the USB Mass Storage emulator.""" print "Starting a Mass Storage device. This doesn't work yet."; while 1: self.service_irqs(); def do_SETUP(self): """Handle USB Enumeration""" #Grab the SETUP packet from the buffer. SUD=self.readbytes(rSUDFIFO,8); #Parse the SETUP packet print "Handling a setup packet of %s" % self.setup2str(SUD); setuptype=(ord(SUD[bmRequestType])&0x60); if setuptype==0x00: self.std_request(SUD); elif setuptype==0x20: self.class_request(SUD); elif setuptype==0x40: self.vendor_request(SUD); else: print "Unknown bmRequestType=0x%02x." % ord(SUD[bmRequestType]) self.STALL_EP0(SUD); def class_request(self,SUD): """Handle a class request.""" requesttype=ord(SUD[bmRequestType]); request=ord(SUD[bRequest]); if requesttype==0xA1 and request==0xFE: print "Reporting 0 as the maximum LUN."; #This is a Get Max LUN request. #Return 1-byte maximum Logical Unit Number self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0x00); # Just one LUN. self.wregAS(rEP0BC,1); # ARM and fire! return; #Don't stall. if requesttype==0x21 and request==0xff: print "Received BBB reset." self.wregAS(rEP0BC,0); # ARM and fire! return; #Don't stall. print "Stalling an unknown class request: %s" % self.setup2str(SUD); self.STALL_EP0(SUD); def vendor_request(self,SUD): """Handle a vendor request.""" request=ord(SUD[bRequest]); print "Why the hell is there a vendor request?"; #self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0); self.wregAS(rEP0BC,0); def std_request(self,SUD): """Handles a standard setup request.""" setuptype=ord(SUD[bRequest]); if setuptype==SR_GET_DESCRIPTOR: self.send_descriptor(SUD); #elif setuptype==SR_SET_FEATURE: self.feature(1); elif setuptype==SR_SET_CONFIGURATION: self.set_configuration(SUD); elif setuptype==SR_GET_STATUS: self.get_status(SUD); elif setuptype==SR_SET_ADDRESS: self.rregAS(rFNADDR); elif setuptype==SR_GET_INTERFACE: self.get_interface(SUD); else: #print "Stalling Unknown standard setup request type %02x" % setuptype; #self.STALL_EP0(SUD); print "Accepting unknown standard setup request type %02x" % setuptype; self.wregAS(rEP0BC,0); def get_interface(self,SUD): """Handles a setup request for SR_GET_INTERFACE.""" if ord(SUD[wIndexL]==0): self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0); self.wregAS(rEP0BC,1); else: self.STALL_EP0(SUD); #Device Descriptor DD=[ 0x12, #length 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x81, 0x07, #Sandisk 0x50, 0x51, #SDCZ2 Cruzer Mini Flash Drive (thin) 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 ]; #Configuration Descriptor CD=[ 0x09, #Length 0x02, #Type 0x20, #Total Length 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x09, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, #Num Endpoints 0x08, #Mass Storage Bulk Only 0x06, #SCSI 0x50, 0x00, #OUT EP1 0x07, 0x05, 0x01, 0x02, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, #IN EP3 0x07, 0x05, 0x83, 0x02, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, ]; strDesc=[ # STRING descriptor 0--Language string "\x04\x03\x09\x04", # [ # 0x04, # bLength # 0x03, # bDescriptorType = string # 0x09,0x04 # wLANGID(L/H) = English-United Sates # ], # STRING descriptor 1--Manufacturer ID "\x10\x03G\x00o\x00o\x00d\x00F\x00E\x00T\x00", # STRING descriptor 2 - Product ID "\x1C\x03M\x00A\x00S\x00S\x00 \x00E\x00m\x00u\x00l\x00a\x00t\x00o\x00r\x00", # STRING descriptor 3 - Serial Number ID "\x14\x03S\x00/\x00N\x00 \x003\x004\x002\x000\x00E\x00" ]; def send_descriptor(self,SUD): """Send the USB descriptors based upon the setup data.""" desclen=0; reqlen=ord(SUD[wLengthL])+256*ord(SUD[wLengthH]); #16-bit length desctype=ord(SUD[wValueH]); if desctype==GD_DEVICE: desclen=self.DD[0]; ddata=self.DD; elif desctype==GD_CONFIGURATION: desclen=self.CD[2]; ddata=self.CD; elif desctype==GD_STRING: desclen=self.strDesc[ord(SUD[wValueL])][0]; ddata=self.strDesc[ord(SUD[wValueL])]; #TODO Configuration, String, Hid, and Report if desclen>0: sendlen=min(reqlen,desclen); self.writebytes(rEP0FIFO,ddata); self.wregAS(rEP0BC,sendlen); else: print "Stalling in send_descriptor() for lack of handler for %02x." % desctype; self.STALL_EP0(SUD); def set_configuration(self,SUD): """Set the configuration.""" bmSUSPIE=0x10; configval=ord(SUD[wValueL]); if(configval>0): self.SETBIT(rUSBIEN,bmSUSPIE); self.rregAS(rFNADDR); def get_status(self,SUD): """Get the USB Setup Status.""" testbyte=ord(SUD[bmRequestType]) #Toward Device if testbyte==0x80: self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0x03); #Enable RWU and self-powered self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0x00); #Second byte is always zero. self.wregAS(rEP0BC,2); #Load byte count, arm transfer, and ack CTL. #Toward Interface elif testbyte==0x81: self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0x00); self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0x00); #Second byte is always zero. self.wregAS(rEP0BC,2); #Toward Endpoint elif testbyte==0x82: if(ord(SUD[wIndexL])==0x83): print "This code almost certainly doesn't work."; self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0x01); #Stall EP3 self.wreg(rEP0FIFO,0x00); #Second byte is always zero. self.wregAS(rEP0BC,2); else: self.STALL_EP0(SUD); else: self.STALL_EP0(SUD); def do_IN3(self): """Handle IN3 input event.""" #Don't bother clearing interrupt flag, that's done by sending the reply. print "Got an input event, no idea what to do about it."; #This would be for FTDI emulation. Not for Mass Storage. #self.wreg(rEP3INFIFO,0x01); #Modem #self.wreg(rEP3INFIFO,0x00); #Line #self.wreg(rEP3INFIFO,0x00); self.wregAS(rEP3INBC,0); def do_OUT1(self): """Handle an OUT1 output event.""" print "Got an output event, printing the result."; l=self.rreg(rEP1OUTBC); frame=self.readbytesAS(rEP1OUTFIFO,l); self.handleCBW(frame); lastCBW=""; def handleCBW(self,cbw): """Handles an incoming Command Block Wrapper. See USB Mass Storage Class for details.""" if len(cbw)!=31: print "Invalid CBW length of %i bytes. Aborting." % len(cbw); sig=cbw[0:4]; if sig!="USBC": print "Invalid CBW signature: %s. Should be USBC; aborting." % sig; return; self.lastCBW=cbw; dtlen=ord(cbw[8])+(ord(cbw[9])<<8)+(ord(cbw[10])<<16)+(ord(cbw[11])<<24); flags=ord(cbw[12]); dtdir=flags&0x80; # 0x80 for dev->host, 0x00 for host->dev lun=ord(cbw[13])&0x0F; # Should be zero, as we only reported one LUN. cblen=ord(cbw[14])&0x1F; cb=cbw[15:31]; self.handleCB(cb,cblen,dtlen,dtdir); def handleCB(self,cb,cblen,dtlen,dtdir): """Handles a command block, then replies with a CSW.""" print "Got command block 0x%02x, length %i bytes" % ( ord(cb[0]), dtlen); verb=ord(cb[0]); status=00; #good, set to 1 for bad. if verb==0x00: # Test Unit Ready response=[0,0,0,0,0,0]; self.writebytes(rEP3INFIFO, response); self.wregAS(rEP3INBC,len(response)); while not(self.rreg(rEPIRQ)&bmIN3BAVIRQ): #Wait for the packet to complete before sending the next. print "Waiting to complete inquiry." pass; elif verb==0x03: # Request Sense print "Responding to Request Sense. Needed for Macs."; response=[0x70, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0,0,0,0,0]; status=1; self.writebytes(rEP3INFIFO, response); self.wregAS(rEP3INBC,len(response)); while not(self.rreg(rEPIRQ)&bmIN3BAVIRQ): #Wait for the packet to complete before sending the next. print "Waiting to complete inquiry." pass; elif verb==0x12: #Inquiry print "Responding to CB inquiry."; response=[ 0x00, 0x80, # make 0x80 for removable media 0x05, # SPC2 0x02, # SPC2 0x1f, #Additional length. 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, #Manufacturer ord('G'),ord('o'),ord('o'),ord('d'),ord('F'),ord('E'),ord('T'),0, #Device name ord('G'),ord('o'),ord('o'),ord('d'),ord('F'),ord('E'),ord('T'),0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ord('0'),ord('.'),ord('0'),ord('1')] self.writebytes(rEP3INFIFO, response); self.wregAS(rEP3INBC,len(response)); while not(self.rreg(rEPIRQ)&bmIN3BAVIRQ): #Wait for the packet to complete before sending the next. print "Waiting to complete inquiry." pass; else: print "ERROR: Unknown command block verb %02x." % verb; status=1; #Command Failed if dtlen>0: print "Exiting, as %i bytes are expected to be transfered toward %i." % ( dtlen,dtdir); sys.exit(); cbw=self.lastCBW; #Now we need to send the CSW. csw=[ #Standard prefix. ord('U'),ord('S'),ord('B'),ord('S'), #CBW key; must be the same as the one we're replying to. ord(cbw[4]),ord(cbw[5]),ord(cbw[6]),ord(cbw[7]), #CSW Data Residue, probably oughtn't be zeroed. 0,0,0, #Status byte: 00 for good, 01 for bad. status]; self.writebytes(rEP3INFIFO, csw); self.wregAS(rEP3INBC,len(csw)); self.wreg(rEPIRQ,bmIN3BAVIRQ); #Clear the IRQ bit. return; #Initialize FET and set baud rate client=GoodFETMAXUSBMass(); client.serInit() client.MAXUSBsetup(); client.massinit();