How does exact match work? Well, it's quite stupid because swish-e doesn't allow you to make exact match to words. So, work-around is to add 'xxbxx' word at beginning of string and 'xxexx' word at end (think of it as xxb(egin)xx and xxe(nd)xxx) and then search for phrase (words in particular order). So, title "human" will be indexed as "xxbxx human xxexx" if you want full exact match. Then you can search it using (numbers are parameters to e[nr] field in html forms): 1: exact match from beginning "xxbxx human" 2: exact match from end "human xxexx" (not really useful) 3: exact match begin and end "xxbxx human xxexx" add 4 to those values (numbers are really bit-masks :-) to produce wild-card match: 5: exact from beginning with wild-card "xxbxx human*" 6: exact from end with wild-card "human* xxexx" 7: exact begin+end with wild-card "xxbxx human* xxexx" So, to define field which have to be searched using exact match with wild-card on TitleAndResponsibility, you would use: