board_hd44780 (C) 2011 Michel Pollet With thanks to Luki This sample code is derivated from a patch sent by Luki, however it was mostly in german, and was usinf the SDL library. Also the implementation of the LCD itself had several shortcomings. Therefore it was almost entirely rewritten from scratch the LCD was extended and made as compliant as it is practical, and the sample code itself was stripped of SDL. Also the german AVR LCD driver was replaced with the avr-libc one, a much more complete one. This example demonstrated how to write a "part' that provide both a way to visualize what your code is doing, but also provide extra data you can visualize in gtkwave; so the LCD "part" exports quite a few IRQs that can be used to help you trace and debug your own code. Make sure to run this program and visualize the pretty curves.