To make items reservable (and specailly to be able to fullfill reservation when doing checking, which is standard procedure when items get from closed storage to pickup desk) we modified all notforloan values which we use (like "only for work in library") to use negative values: mysql> update items set notforloan=-2 where notforloan=1 ; Query OK, 99196 rows affected (8.04 sec) Rows matched: 99196 Changed: 99196 Warnings: 0 mysql> update items set notforloan=-3 where notforloan=2 ; Query OK, 151 rows affected (1.50 sec) Rows matched: 151 Changed: 151 Warnings: 0 mysql> update items set notforloan=-4 where notforloan=3 ; Query OK, 247 rows affected (1.61 sec) Rows matched: 247 Changed: 247 Warnings: 0 This works because of koha feature that items from acquisitions have negative notforloan.