#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use autodie; use POSIX; my $DEBUG = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0; my $INFLUX = $ENV{INFLUX} || ''; my $INTERVAL = $ENV{INTERVAL} || 1; my $DC = $ENV{DC}; my $RACK = $ENV{RACK}; my $node = `hostname -s`; chomp $node; my $location = ''; $location .= qq{,dc=$DC} if $DC; $location .= qq{,rack=$RACK} if $RACK; warn $0 = "gnt-monitor\@$node$location $INFLUX $INTERVAL $DEBUG"; use Data::Dump; sub XXX { $DEBUG ? warn "XXX ",Data::Dump::dump( @_ ) : {} }; my $stat; my $last; while(1) { my $skip; foreach my $instance ( glob '/var/run/ganeti/kvm-hypervisor/pid/*' ) { open(my $fh, '<', $instance); my $pid = <$fh>; chomp $pid; $instance =~ s{^.*/}{}; if ( ! -d "/proc/$pid" ) { $skip->{$instance}++; XXX $skip; next; } my $vcpu = $last->{$instance}->{vcpu}; if ( ! $vcpu ) { foreach my $fd ( glob "/proc/$pid/fd/*" ) { $vcpu++ if -l $fd && readlink($fd) =~ m/kvm-vcpu/; } $last->{$instance}->{vcpu} = $vcpu; } # https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt open($fh, '<', "/proc/$pid/stat"); my $line = <$fh>; chomp $line; my $gtime = (split(/\s+/,$line))[42]; # guest time of the task in jiffies if ( my $last_gtime = $last->{$instance}->{gtime} ) { my $clock_ticks = POSIX::sysconf( &POSIX::_SC_CLK_TCK ); # clock ticks per second my $cpu = ( ( $gtime - $last_gtime ) * 100 ) / ( $clock_ticks * $vcpu ); $stat->{$instance}->{cpu} = $cpu; } $last->{$instance}->{gtime} = $gtime; } foreach my $glob ( glob '/var/run/ganeti/instance-disks/*' ) { my ( $instance, $disk ) = split(/:/,$glob,2); $instance =~ s{^.*/}{}; next unless exists $stat->{$instance}; my $dev = readlink $glob; $dev =~ s{^.*dev/}{}; if ( ! -e "/sys/class/block/$dev" ) { $skip->{$instance}++; XXX $skip; next; } open( my $fh, '<', "/sys/class/block/$dev/stat" ); my $v = <$fh>; chomp $v; $v =~ s/^\s+//; my @s = split(/\s+/, $v ); # https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/block/stat.txt my $d = { read_io => $s[0], read_bytes => $s[2] * 512, read_wait => $s[3], write_io => $s[4], write_bytes => $s[6] * 512, write_wait => $s[7], }; if ( my $l = $last->{$instance}->{disk}->[$disk] ) { my $delta; $delta->{$_} = $d->{$_} - $l->{$_} foreach keys %$d; $stat->{$instance}->{disk}->[$disk] = $delta; $stat->{$instance}->{disk}->[$disk]->{dev} = $dev; $stat->{$instance}->{disk}->[$disk]->{disk} = $disk; } $last->{$instance}->{disk}->[$disk] = $d; } foreach my $full_instance ( glob '/var/run/ganeti/kvm-hypervisor/nic/*' ) { my $instance = $full_instance; $instance =~ s{^.*/}{}; next unless exists $stat->{$instance}; foreach my $nic ( glob "$full_instance/*" ) { open(my $fh, '<', $nic); my $dev = <$fh>; next unless -e "/sys/class/net/$dev"; $nic =~ s{^.*/}{}; my $d; foreach my $f (qw( rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_packets tx_packets )) { open( my $fh, '<', "/sys/class/net/$dev/statistics/$f" ); my $v = <$fh>; chomp $v; $d->{$f} = $v; } if ( my $l = $last->{$instance}->{nic}->[$nic] ) { $stat->{$instance}->{nic}->[$nic]->{$_} = $d->{$_} - $l->{$_} foreach keys %$d; $stat->{$instance}->{nic}->[$nic]->{dev} = $dev; if ( -e "/sys/class/net/$dev/master" ) { my $vlan = readlink "/sys/class/net/$dev/master"; $vlan =~ s/^.*br//; $stat->{$instance}->{nic}->[$nic]->{vlan} = $vlan; } } $last->{$instance}->{nic}->[$nic] = $d; } } #XXX $stat; #XXX $last; open(my $fh, '>', '/dev/shm/gnt-monitor.influx'); sub dump4influx { my $hash = shift; my @v; foreach my $k ( keys %$hash ) { my $v = $hash->{$k}; my ( $d, $s ) = $v =~ m/^\d+$/ ? ( '', 'i' ) : $v =~ m/\w+/ ? ( '"', '' ) : ( '' , '' ) ; # float push @v, "$k=$d$v$d$s"; } my $i = join(',', @v); return $i; } foreach my $instance ( keys %$stat ) { next if $skip->{$instance}; print $fh qq{cpu,node=$node,instance=$instance$location cpu=}, $stat->{$instance}->{cpu}, "\n"; foreach my $disk ( @{ $stat->{$instance}->{disk} } ) { print $fh qq{disk,node=$node,instance=$instance$location },dump4influx( $disk ), "\n"; } foreach my $nic ( @{ $stat->{$instance}->{nic} } ) { my $vlan = delete $nic->{vlan}; print $fh qq{nic,node=$node,instance=$instance,vlan=${vlan}$location },dump4influx( $nic ), "\n"; } } close($fh); if ( system( 'curl', '-XPOST', $INFLUX, '--data-binary', '@/dev/shm/gnt-monitor.influx' ) == 0 ) { } else { rename '/dev/shm/gnt-monitor.influx', '/dev/shm/gnt-monitor.influx.bug.' . scalar glob '/dev/shm/gnt-monitor.influx.bug.*'; warn "curl failed: $? $!"; } sleep $INTERVAL; } #/while