set terminal pngcairo color size 800,600 #set output 'axes.png' set output set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" set datafile separator "," #unset border #set key outside #set key top left horizontal set grid set key outside tmargin center #set ylabel "°" #set ylabel "deg." #set ylabel "degrees" #set format x "%H:%M" set format x "" #set format y "%.2f" set yrange [ -0.2 : 0.2 ] #set arrow 1 from first,3 to last,3 nohead linestyle rgb "#ff0000" #set multiplot if ( voltage ) { set multiplot layout 4,1 } else { set multiplot layout 3,1 } set lmargin at screen 0.125 #set linetype 1 lc 'green' set linetype 99 lc 'red' #plot "axes.txt" using 1:2 with lines title "X angle", "" using 1:(3) with dots notitle, "" using 1:(-3) with dots notitle set ylabel "X degrees" plot "axes.txt" using 1:2:(abs($2) < 0.2 ? 1: 99) with lines lc variable notitle # #'/home/dpavlin/zc/www/logo-color.png' binary filetype=png origin=(0,0) dx=0.5 dy=0.5 with rgbimage notitle #plot "axes.txt" using 1:3 with lines title "Y angle", "" using 1:(3) with dots notitle, "" using 1:(-3) with dots notitle set tmargin 0 set ylabel "Y degrees" plot "axes.txt" using 1:3:(abs($3) < 0.2 ? 2: 99) with lines lc variable notitle #, "" using 1:(3) with dots notitle, "" using 1:(-3) with dots notitle set tmargin 0 if ( ! voltage ) { set xlabel "time" set format x "%H:%M\n%d.%m." } set ylabel "celsius" set yrange [ * : * ] plot "axes.txt" using 1:4 with lines lc 'blue' notitle if ( voltage ) { set xlabel "time" set format x "%H:%M\n%d.%m." set ylabel "V" set ytics 0.1 plot "axes.txt" using 1:5 with dots lc 'red' notitle }