Modify order details (line #) New order (defined from suggestion #)

Basket Details
  • Basket number:
  • Managed by:
  • Open on:
  • For supplier ID:
  • Invoice number:
  • Closed on:
Catalogue details " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " value="" />
  1. Title " /> " />
  2. Author: " /> " />
  3. Publisher: " /> " />
  4. Copyright date: " /> " />
  5. ISBN: " /> " />
  6. Series: " /> " />
Accounting Details
  1. Quantity: " /> " onchange="update(this.form);" />
  2. Fund: " />
  3. Supplier price: " /> " onchange="update(this.form)" />
  4. Replacement cost: " /> " />
  5. " readonly="readonly" /> " />
  6. " readonly="readonly" /> " />
  7. " readonly="readonly" /> " />
  8. " /> (usually empty)
  9. The 2 following fields are available for your own usage. They can be useful for statistical purposes
    " />
  10. " />