Enhanced Content: # Broken, omitted: PINESISBN All: - - NOTE: if you have more than one source of cover images set up, Koha will use the first available. - - pref: FRBRizeEditions default: 0 choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - other editions of an item on the staff client (if found by one of the services below). - - pref: OPACFRBRizeEditions default: 0 choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - other editions of an item on the OPAC. Amazon: - - pref: AmazonEnabled default: 0 choices: yes: Use no: "Don't use" - data from Amazon on the staff interface (including reviews and "Search Inside" links on item detail pages). This requires that you have signed up for and entered an access key. - - pref: OPACAmazonEnabled default: 0 choices: yes: Use no: "Don't use" - data from Amazon on the OPAC (including reviews and "Search Inside" links on item detail pages). This requires that you have signed up for and entered an access key. - - Use Amazon data from its - pref: AmazonLocale choices: US: American CA: Canadian DE: German FR: French JP: Japanese UK: British - website. - - Access Amazon content using the access key - pref: AWSAccessKeyID - (free, at http://aws.amazon.com/). - - Put the associate tag - pref: AmazonAssocTag - on links to Amazon. This can net your library referral fees if a patron decides to buy an item. - - pref: AmazonCoverImages default: 1 choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - cover images from Amazon on search results and item detail pages on the staff interface. - - pref: AmazonReviews default: 1 choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - reviews from Amazon on item detail pages on the staff interface. - - pref: AmazonSimilarItems default: 1 choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - similar items, as determined by Amazon, on item detail pages on the staff interface. - - pref: OPACAmazonCoverImages default: 1 choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - cover images from Amazon on search results and item detail pages on the OPAC. - - pref: OPACAmazonSimilarItems default: 1 choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - similar items, as determined by Amazon, on item detail pages on the OPAC. - - pref: OPACAmazonReviews default: 1 choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - reviews from Amazon on item detail pages on the OPAC. Babelthèque: - - pref: Babeltheque choices: yes: Do no: "Don't" - include information (such as reviews and citations) from Babelthèque in item detail pages on the OPAC. Baker and Taylor: - - pref: BakerTaylorEnabled choices: yes: Add no: "Don't add" - Baker and Taylor links and cover images to the OPAC and staff client. This requires that you have entered in a username and password (which can be seen in image links). - - 'Baker and Taylor "My Library Bookstore" links should be accessed at https://' - pref: BakerTaylorBookstoreURL class: url - isbn (this should be filled in with something like ocls.mylibrarybookstore.com/MLB/actions/searchHandler.do?nextPage=bookDetails&parentNum=10923&key=). Leave it blank to disable these links. - - Access Baker and Taylor using username - pref: BakerTaylorUsername class: password - and password - pref: BakerTaylorPassword class: password - . Google: - - pref: GoogleJackets choices: yes: Add no: "Don't add" - cover images from Google Books to search results and item detail pages on the OPAC. Library Thing: # Awkward syntax below, due to quoting conflicts - - pref: ThingISBN choices: yes: Use no: "Don't use" - the ThingISBN service to show other editions of a title (when either FRBRizeEditions or OPACFRBRizeEditions is on). This is separate from Library Thing for Libraries. - - pref: LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - "reviews, similar items, and tags from Library Thing for Libraries on item detail pages on the OPAC. If you've enabled this, you need to " - sign up, then enter in your ID below. - - Access Library Thing for Libraries using the customer ID - pref: LibraryThingForLibrariesID - . - - Show Library Thing for Libraries content - pref: LibraryThingForLibrariesTabbedView choices: yes: in tabs. no: in line with the bibliographic information. OCLC: - - pref: XISBN choices: yes: Use no: "Don't use" - the OCLC xISBN service to show other editions of a title (when either FRBRizeEditions or OPACFRBRizeEditions is on). - - Use the OCLC affiliate ID - pref: OCLCAffiliateID - to access the xISBN service. Note that unless you have signed up for an ID, you are limited to 500 requests per day. - - Only use the xISBN service - pref: XISBNDailyLimit class: integer - times a day. Unless you are paying for the xISBN service, you should leave this at the default of 499 (as detailed above). Syndetics: - - pref: SyndeticsEnabled choices: yes: Use no: "Don't use" - content from Syndetics. Note that this requires that you have signed up for the service and entered in your client code below. - - Use the client code - pref: SyndeticsClientCode - to access Syndetics. - - pref: SyndeticsCoverImages choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - cover images from Syndetics on search results and item detail pages on the OPAC in a - pref: SyndeticsCoverImageSize choices: MC: medium LC: large - size. - - pref: SyndeticsAuthorNotes choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - notes about the author of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC. - - pref: SyndeticsAwards choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - information from Syndetics about the awards a title has won on item detail pages on the OPAC. - - pref: SyndeticsEditions choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - information about other editions of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC (when OPACFRBRizeEditions is on). - - pref: SyndeticsExcerpt choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - excerpts from of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC. - - pref: SyndeticsReviews choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - reviews of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC. - - pref: SyndeticsSeries choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - "information on other books in a title's series from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC." - - pref: SyndeticsSummary choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - a summary of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC. - - pref: SyndeticsTOC choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - the table of contents of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC. Tagging: - - pref: TagsEnabled choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - patrons and staff to put tags on items. - - pref: TagsModeration choices: yes: Require no: "Don't require" - that tags submitted by patrons be reviewed by a staff member before being shown. - - Show - pref: TagsShowOnList class: integer - tags on search results on the OPAC. - - pref: TagsInputOnList choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - patrons to input tags on search results on the OPAC. - - Show - pref: TagsShowOnDetail class: integer - tags on item detail pages on the OPAC. - - pref: TagsInputOnDetail choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - patrons to input tags on item detail pages on the OPAC. - - Allow tags in the dictionary of the ispell executable - pref: TagsExternalDictionary class: file - on the server to be approved without moderation.