" name="Aform" method="post">
Modify a system preference Add a system preference
  1. " />
  2. ">
  3. ON OFF
Save ChangesAdd this Preference"> Cancel
Koha internal
Note: you should have no reasons to modify the following default values
    (Choice, YesNo, Integer, Textarea, Float, Themes, Languages, or ClassSources)
    " size="40" maxlength="40">
    (a choice list for Choice (separated by |) or cols|rows for Texarea)
    " size="60" maxlength="80" />

Data recorded

" method="post">
Confirm Deletion of ?
Variable Name:
" method="post">" />
" method="post">

Data deleted

" method="post">

System preferences admin

Editing preferences for module

Variable Value Explanation
"> ONOFF ">Edit ">Delete
" method="post">