Userid / Password update failed

Insufficient privileges.

Other fields updated.

Unable to delete staff user

Insufficient privileges.

Unable to delete patrons from other libraries with current settings

Insufficient privileges.

Unable to delete patron:

Insufficient privileges.

This patron does not exist.
Patron's account has been renewed until
" /> " />
  • Patron is restricted
    " />
  • Patron's address is in doubt.
  • Patron's card has been reported lost.



  1. Home:
  2. Mobile:
  3. Work:
  4. Organisation phone:
  5. Organisation email:
  6. Professional phone:
  7. Professionnal mobile:
  8. Fax:
  9. Email (home):">
  10. Email (work): ">
  11. Initials:
  12. Date of birth:
  13. Sex:
  14. Ethnicity:
  15. Ethnicity notes:
  16. Guarantees:
  17. Guarantor:">

Patron Image

" width="25%" height="25%" alt="Patron Picture">
  • There is no picture available for this patron.
  • Library use

    1. Patron number:
    2. Category: ()
    3. Registration date:
    4. Expiration date:
    5. Registration branch:
    6. Sort field 1:
    7. Sort field 2:
    8. OPAC login:
    9. OPAC password: *******
    10. OPAC password: ">Undefined
    11. Circulation notes:
    12. Message to Patron:

    Alternate Address

    1. Name:
    2. Firstname:
    3. Phone:
    4. Email:
    5. Relationship:

    Alternative Contact

    1. Surname:
    2. Firstname:
    3. Address1:
    4. Address2:
    5. City,State:
    6. Zip/Post Code:
    7. Phone:

    Fines and Charges

    Total due:

    No outstanding charges

    Items on loan

    " /> " />
      Title Priority Date due Itemtype Charge Price Renew Return
    " alt="" />   "> , by ; , Renewal Failed ">On Hold Too Many Renewals " checked="checked" onClick="javascript:uncheck_sibling(this);" /> " onClick="javascript:uncheck_sibling(this);" /> Return Failed " onClick="javascript:uncheck_sibling(this);" />
      Total replacement cost: renewal due date :" /> /lib/calendar/cal.gif" id="newduedate_button" alt="Show Calendar" />

    Patron has nothing checked out.

    Patron current holds

    Hold date Barcode Title Author Localisation  
    " onclick="openWindow(this, 'Item', 480, 640); return false;"> Queue for this item : "> ( )
    Item is waiting
    Item in transit from since
    This item hasn't been transfered yet from
    " /> " />

    Patron has nothing on hold.