[% USE KohaDates %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › Patrons › [% IF ( unknowuser ) %] Patron does not exist [% ELSE %] Patron details for [% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'calendar.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'patron-search.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'members-toolbar.inc' %] [% IF ( error ) %]

Userid / Password update failed

Insufficient privileges.

Other fields updated.

[% END %] [% IF ( CANT_DELETE_STAFF ) %]

Unable to delete staff user

Insufficient privileges.


Unable to delete patrons from other libraries with current settings

Insufficient privileges.

[% END %] [% IF ( CANT_DELETE ) %]

Unable to delete patron

Insufficient privileges.

[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF ( unknowuser ) %]
This patron does not exist.
[% ELSE %] [% IF ( reregistration ) %]
Patron's account has been renewed until [% dateexpiry %]
[% END %] [% IF ( flagged ) %]
    [% IF ( userdebarred ) %]
  • Patron is restricted[% IF ( userdebarreddate ) %] until [% userdebarreddate%] [% IF (debarredcomment ) %]([% debarredcomment %])[% END %][% END %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( gonenoaddress ) %]
  • Patron's address is in doubt.
  • [% END %] [% IF ( lost ) %]
  • Patron's card has been reported lost.
  • [% END %]
[% END %]

[% UNLESS ( I ) %] [% title %] [% firstname %] [% END %] [% surname %] ([% cardnumber %])

[% UNLESS ( I ) %][% IF ( othernames ) %]“[% othernames %]”[% END %]

[% streetnumber %] [% IF ( roaddetails ) %] [% roaddetails %] [% END %] [% address %]
[% IF ( address2 ) %][% address2 %]
[% END %] [% IF ( city ) %][% city %][% END %] [% IF ( state ) %][% state %][% END %] [% IF ( zipcode ) %][% zipcode %]
[% END %] [% IF ( country ) %][% country %][% END %]

    [% IF ( I ) %] [% IF ( phonepro ) %]
  1. Organization phone: [% phonepro %]
  2. [% END %] [% IF ( emailpro ) %]
  3. Organization email: [% emailpro %]
  4. [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( phone ) %]
  5. Primary phone: [% phone %]
  6. [% END %] [% IF ( mobile ) %]
  7. Secondary phone: [% mobile %]
  8. [% END %] [% IF ( phonepro ) %]
  9. Other phone: [% phonepro %]
  10. [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( P ) %] [% IF ( phone ) %]
  11. Primary phone: [% phone %]
  12. [% END %] [% IF ( mobile ) %]
  13. Secondary phone: [% mobile %]
  14. [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( fax ) %]
  15. Fax: [% fax %]
  16. [% END %] [% UNLESS ( I ) %] [% IF ( email ) %]
  17. Primary email:[% email %]
  18. [% END %] [% IF ( emailpro ) %]
  19. Secondary email: [% emailpro %]
  20. [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( initials ) %]
  21. Initials: [% initials %]
  22. [% END %] [% IF ( dateofbirth ) %]
  23. Date of birth:[% dateofbirth %]
  24. [% END %] [% IF ( sex ) %]
  25. Gender: [% IF ( sex == 'F' ) %]Female[% ELSIF ( sex == 'M' ) %]Male[% ELSE %][% sex %][% END %]
  26. [% END %][% END %] [% IF ( printethnicityline ) %]
  27. Ethnicity:[% ethnicity %]
  28. Ethnicity notes: [% ethnotes %]
  29. [% END %] [% IF ( isguarantee ) %] [% IF ( guaranteeloop ) %]
  30. Guarantees:
  31. [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( guarantorborrowernumber ) %]
  32. Guarantor:[% guarantorsurname %], [% guarantorfirstname %]
  33. [% END %] [% END %]
[% IF ( guarantorborrowernumber ) %] Edit [% ELSE %] Edit [% END %]
[% IF ( patronimages ) %] [% IF ( CAN_user_tools_batch_upload_patron_images ) %]
[% IF ( picture ) %] Manage Patron Image
To update the image for [% title %] [% surname %], select a new image file and click 'Upload.'
Click the 'Delete' button to remove the current image. [% ELSE %] Upload Patron Image
[% title %] [% firstname %] [% surname %] does not currently have an image available. To import an image for [% title %] [% surname %], enter the name of an image file to upload. [% END %]
Only PNG, GIF, JPEG, XPM formats are supported.
[% IF ( picture ) %]Delete[% END %]
[% END %] [% END %]
[% IF ( ExtendedPatronAttributes ) %] [% UNLESS ( no_patron_attribute_types ) %]

Additional attributes and identifiers

[% FOREACH attribute IN attributes_loop %] [% IF attribute.class %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]

[% attribute.lib %]

    [% FOREACH item IN attribute.items %]
  1. [% item.description %]: [% IF ( item.value_description ) %] [% item.value_description %] [% ELSE %] [% item.value| html_line_break %] [% END %]
  2. [% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( EnhancedMessagingPreferences ) %]

Patron messaging preferences

[% INCLUDE 'messaging-preference-form.inc' %] [% IF ( SMSSendDriver ) %]
  1. SMS number:[% SMSnumber %]
[% END %]
[% END %]

Library use

  1. Card number: [% cardnumber %]
  2. Borrowernumber: [% borrowernumber %]
  3. Category: [% description %] ([% categorycode %])
  4. Registration date: [% dateenrolled %]
  5. Expiration date: [% IF ( reregistration ) %] [% dateexpiry %] [% ELSE %] [% dateexpiry %] [% END %]
  6. Library: [% branchname %]
  7. [% IF ( OPACPrivacy ) %]
  8. Privacy Pref: [% IF ( privacy0 ) %]Forever[% END %] [% IF ( privacy1 ) %]Default[% END %] [% IF ( privacy2 ) %]Never[% END %]
  9. [% END %] [% IF ( sort1 ) %]
  10. Sort field 1:[% lib1 %]
  11. [% END %] [% IF ( sort2 ) %]
  12. Sort field 2:[% lib2 %]
  13. [% END %]
  14. Username: [% userid %]
  15. Password: [% IF ( password ) %] ******* [% ELSE %] Undefined [% END %]
  16. [% IF ( borrowernotes ) %]
  17. Circulation note: [% borrowernotes %]
  18. [% END %] [% IF ( opacnote ) %]
  19. OPAC note:[% opacnote %]
  20. [% END %]
[% UNLESS ( I ) %]

Alternate address

  1. Address: [% B_address %]
  2. Address 2: [% B_address2 %]
  3. City: [% B_city %]
  4. [% IF ( B_state ) %]
  5. State: [% B_state %]
  6. [% END %]
  7. Zip/Postal code: [% B_zipcode %]
  8. [% IF ( B_country ) %]
  9. Country: [% B_country %]
  10. [% END %] [% IF ( B_phone ) %]
  11. Phone: [% B_phone %]
  12. [% END %] [% IF ( B_email ) %]
  13. Email: [% email %]
  14. [% END %]
[% END %]

Alternative contact

  1. Surname: [% altcontactsurname %]
  2. First name: [% altcontactfirstname %]
  3. Address: [% altcontactaddress1 %]
  4. Address 2: [% altcontactaddress2 %]
  5. City: [% altcontactaddress3 %]
  6. [% IF ( altcontactstate ) %]
  7. State: [% altcontactstate %]
  8. [% END %]
  9. Zip/Postal code: [% altcontactzipcode %]
  10. [% IF ( altcontactcountry ) %]
  11. Country: [% altcontactcountry %]
  12. [% END %] [% IF ( altcontactphone ) %]
  13. Phone: [% altcontactphone %]
  14. [% END %]
[% IF ( issueloop ) %] [% INCLUDE 'checkouts-table-footer.inc' %] [% FOREACH issueloo IN issueloop %] [% IF ( issueloo.overdue ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.red ) %] [% IF ( issueloo.renew_failed ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.return_failed ) %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( issueloo.norenew_reason_on_reserve ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %]
Due date Title Item type Checked out on Checked out from Call no. Charge Price Renew

select all | none

Check in

select all | none

[% ELSE %] [% END %] [% issueloo.date_due %] [% IF ( issueloo.itemlost ) %] [% issueloo.itemlost %] [% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.damaged ) %] [% issueloo.itemdamaged %] [% END %] [% issueloo.title |html %][% IF ( issueloo.author ) %], by [% issueloo.author %][% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.publishercode ) %]; [% issueloo.publishercode %] [% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.publicationyear ) %], [% issueloo.publicationyear %][% END %] [% issueloo.barcode %] [% UNLESS ( noItemTypeImages ) %] [% IF ( issueloo.itemtype_image ) %][% END %][% END %][% issueloo.itemtype_description %] [% issueloo.issuedate %] [% issueloo.issuingbranchname %] [% issueloo.itemcallnumber %] [% issueloo.charge %] [% issueloo.replacementprice %]Renewal Failed[% IF ( issueloo.renewals ) %][% issueloo.renewals %][% ELSE %]0[% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.norenew ) %] [% IF ( issueloo.can_confirm ) %] [% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.norenew_reason_on_reserve ) %] On Hold [% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.norenew_reason_too_many ) %] Not renewable [% END %] [% IF ( issueloo.can_confirm ) %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( issueloo.red ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END %] Checkin failedOn hold
[% IF ( CAN_user_circulate_override_renewals ) %] [% IF ( AllowRenewalLimitOverride ) %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% ELSE %]

Patron has nothing checked out.

[% END %]
[% IF relissueloop %]
[% FOREACH relissueloo IN relissueloop %] [% IF ( relissueloo.overdue ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( relissueloo.red ) %] [% END %]
Due date Title Item type Checked out on Checked out from Call no. Charge Price Patron
[% ELSE %] [% END %] [% relissueloo.date_due %] [% IF ( relissueloo.itemlost ) %] [% relissueloo.itemlost %] [% END %] [% IF ( relissueloo.damaged ) %] [% relissueloo.itemdamaged %] [% END %] [% relissueloo.title |html %][% IF relissueloo.author %], by [% relissueloo.author %][% END %] [% IF relissueloo.publishercode %]; [% relissueloo.publishercode %] [% END %] [% IF relissueloo.publicationyear %], [% relissueloo.publicationyear %][% END %] [% relissueloo.barcode %] [% UNLESS ( noItemTypeImages ) %] [% IF ( relissueloo.itemtype_image ) %][% END %][% END %][% relissueloo.itemtype_description %] [% relissueloo.issuedate %] [% relissueloo.issuingbranchname %] [% relissueloo.itemcallnumber %] [% relissueloo.charge %] [% relissueloo.replacementprice %] [% relissueloo.firstname %] [% relissueloo.surname %] ([% relissueloo.cardnumber %])
[% END %]
[% IF ( totaldue_raw ) %]

Total due: [% totaldue %]

[% ELSE %]

No outstanding charges

[% END %]
[% IF ( reservloop ) %]
[% FOREACH reservloo IN reservloop %] [% END %]
Hold date Title Call number Barcode Priority Delete?  
[% reservloo.reservedate %] [% reservloo.title |html %][% IF ( reservloo.author ) %], by [% reservloo.author %][% END %] [% reservloo.itemcallnumber %] [% IF ( reservloo.waiting ) %] Item is waiting [% END %] [% IF ( reservloo.transfered ) %] Item in transit from [% reservloo.frombranch %] since [% reservloo.datesent %] [% END %] [% IF ( reservloo.nottransfered ) %] Item hasn't been transferred yet from [% reservloo.nottransferedby %] [% END %] [% IF ( reservloo.barcodereserv ) %] [% reservloo.barcodereserv %] [% END %] [% IF ( reservloo.waitingposition ) %][% reservloo.waitingposition %][% END %] [% IF ( reservloo.suspend ) %]Suspended [% IF ( reservloo.suspend_until ) %] until [% reservloo.suspend_until | $KohaDates %][% END %][% END %]
[% IF SuspendHoldsIntranet %]
[% IF AutoResumeSuspendedHolds %] Specify date on which to resume [% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]: [% END %]
[% END # IF SuspendHoldsIntranet %] [% ELSE %]

Patron has nothing on hold.

[% END %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'circ-menu.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]