[% USE KohaDates %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] [% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %] Koha › Circulation › Holds › Place a hold on [% title |html %] [% ELSE %] Koha › Circulation › Holds › Confirm holds [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'calendar.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'circ-search.inc' %] [% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
[% IF ( noitems ) %]
Cannot place hold: this record has no items attached.
[% ELSE %] [% IF ( messagetransfert ) %]

Hold found for ([% nextreservtitle %]), please transfer

Hold placed by : [% nextreservsurname %] [% nextreservfirstname %] at : [% branchname %] , Please transfer this item.

[% END %] [% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %]

Place a hold on [% INCLUDE 'biblio-default-view.inc' %][% title |html %]

[% ELSE %]

Confirm holds

[% END %] [% UNLESS ( borrowernumber ) %] [% IF ( messageborrower ) %]

Patron not found

No patron with this name, please, try another

[% END %]
[% UNLESS borrower_list %]
Enter patron card number or partial name:
[% ELSE %]
[% END %] [% IF ( multi_hold ) %] [% END %]
[% ELSE %] [% IF ( maxreserves || alreadyreserved || none_available || alreadypossession ) %]
[% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %]

Cannot place hold

[% ELSE %]

Cannot place hold on some items

[% END %]
[% END %] [% IF ( expiry || diffbranch ) %]
[% END %] [% IF ( messageborrower ) %]

Patron not found:

Name or barcode not found. Please try an other

[% END %]
Hold details [% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %]
[% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( multi_hold ) %] [% FOREACH biblioloo IN biblioloop %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
  1. Patron: [% IF ( borrowernumber ) %] [% borrowerfirstname %] [% borrowersurname %] ([% cardnumber %]) [% ELSE %] Not defined yet [% END %]
  2. [% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %]
  3. Priority: [% fixedRank %]
  4. [% END %]
  5. [% IF ( reserve_in_future ) %]
  6. Clear date
  7. [% END %]
  8. Clear date
  9. [% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %]
  10. [% END %]
[% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %]
[% IF ( borrowernumber ) %] [% IF ( override_required ) %] [% ELSIF ( none_available ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% FOREACH bibitemloo IN bibitemloop %]
    [% UNLESS ( item_level_itypes ) %]
  1. Item type: [% bibitemloo.description %]
  2. [% END %] [% IF ( bibitemloo.publicationyear ) %]
  3. Publication year: [% bibitemloo.publicationyear %]
  4. [% END %]
[% IF ( item_level_itypes ) %] [% END %] [% IF itemdata_enumchron %] [% END %] [% FOREACH itemloo IN bibitemloo.itemloop %] [% UNLESS ( itemloo.hide ) %] [% IF ( item_level_itypes ) %] [% END %] [% IF itemdata_enumchron %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %]
Place a hold on a specific copy
HoldItem typeBarcode Home library Last location Call no. Copy no.Vol no.Information
[% IF ( itemloo.available ) %] [% ELSIF ( itemloo.override ) %] Requires override of hold policy [% ELSE %] Cannot be put on hold [% END %] [% UNLESS ( noItemTypeImages ) %] [% IF ( itemloo.imageurl ) %]
[% END %] [% END %] [% itemloo.itypename %]
[% itemloo.barcode %] [% itemloo.homebranchname %] [% itemloo.holdingbranchname %] [% itemloo.itemcallnumber %] [% IF ( itemloo.copynumber ) %][% itemloo.copynumber %][% ELSE %] [% END %] [% itemloo.enumchron %] [% IF ( itemloo.onloan ) %] Due [% itemloo.date_due %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( itemloo.transfertwhen ) %] In transit from [% itemloo.transfertfrom %], to [% itemloo.transfertto %], since [% itemloo.transfertwhen %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( itemloo.message ) %] Unavailable (lost or missing) [% END %] [% IF ( itemloo.notforloan ) %] Not for loan ([% itemloo.notforloanvalue %]) [% END %] [% IF ( itemloo.reservedate ) %] [% IF ( itemloo.nocancel ) %] Can't be cancelled when item is in transit [% ELSE %] [% IF ( itemloo.waitingdate ) %]Waiting[% ELSE %]On hold[% END %] [% IF ( itemloo.canreservefromotherbranches ) %]for [% itemloo.ReservedForFirstname %] [% itemloo.ReservedForSurname %][% END %] [% IF ( itemloo.waitingdate ) %]at[% ELSE %]expected at[% END %] [% itemloo.ExpectedAtLibrary %] since [% IF ( itemloo.waitingdate ) %][% itemloo.waitingdate | $KohaDates %][% ELSE %][% IF ( itemloo.reservedate ) %][% itemloo.reservedate %][% END %][% END %]. Cancel hold [% END %] [% ELSE %] Not on hold [% END %]
[% IF ( bibitemloo.hiddencount ) %]

Show all items ([% bibitemloo.hiddencount %] hidden)

[% END %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% UNLESS ( item_level_itypes ) %] [% END %] [% FOREACH biblioloo IN biblioloop %] [% IF ( biblioloo.warn ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% UNLESS ( item_level_itypes ) %] [% END %] [% END %]
TitleItem typePriority Information
[% UNLESS ( biblioloo.warn ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% biblioloo.itypename %] [% biblioloo.rank %] [% IF ( biblioloo.alreadyres ) %]
    [% ELSE %] [% IF ( biblioloo.none_avail ) %]
      [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( biblioloo.alreadyres ) %]
    • [% borrowerfirstname %] [% borrowersurname %] already has a hold on this item
    • [% END %] [% IF ( biblioloo.none_avail ) %]
    • No copies are available to be placed on hold
    • [% END %] [% IF ( biblioloo.alreadyres ) %]
    [% ELSE %] [% IF ( biblioloo.none_avail ) %]
[% END %] [% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF ( borrowernumber ) %] [% IF ( override_required ) %] [% ELSIF ( none_available ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% UNLESS ( borrowernumber ) %] [% IF ( reserveloop ) %]
[% IF ( multi_hold ) %] [% END %]
Existing holds [% FOREACH biblioloo IN biblioloop %] [% IF ( biblioloo.reserveloop ) %] [% IF ( multi_hold ) %] [% END %] [% IF ( CAN_user_reserveforothers_modify_holds_priority ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( CAN_user_reserveforothers_modify_holds_priority ) %] [% END %] [% IF SuspendHoldsIntranet %][% END %] [% FOREACH reserveloo IN biblioloo.reserveloop %] [% UNLESS ( loop.odd ) %][% ELSE %][% END %] [% IF ( CAN_user_reserveforothers_modify_holds_priority ) %] [% END %] [% IF ( CAN_user_reserveforothers_modify_holds_priority ) %] [% END %] [% IF SuspendHoldsIntranet %] [% END # IF SuspendHoldsIntranet %] [% END %]
[% biblioloo.title |html %]
Priority  Delete?Patron Notes Date Expiration Pickup library DetailsToggle set to lowest priority  
Go up Go top Go bottom Go down [% IF ( reserveloo.hidename ) %] [% reserveloo.cardnumber (reserveloo.borrowernumber) %] [% ELSE %] [% reserveloo.firstname %] [% reserveloo.surname %] [% END %] [% reserveloo.notes %] [% reserveloo.date %] [% reserveloo.expirationdate %] [% IF ( reserveloo.wait ) %] [% IF ( reserveloo.atdestination ) %] [% IF ( reserveloo.found ) %] Item waiting at [% reserveloo.wbrname %] [% ELSE %] Waiting to be pulled [% END %] [% ELSE %] Item being transferred to [% reserveloo.wbrname %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( reserveloo.wait ) %] [% IF ( reserveloo.barcodenumber ) %] [% reserveloo.barcodenumber %] [% ELSE %] No barcode [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( reserveloo.constrainttypea ) %] [% IF ( reserveloo.item_level_hold ) %] Only item [% IF ( reserveloo.barcodenumber ) %] [% reserveloo.barcodenumber %] [% ELSE %] No barcode [% END %] [% ELSE %] Next available [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( reserveloo.constrainttypeo ) %] only this type :[% reserveloo.volumeddesc %] [% reserveloo.itemtype %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( reserveloo.lowestPriority ) %] Unset lowest priority [% ELSE %] Set to lowest priority [% END %] Cancel [% UNLESS ( reserveloo.wait ) %] [% IF AutoResumeSuspendedHolds %] Clear date [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% UNLESS ( multi_hold ) %] [% INCLUDE 'biblio-view-menu.inc' %] [% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]