
Term Status Reviewer Date
" /> " /> " /> /lib/calendar/cal.gif" border="0" alt="Show Calendar" style="cursor: pointer;" id="openCalendarFrom" />
" /> /lib/calendar/cal.gif" border="0" alt="Show Calendar" style="cursor: pointer;" id="openCalendarTo" />

Displaying ALL Approved Pending Rejected Terms

Approved Rejected Tested Unkown Operation () on Term(s).
ERROR: Date from is not a legal value (). ERROR: Date to is not a legal value (). ERROR: Failed to approve term (). ERROR: Failed to reject term (). ERROR: No match for user (). FILTER REQUIRES BORROWERNUMBER (not name). ERROR: No match for borrowernumber (). ERROR: The root koha user in your KOHA_CONF file (default: kohaadmin) is not a valid tag moderator. These actions are logged by borrowernumber, so the moderator must exist in your borrowers table. Please login as a different authorized staff user to moderate tags. Unrecognized error!
    Status Term Weight Actions Reviewer Date
" name="tags" /> rejected OK &approved=all">


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"" is permitted. "" is prohibited. "" is neither permitted nor prohibited.