# Makefile # # Makefile for the Arduino VirtualWire project # # Author: Mike McCauley (mikem@airspayce.com) # Copyright (C) 2011 Mike McCauley # $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2013/01/14 06:49:29 mikem Exp mikem $ PROJNAME = VirtualWire # Dont forget to also change the version at the top of RF22.h: DISTFILE = $(PROJNAME)-1.19.zip all: doxygen dist upload doxygen: doxygen project.cfg ci: (cd ..;ci -l `cat $(PROJNAME)/MANIFEST`) dist: (cd ..; zip $(PROJNAME)/$(DISTFILE) `cat $(PROJNAME)/MANIFEST`) upload: rsync -avz $(DISTFILE) doc/ www.airspayce.com:public_html/mikem/arduino/$(PROJNAME) rsync -avz ../../doc/VirtualWire.pdf doc/ www.airspayce.com:public_html/mikem/arduino/