Grant Likely It's Alive! - Linux on Embedded PowerPC porting guide
ELC, San Francisco "Ubiquity", Monday, April 6 2009
Nothing beats the feeling of success the first time you get a new board to boot the kernel and print out a login: prompt, but if you haven't ported Linux to a new board before then it can be daunting to know where to start.

This presentation will give and overview and demonstration of the steps required to boot Linux on a PowerPC embedded system. It should be of interest to any developer who is or will be working on an embedded PowerPC system. Specific topics to cover include; bringing up U-Boot, Linux boot sequence, describing the hardware with the Flattened Device Tree, writing the board support code, and writing device drivers.

Grant Likely has spent the last 14 years building embedded systems for the military and telecom industries. Over the course of several embedded Linux projects, Grant became an active PowerPC developer and maintainer of the Xilinx Virtex and the Freescale MPC5xxx platforms. In 2005 he founded Secret Lab Technologies Ltd., an embedded Linux engineering company, where he continues to play with unique hardware and tries not to let the magic smoke out.