--- - 5.6 - 6.6 - '[1] Use the Fork Luke' --- - 18.2 - 19.2 - '[2] Who Cares About ANSI?' --- - 131.2 - 132.2 - '[3] 2005 OSCON -> 1/ (20+)' --- - 138.6 - 139.6 - '[4] Custom Advisory Board 2005' --- - 252.5 - 253.5 - '[5] Do Not Live in the Past' --- - 315.5 - 316.5 - '[6] Master Plan' --- - 357.7 - 358.7 - '[7] Rethink Everything' --- - 397.5 - 398.5 - '[8] Do not assume everything was bad.' --- - 428.8 - 429.8 - '[9] Focus' --- - 457.7 - 458.7 - '[10] • Drop ERP (90’s style applications) • Drop Data Warehousing • Drop Analytic' --- - 518.5 - 519.5 - '[11] Focus On Web Applications' --- - 526.9 - 527.9 - '[12] MySQL Market is now just entering 16 Core.' --- - 571.3 - 572.3 - '[13] Do not play catchup.' --- - 610.4 - 611.4 - '[14] Library of Congress is just 26 Terabytes.' --- - 614.9 - 615.9 - '[15] The world is 64bit, and there is a lot of RAM.' --- - 659.5 - 660.5 - '[16] MicroKernel' --- - 792.8 - 793.8 - '[17] Multi-Core' --- - 896.1 - 897.1 - '[18] ACID Compliant Transactional Transactional' --- - 979.3 - 980.3 - '[19] Innodb is our Default Engine' --- - 994.4 - 995.4 - '[20] We have no...' --- - 1003.5 - 1004.5 - '[21] We may though...' --- - 1005.0 - 1006 - '[22] SP’s through Real Languages' --- - 1030.8 - 1031.8 - '[23] Views are useful, but not when materialized' --- - 1053.6 - 1054.6 - '[24] Triggers no, but maybe Callbacks...' --- - 1108.4 - 1109.4 - '[25] Prepared Statements are out.' --- - 1249.6 - 1250.6 - '[26] What we are doing...' --- - 1399.5 - 1400.5 - '[27] Dump ACL' --- - 1462.8 - 1463.8 - '[28] Authorization is coming...' --- - 1476.2 - 1477.2 - '[29] Do people really sort blobs?' --- - 1499.9 - 1500.9 - '[30] Field Types' --- - 1725.4 - 1726.4 - '[31] Интернет является UTF-8.' --- - 1846.0 - 1847 - '[32] UTF-8' --- - 1848.1 - 1849.1 - '[33] Recycle' --- - 1852.0 - 1853 - '[34] Reuse many eyeballs' --- - 2102.7 - 2103.7 - '[35] Maintenance Matters' --- - 2106.0 - 2107 - '[36] In with the New' --- - 2248.5 - 2249.5 - '[37] TABLE != Table' --- - 2265.3 - 2266.3 - '[38] How big is it?' --- - 2314.7 - 2315.7 - '[39] Performance Matters' --- - 2316.4 - 2317.4 - '[40] •Scale Out Optimizer (OLTP) • •Execution Engine' --- - 2320.6 - 2321.6 - '[41] Transparency + Edge' --- - 2361.0 - 2362 - '[42] LaunchPad' --- - 2436.2 - 2437.2 - '[43] Buildbot' --- - 2450.2 - 2451.2 - '[44] Open Source' --- - 2546.8 - 2547.8 - '[45] 30+ Languages' --- - 2564.3 - 2565.3 - '[46] Code Drives Decisions' --- - 2565.5 - 2566.5 - '[47] Requirement for Release' --- - 2594.5 - 2595.5 - '[48] Where is the Money?' --- - 2595.9 - 2596.9 - '[49] Innovation Happens Elsewhere' --- - 2597.1 - 2598.1 - '[50] Federated X' --- - 2615.6 - 2616.6 - '[51] Transport' --- - 2644.9 - 2645.9 - '[52] Distributed Query Cache' --- - 2689.1 - 2690.1 - '[53] Where are we going?' --- - 2690.4 - 2691.4 - '[54] Today' --- - 2700.4 - 2701.4 - '[55] Tomorrow' --- - 2746.1 - 2747.1 - '[56] So how do I get involved?'