--- - 4.7 - 5.7 - "[1] Linux Performance Tuning and Stabilization Tips" --- - 18.8 - 19.8 - "[2] Table of contents" --- - 47.7 - 48.7 - "[3] Random Access Memory" --- - 129.1 - 130.1 - "[4] Cache hot application data in memory" --- - 217.0 - 218 - "[5] Buffered I/O" --- - 295.8 - 296.8 - "[6] Do not allocate too much memory" --- - 401.1 - 402.1 - "[7] What if setting swap size to zero?" --- - 500.7 - 501.7 - "[8] Do not set swap=zero" --- - 591.4 - 592.4 - "[9] What if stopping OOM Killer?" --- - 654.5 - 655.5 - "[10] Swap space management" --- - 704.8 - 705.8 - "[11] Be careful about backup operations" --- - 744.4 - 745.4 - "[12] vm.swappiness = 0" --- - 827.3 - 828.3 - "[13] Memory allocator" --- - 887.4 - 888.4 - "[14] Memory allocator would matter for CPU bound workloads" --- - 924.7 - 925.7 - "[15] Be careful about per-session memory" --- - 1019.4 - 1020.4 - "[16] Table of contents" --- - 1026.5 - 1027.5 - "[17] File I/O and synchronous writes" --- - 1136.7 - 1137.7 - "[18] Overwriting or Appending?" --- - 1259.3 - 1260.3 - "[19] Quick file i/o health check" --- - 1327.8 - 1328.8 - "[20] Buffered and asynchronous writes" --- - 1490.3 - 1491.3 - "[21] Filesystem - ext3" --- - 1575.5 - 1576.5 - "[22] Filesystem - xfs/ext2" --- - 1668.1 - 1669.1 - "[23] Concurrent write matters on fast storage" --- - 1739.2 - 1740.2 - "[24] I/O scheduler" --- - 1840.6 - 1841.6 - "[25] cfq madness" --- - 1966.4 - 1967.4 - "[26] Changing I/O scheduler (InnoDB)" --- - 1999.6 - 2000.6 - "[27] Changing I/O scheduler queue size (MyISAM)" --- - 2104.5 - 2105.5 - "[28] Useful commands and tools" --- - 2113.2 - 2114.2 - "[29] iostat" --- - 2171.4 - 2172.4 - "[30] iostat example (DBT-2)" --- - 2239.8 - 2240.8 - "[31] mpstat" --- - 2288.9 - 2289.9 - "[32] vmstat and mpstat" --- - 2314.6 - 2315.6 - "[33] Oprofile" --- - 2363.9 - 2364.9 - "[34] Oprofile example" --- - 2417.1 - 2418.1 - "[35] SystemTap" --- - 2486.5 - 2487.5 - "[36] SystemTap use-case 1 : Per-file i/o statistics" --- - 2553.9 - 2554.9 - "[37] Sample Code" --- - 2619.5 - 2620.5 - "[38] SystemTap use-case 2 : Userspace profiling" --- - 2644.3 - 2645.3 - "[39] Background: MySQL Sorting Algorithm" --- - 2654.1 - 2655.1 - "[40] SystemTap Script 2" --- - 2682.6 - 2683.6 - "[41] gdb" --- - 2730.1 - 2731.1 - "[42] gdb case study" --- - 2770.7 - 2771.7 - "[43] Taking thread dumps with gdb" --- - 2790.8 - 2791.8 - "[44] Stack trace" --- - 2800.7 - 2801.7 - "[45] Reading sql_parse.cc:969" --- - 2807.6 - 2808.6 - "[46] Who locked LOCK_thread_count for seconds?" --- - 2813.6 - 2814.6 - "[47] Reading mysqld.cc:4811" --- - 2833.9 - 2834.9 - "[48] Configuration Summary" --- - 2904.6 - 2905.6 - "[49] Enjoy the conference!"