So why are we writing the openisis software? Because Isis is not open source software, it's not even free software, and that leads to a whole bunch of problems. * problems resulting from closed software - Availability (in theory) Versions of the software exist for some operating systems, library versions and languages. For other environments, there is no version of the software, and there is not much one can do about it. - Availability (in practice) You may download most the software, but it's partly protected with passwords, which you have to order at some national distributor. You have to pay some fee and/or declare some good reasons, why you want to use the software. Then you have to wait. In germany, for example, it didn't work at all for some time, until the newly founded > IsisNetz remedied the situation. - Availability (in legal terms) Some parts of the software are accompanied by different documents stating some license terms, others are not. Terms seem to be pretty different between countries. One can not easily figure out, what exactly might be allowed usage. - Availability (of documentation) Some documentation is available in english, some only in portugese, espanol or italiano. Only a small part is downloadable at all, most is paperware. - Bugfixing There is no way one can fix a bug, and not much one can do about having somebody fix it. - Extending The only way one could write a Binding for perl or Java would be using the isis.dll. There are problems with regard to required additional libraries (especially some C++ stuff), there are no statements about thread safety, unicode compatibility and so on. As a consequence, it's practically impossible to write a state-of-the-art web application based on an isis db. - Improving Many users develop useful ideas for improvements from practice. Their expertise is lost as they are not able to turn it into improved software. - Enabling While open source software enables people all over the world to shape their tools themselves, closed software lets them in dependency. * benefits of open software To address these problems we feel the need for an open source implementation of isis. Of course it would be best to have all of the existing isis code under one or the other form of open license (GPL, LGPL, artistic or similar as appropriate). On the other hand, an independent secondary implementation has advantages in it's own right. It may have a different focus and develop strengths in one aspect while another aproach performs better in other situations. For example, openisis will have some support for multithreading and unicode, which is paid for by a certain overhead. A rewrite by developers with a different background might introduce new ideas which finally, after having had their indepent test bed, help improve the standard. OpenIsis as a software to access isis databases is and will be freely available for everybody with full sourcecode, no fee, no restrictions.