considerations on the design of a PHP interface This paper is based on the requirements of > Concurrency * why not to export sessions From the C-API's point of view, the use of sessions is a MUST in a multithreaded environment, which PHP may be. This, however, is the server-side of the PHP engine. The PHP page, as seen by the programmer, is a client to the database: it does NOT handle multiple requests, but one! In other words, the page is already executing within the context of a given request, including a given thread. Since a request is not meant to operate on several sessions, but rather has one session as an attribute of it's context, nothing would be gained by making the session visible ("export") to the PHP programmer by calls like read(ses,...) or ses->read(...). Moreover, the currently most used environments, i.e. MP Apache 1.x/Unix and some Windoze boxes, do not allow/require the use of multiple sessions, anyway. Finally, the only reason to explicitly select a session based on a user's session id, would be to access this session's state as #1-style result sets or authentication information. Both will not be implemented in the near future and both will rarely be needed in web environments. Yet, it might be made available when needed by means of an additional call that "selects" that session as the one to be associated with the request context. * strategy Therefore, I would suggest the following strategy: - In the first step, stick to the default session by using a static session variable like openisis_ses0 and auto-initializing it like the OPENISIS_SES0 macro does. - For the MP version register a function using register_shutdown_function (is there a corresponding C-API to register a C function ?) that closes all open DBs in order to release their flocks. (Berlin will provide such a "close all"). - On Windoze and Apache 2, make sure to actually run single-threaded by using EnterCriticalSection/pthread_mutex_lock on a static CRITICAL_SECTION/PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER and leaving/unlocking it in a registered shutdown_function - Some day, in a better age, replace the static session variable with a thread specific one by using pthread_key_create/pthread_setspecific or maybe PHP's TSRM. C.f. man pthread_mutex_lock, > critical Windoze * notes - is there a call in the PHP API that can be relied upon to be the first one used, in order to do initialization? Probably opening a DB? - In the MT version, closing databases is not enforced, thus successive requests will open already opened databases. This is ok with the C-API's DOpen, which will happily return the same handle. - Once additional worker sessions/threads are supported, we'll need additional open/close calls, which do neither actually open or close a database, but access and release (and possibly flush). The MT and MP usage could then be made to look very similarm with details governed by a few config settings. --- $Id: PHP.txt,v 1.1 2003/02/13 20:36:23 kripke Exp $