* demo databases the very simplistic > /openisis/Demo?search=development standard Demo searches the small (160 record) cds database or the larger (~ 58.000 records) unesb. Based on the OpenIsis java binding, the whole interface is done with only 200 lines of code. There is also a > http://galileo.or.cr/php_isis/ PHP version available at galileo foundation of Costa Rica, written by > mailto:braulio@openisis.org Braulio José Solano Rojas . a special sample was set up to search for > /openisis/unicode?search=&prefix=1&action=search unicode characters . You can also list the > /openisis/unicode?search=&prefix=1&action=search&terms=1 index . Note that the ability to display fonts like arabic or georgian depends on your browser. See > /doc/charsets.html notes on character sets. * real world examples > http://databases.unesco.org/xtrans/xtra-form.html UNESCO Index Translationum , the International Bibliography of Translations with more than 1,300,000 references. > http://isisonline.lib.itb.ac.id/ IsisOnline databases by Institut Teknologi Bandung of Indonesia. > http://catalog.dml.or.id/credit.php (Credit) The > http://knjiznice.ffzg.hr/search/Search.cgi WebPAC of the Zagreb University's faculty of philosophy. See also Dobrica Pavlinusic's > http://webpac.sourceforge.net/ paper Library of the > /openisis/idm Institut für Didaktik der Mathematik of the University Bielefeld, Germany. > http://www.bv.umsanet.edu.bo/home.htm Biblioteca Virtual Universitaria de Bolivia ("Este sitio ha sido desarrollado principalmente con OpenIsis"). > http://www.funde.org/cendoc.html Fundación Nacional para el Desarollo , El Salvador (still using very early and slow version, but works). > http://www.nied.edu.na/resource%20centre/openisis_lookup.dwt the National Institute for Educational Development of Namibia.