design of the Tcl interface * sessions and records The `objects´ in the OpenIsis Tcl interface are tcl commands using the same generic syntax like "array", "info", "interp" or the Tk widgets: $ name option ?arg arg ...? $ Like slave interpreters created by "interp create" or widgets created by "button", "entry" and the like, the name of the command can be choosen freely. There are two basic `objects´ to consider when using OpenIsis: - a record is a command giving access to it's fields. It provides access to single fields, a selection of fields, formatting or looping over the records contents. - a session creates new records from scratch or by fetching them from a database. A session also implements all record commands, giving access to it's configuration. Moreover a session has two embedded records, the request and the result. Finally, new sessions may be created. There is one builtin command introduced by OpenIsis giving access to the default session: the command "openIsis". If you do not intend to work with multiple sessions, you can switch the command openIsis to a remote session. * synchronous vs. event based processing Sessions within this context are always client sessions, and all but the default session (which is local) are connected to a remote server doing the actual work. Unlike the corresponding sessions on the server(s), which are dispatched to multiple threads in order to process multiple client's requests in parallel, the client sessions do essentially nothing but communicate with the server, which is handled pseudo-asynchronously within one thread by means of fileevents, compare > Client client basics. A session may be configured for event based processing by configuring a command to be executed upon request completion. Client sessions are asynchronous in nature and the server socket can (on Unix) easily be bound to a Tcl filehandler. If no command is specified, each request will block until completed. The default session, on the other hand, runs in the same process. Although it is possible to detach processing to a slave thread, integration is more demanding and system dependent and may not be available until some later version. Nonetheless, you may specify a command which will be executed after the completion. * the record options Following is a short outline of the options of the record command. Wherever a field parameter is used, it may be specified as either a decimal number or, if a dictionary is available for this record, as a field name. Field names may also be preceeded by a dash for an option style look. - del ?field ...? All values for all or the specified fields are removed. - get ?field ...? Returns a list of all or the specified field's values. If the one and only argument is -tags, returns a plain list with alternating tag and value elements. If the one and only argument is -tagnames and the record has a fdt, returns a plain list with alternating tagname and value elements. If the -nodefaults option is not given and one argument is a list of two elements, the first element specifies the field name (or id) and the second gives the default value if the field is not present. - add field value ?field value ...? Adds the specified pairs of fields and values. - set field ?value field value ...? With only a single field specified, returns the first value of the single specified field. If values are given, each field is set to the given value, overriding any previous value in the same place. In detail, for every sequence of the same field in the list, the values are assigned to existing occurences of this field in the record. Remaining occurences in the record are deleted. Remaining occurences in the parameter list are added. - do ?options? varname body loops body over fields of the record, assigning each value in turn to varname. body may use break and continue. options include: -fieldid varname to assign each field id to varname, -fieldname varname to assign each field name to varname, -field field to select only occurences of field, -fields fieldlist to select only occurences of fields in fieldlist - clone ?options? newname ?field value ...? clone this record to newname (which must not be a valid option). If newname is "-", some name starting with "openIsis" is choosen. Following field value pairs are applied as with set. options include: -empty to make an empty clone (sharing the same dictionary) - copy source append all fields of source record to this record bypassing any fdt informations. useful in situations where plain field copying of a previously created source record with embedded subrecords would violate the fdt of target record. - fmt ?options? format apply ("print") format. - done have the record go away. same effect as with Tcl's rename. - serialize set result to serialized record - deserialize string deserialize record from string - wrap -tag tagnumber | tagname ?-number count? ?-done? embed wrap record given by embed command into this record with length field tag. if count is given, append count as tag value and embed record to this record. if -done is given, have the embed record gone away. - db ?options? if no options are given, create a record command for the metadata of the db this record belongs to. otherwise apply options to a temporary metadata record. - fdt ?options? if no options are given, create a record command for the fdt of this record. otherwise apply options to a temporary fdt record. - rowid return mfn of record, useful only for records embedded in a sessions read or query response - .path ?option arg ...? access embedded record specified by path, where each component is of the form field or field[occ]. Without parameters, return 0 or 1 depending on availability of embedded rec. Example: rec .4[2] set -foo bar * the session options Note that a session supports the record options, applied to it's configuration. - db db ?options? if no options are given, create a record command for the metadata of db. otherwise apply options to a temporary metadata record. - fdt db ?options? if no options are given, create a record command for the fdt of db. otherwise apply options to a temporary fdt record. db names -syspar, -scheme, -fd, -fdt, -dbpar, -request, -response may be used to access built in system fdts. - new -schema name ?options? create a new scheme with configuration specified by options. - new ?-db db? ?name? create new record (for db) db names -syspar, -scheme, -fd, -fdt, -dbpar, -request, -response may be used to create a non-db record with built in system fdt. - req ?-db db? ?-param val? Apply the -param val settings to the request record (as with set), then send it to the server. See the > Client common client description for an overview of parameters. preset db for data record of an insert or update request, if specified. - recv Force wait for an response. Does nothing on a synchronous connection or if the response is already there. - .req ?-db db? ?options? access request record - .res ?option ...? ("response/result") With further parameters, apply them to the result record (error, if not response there). Without parameters, return 0 or 1 depending on availability of response. The following fields can be set in the request record: - type - open, close a local database - mount a remote database - ls get a list all available (opened) databases - maxrow get maxrowid of database - query issue a query to database - read read one record from database - insert append new record to database - update update existing record on database - delete (not implemented yet) - db database name different from sessions default db - rowid mfn in read or update requests - config embedded configuration record when opening a local database - flen, fd fdt length and embedded fd records when opening a local database - rec embedded data record in insert or update requests - idx embedded index record in insert or update requests - flags bitwise-or of 1 (retrieve meta data of database with this request) and 2 (fetch records in addition to row ids in query request) - mode mode in query request - skip skip mfn in query request - size limit result set to size in query request - key key value in query request Dependent on the request type, the response may contain these fields: - db database name(s) - flen, fd database fdt length and embedded fd records - config embedded configuration database record - rowid mfn(s) (read, query, insert requests) - rec embedded data record(s) (read, query requests) - error, error2 error codes - msg error message if error is non-zero - total total size of query result set - size actual size of delivered result set * the session configuration - server Hostname - port - command command to be executed upon completion (async, if possible) - encoding encoding used by the server (default under windows is Cp850) - db (database) Name of default database on the server to be used for calls that don't specify one. - url specify server, port and db in url style - loglevel - logfile * see also > Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming Minimum used Tcl stuff: > Tcl/Tk 8.3.5 (for use with TclX, else 8.4.2 is ok) > Tkhtml "2.0" The full story includes: > TclX 8.3.5 > Tix 8.1.4 > BLT 2.4z > [Incr Tcl] 3.2.1, [Incr Widgets] 4.0.1 > Tcllib 1.3, BWidgets 1.4.1 > tclXml/Dom/Xslt 2.6 Downloads: $ for dir in tcl tclx tix blt incrtcl tcllib tclxml oratcl; do$dir done $ --- $Id: Tcl.txt,v 1.15 2003/06/17 12:45:32 mawag Exp $