from the Winisis "reference" manual: $ i. Gizmo conversion table This field may contain the name of a Gizmo conversion table to be used for import. This facility is provided to facilitate interchange of text containing diacritical marks between different hardware and/or software platforms. A gizmo conversion table is an ASCII text file, which you may create using any familiar text editor, and is defined as follows. The first character of the first line contains the diacritical prefix (normally the @ sign for CDS/ISIS). Each subsequent line has the following format: dxyxyxyxyxy....xy where : d is the diacritical code (e.g. 7 for acute accent), x is the character to be accented, and y is the accented character. A sample gizmo conversion table is given below: @ 6aàeè 7aáeé (([ ))] CDS/ISIS uses this table to provide encoded diacriticals on export (e.g. é will be converted to @7e), and to decode encoded diacriticals on import (e.g. @6a will be converted to à). When a Gizmo conversion table is used for import, CDS/ISIS will simply strip the diacritical for all those characters not listed in the table. For example, using the table given above, the input string @7e. will be converted to é, whereas the string @7y will be converted to y, because y is not listed in line 7. Note: this feature is not implemented in this version. $ at some (?) other source i found: $ a gizmo is a masterfile containing text replacements. gizmo records have fields with tags 1 and 2. every occurence of the contents of field 1 is replaced by the contents of the associated field 2. gizmo translation can be used - to perform charset translation, e.g. Cp850 to ISO-8859-1 - to translate special chars like <> with something nicer like / - to htmlify output like with < to < - to replace certain keywords that might be used in field contents if a gizmo record has a field 11, and it contains the three characters: - asc then field 1 is used as decimal number giving a char value - hex then field 1 is used as hex number (e.g. d7) giving a char value in the same way field 21 may control interpretation of field 2. $