if ( gray == 1 ) { # set terminal pngcairo mono size 600,800 set terminal pngcairo color size 600,800 } else { set terminal pngcairo color size 1200,600 } set xdata time set timefmt "%s" if (strlen(interval) > 2) { set xtics format "%H" } else { set xtics format "%H:%M" } set pointsize 0.2 set output '/dev/shm/temp2.png' unset border set multiplot if ( gray == 1 ) { set size 1, 0.5 set origin 0.0, 0.5 } else { set size 1.0, 0.5 set origin 0.0, 0.5 } #if ( ! exists("t_mean")) { if (1) { t_mean=25 t_spread=25 h_mean = 50 h_spread = 50 print "using default mean and spread" } min_t = t_mean - ( t_spread / 2 ) max_t = t_mean + ( t_spread / 2 ) set ytics nomirror set y2tics plot \ "/dev/shm/DHT22-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2 > min_t && $2 < max_t ? $2 : '') with dots title "DHT22 unutra" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-172-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2) with dots title "vani" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-75-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2) with dots title "kupaona" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-141-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2) with dots title "kuhinja" \ ,"/dev/shm/DS18B20-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2 > min_t && $2 < max_t ? $2 : '') with dots title "DS18B20 unutra" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-183-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2) with dots title "soba" lt rgb "#808000" if ( exists("lines") && lines == 1 ) { plot \ "/dev/shm/DHT22-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2 > min_t && $2 < max_t ? $2 : '') with lines title "DHT22 unutra" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-172-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2) with lines title "vani" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-75-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2) with lines title "kupaona" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-141-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2) with lines title "kuhinja" \ ,"/dev/shm/DS18B20-temperature" using ($1+7200):($2 > min_t && $2 < max_t ? $2 : '') with lines title "DS18B20 unutra" } if ( gray == 1 ) { set origin 0.0, 0.0 } else { set origin 0.0, 0.0 } min_h = h_mean - h_spread max_h = h_mean + h_spread plot \ "/dev/shm/DHT22-humidity" using ($1+7200):($2 > min_h && $2 < max_h ? $2 : '') with dots title "DHT22 unutra" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-172-humidity" using ($1+7200):($2) with lines title "vani" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-75-humidity" using ($1+7200):($2) with lines title "kupaona" \ ,"/dev/shm/rtl_433-9-141-humidity" using ($1+7200):($2) with lines title "kuhunja" unset multiplot