% layout 'ui';
<%= $rows %> items % my @filters_active = keys %$filters; % if ( @filters_active ) { filter % foreach my $n ( @filters_active ) { % my $title = $#{ $filters->{$n} } + 1; % $title .= $title > 25 ? ' values' : ': ' . join(', ', @{ $filters->{$n} }); <%= $n %> % } <%= $#filters_active + 1 %> active click to remove % } showing items % if ( $offset + $limit > $rows ) { all % } else { <%= $offset + 1 %>-<%= $offset + $limit %> % } % my $export = param('export'); % session('export', $export ); > % my $timefmt = param('timefmt') || session("timefmt"); % session('timefmt', $timefmt ); timefmt: % if ( $export ) { with: %= select_field with => [qw( points dots lines steps )] % }
<%= include 'data/items/' . session('show') %>
% my $url = url_for( action => 'items' )->query( offset => 0 ); % $url =~ s{=0}{=}; # FIXME url_for is very very slow % foreach my $p ( 0 .. int( $rows / $limit ) ) { % my $o = $p * $limit; % if ( $o == $offset ) { <%= $p + 1 %> % } else { <%= $p + 1 %> % } % }