README testing/ =============== All tests may be run using the following: % -l This runs all the registered tests and reports whether they passed, or not. Some information is given about the nature of test failures (if they occur). Tests need to be written so that the string "FAILED" is associated with failed sections, and "SUCCESS" with proper closure of a section or function. The number of SUCCESSes to check for during evaluation is given in the eval_testlist file. If a test has no FAILEDs and and the proper number of SUCCESSes, it is considered to have PASSED. If a test has any FAILEDs or does not achieve the proper number of SUCCESSes, some diagnostic info it output to help determine what happened. The test templates for C and Bourne Shell code are T.c and They provide an example of how a test should be instrumented to fit into this scheme. See also the help output of: % -h % -h For a description of the format of "eval_testlist" and what one gets by running with the verbose switches set. # # # # FILE LISTING ============ Test suite control scripts -------------------------- Runs a single program taken from eval_testlist. Runs all programs in evel_testlist and verifies the number of SUCCESSes and FAILUREs for each to judge the health of the test. eval_testlist List of current tests. ADD NEW TESTS HERE. C tests ------- etimetest.c Test of LCD EngineID and Time List. keymanagetest.c Test for key management functions. misctest.c Miscellaneous tests: currently, dump_snmpEngineID(). scapitest.c Test for SCAPI functions. Script tests ------------ Test KeyChange TC against a gold standard. Test other key manipulation functions against gold standard. Data files ("Gold standards") ------------------------------ Data files for pre-existing tests. Syntax of the name is: "data.-" data.keychange-md5 data.keychange-sha1 data.keychange-sha1-des data.kul-md5 data.kul-sha1 Test templates and tools environment ------------------------------------ Standard environment to include in script tests. T.c Templates for future C and sh tests.