#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/; use File::Slurp; use YAML; use Data::Page; use Data::Dump qw/dump/; use SWISH::API; use JSON; my $range_around = 5; my $entries_per_page = 30; my $debug = param('debug'); print header( -charset => 'utf-8', ); sub dump_yaml { my $name = shift; print qq|
# $name\n|, YAML::Dump( @_ ), qq|
| if $debug; } sub show_pager { my ($pager) = @_; my @show_pages; my $after_current = 0; if ( $pager->current_page <= $range_around + 2 ) { @show_pages = ( $pager->first_page .. $pager->current_page ); $after_current = $range_around - $pager->current_page; } else { @show_pages = ( $pager->first_page, '', $pager->current_page - $range_around .. $pager->current_page ); } if ( $pager->current_page + $after_current + $range_around + 1 >= $pager->last_page ) { push @show_pages, ( $pager->current_page + 1 .. $pager->last_page ); } else { push @show_pages, ( $pager->current_page + 1 .. $pager->current_page + $after_current + $range_around, '', $pager->last_page ); } # dump_yaml( 'show_pages', \@show_pages ); return '' unless $#show_pages; my ( $prev, $next ) = ( '<<', '>>' ); sub li_a_href { my ( $page, $label, $attr ) = @_; param( 'current_page', $page ); my $url = self_url( -query => 1 ); $attr ||= ''; $label ||= $page; qq|$label|; } return $pager->previous_page ? li_a_href( $pager->previous_page, $prev ) : qq|| , ( map { if ( $_ eq $pager->current_page ) { qq|
  • $_
  • |; } elsif ( $_ eq '' ) { qq||; } else { li_a_href( $_ ); } } @show_pages ) , $pager->next_page ? li_a_href( $pager->next_page, $next ) : qq|| ; } my $path = $ENV{PATH_INFO} || 'ecas'; my $dir = $0; $dir =~ s{/[^/]+.cgi}{}; my $config = YAML::LoadFile( "$dir/$path/config.yml" ); my $database = (keys %{ $config->{databases} })[0]; die "$database not in $path" unless $path =~ m{\Q$database\E}; my $html_markup = "$dir/$path/html.pm"; my $html_markup_skip; if ( -e $html_markup ) { require $html_markup; $html_markup = $database . '::html'; } else { undef $html_markup; } my $estraier = YAML::LoadFile( "$dir/../var/estraier/$database.yaml" ); my $db = $config->{databases}->{$database}; my @attr = keys %{ $estraier->{attr} }; # FIXME replace with real gnerated lookup print start_html( -title => $db->{name}, -style => '../../style.css', ), h1( $db->{name} ), qq|
    |, $db->{description}, qq|
    |, start_form( -action => self_url( query => 0 ) ), radio_group( -name => 'attr', -values => [ @attr ], # -linebreak => 0, ), textfield( -name => 'search' ), popup_menu( -name => 'attr_operator', -values => [ '', 'STRBW', 'STREQ' ], -labels => { '' => 'Bilo koja riječ', 'STRBW' => 'Početak', 'STREQ' => 'Točan oblik', }, ), submit, hidden( -name => 'entries_per_page', -default => $entries_per_page ), hidden( -name => 'current_page', -default => 1 ), checkbox( -name => 'debug', -default => 0 ), # FIXME hidden? qq|
    |, h2( 'Select input' ), checkbox_group( -name => 'only_input', -values => [ map { $_->{name} } @{ $db->{input} } ], -linebreak=> 'true', ), qq|
    |, ; dump_yaml( 'inputs', $db->{input} ); dump_yaml( 'input names', map { $_->{name} } @{ $db->{input} } ); print end_form; if ( my $search = param('search') ) { print qq|
    |; my $swish = SWISH::API->new( "$dir/../var/swish/$database" ); $swish->abort_last_error if $swish->Error; param( 'entries_per_page', $entries_per_page ) unless param('entries_per_page'); # FIXME not needed? my $pager = Data::Page->new; $pager->total_entries( param('current_page') * param('entries_per_page') ); $pager->$_( param($_) ) foreach ( qw/entries_per_page current_page/ ); dump_yaml( 'pager', $pager ); my @search = ( "xml=$search" ); # if ( my $op = param('attr_operator') ) { # $cond->add_attr( param('attr') . " $op " . param('search') ); # } my @only_input = param('only_input'); push @search, '(' . join(') or (', @only_input) . ')' if @only_input; my $q = '(' . join(') and (', @search) . ')'; warn "# query: $q\n"; my $swish_results = $swish->query( $q ); $swish->abort_last_error if $swish->Error; dump_yaml( 'swish_results', $swish_results ); $pager->total_entries( $swish_results->hits ); if ( ! $pager->total_entries ) { my $no_results = "No results for search '%s'"; printf qq|
    \n\n|, $search; } else { my $results = "%d results for search '%s' showing results %d - %d on page %d"; printf qq|
    \n\n|, $pager->total_entries, $search, $pager->first, $pager->last, $pager->current_page; my $pager_html = join("\n", show_pager( $pager )); print qq|\n\n| if $pager_html; my $start = $pager->first; print qq|
      \n|; while ( my $result = $swish_results->next_result ) { my $data = from_json $result->property('data'); print qq|
    1. |; foreach my $attr ( @attr ) { next unless defined $data->{$attr}; my $v = $data->{$attr}; if ( $html_markup && ! $html_markup_skip->{$attr} ) { eval "\$v = $html_markup->$attr( \$v );"; if ( $@ ) { warn "disable html markup for $attr: $@"; $html_markup_skip->{$attr} = $@; } } print qq|
      \n|; } print qq|
    2. \n|; } print qq|
    \n\n|; print qq|\n\n| if $pager_html; } print qq|
    |; dump_yaml( 'pager', $pager ); } dump_yaml( 'db', $db ); dump_yaml( 'html_markup_skip', $html_markup_skip ); print end_html;