#!/bin/perl #============================================================= -*-perl-*- # # BackupPC_archive: Archive files for an archive client. # # DESCRIPTION # # Usage: BackupPC_archive # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #======================================================================== # # Version 2.1.0_CVS, released 8 Feb 2004. # # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net. # #======================================================================== use strict; no utf8; use lib "/usr/local/BackupPC/lib"; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::FileZIO; use BackupPC::Xfer::Archive; use vars qw( %ArchiveReq ); ########################################################################### # Initialize ########################################################################### die("BackupPC::Lib->new failed\n") if ( !(my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new) ); my $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir(); my $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir(); my %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); my $NeedPostCmd; my($user, $host, $client, $reqFileName, %stat); $bpc->ChildInit(); if ( @ARGV != 3 ) { print("usage: $0 \n"); exit(1); } $user = $1 if ( $ARGV[0] =~ /(.+)/ ); $client = $1 if ( $ARGV[1] =~ /(.+)/ ); if ( $ARGV[2] !~ /^([\w.]+)$/ ) { print("$0: bad reqFileName (arg #3): $ARGV[2]\n"); exit(1); } $reqFileName = $1; my $startTime = time(); my $Dir = "$TopDir/pc/$client"; my @xferPid = (); # # Catch various signals # $SIG{INT} = \&catch_signal; $SIG{ALRM} = \&catch_signal; $SIG{TERM} = \&catch_signal; $SIG{PIPE} = \&catch_signal; $SIG{STOP} = \&catch_signal; $SIG{TSTP} = \&catch_signal; $SIG{TTIN} = \&catch_signal; my $Pid = $$; mkpath($Dir, 0, 0777) if ( !-d $Dir ); if ( !-f "$Dir/LOCK" ) { open(LOCK, ">", "$Dir/LOCK") && close(LOCK); } open(LOG, ">>", "$Dir/LOG"); select(LOG); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); # # Read the request file # if ( !(my $ret = do "$Dir/$reqFileName") ) { my $err; if ( $@ ) { $err = "couldn't parse $Dir/$reqFileName: $@"; } elsif ( !defined($ret) ) { $err = "couldn't do $Dir/$reqFileName: $!"; } else { $err = "couldn't run $Dir/$reqFileName"; } $stat{hostError} = $err; exit(ArchiveCleanup($client)); } # # Re-read config file, so we can include the PC-specific config # if ( defined(my $error = $bpc->ConfigRead($client)) ) { $stat{hostError} = "Can't read PC's config file: $error"; exit(ArchiveCleanup($client)); } %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); # # Make sure we eventually timeout if there is no activity from # the data transport program. # alarm($Conf{ClientTimeout}); # # See if the host name is aliased # if ( $Conf{ClientNameAlias} ne "" ) { $host = $Conf{ClientNameAlias}; } else { $host = $client; } # # Setup file extension for compression and open ArchiveLOG output file # $Conf{CompressLevel} = 0 if ( !BackupPC::FileZIO->compOk ); my $fileExt = $Conf{CompressLevel} > 0 ? ".z" : ""; my $ArchiveLOG = BackupPC::FileZIO->open("$Dir/ArchiveLOG$fileExt", 1, $Conf{CompressLevel}); my($logMsg, $xfer); $stat{xferOK} = 1; $stat{hostAbort} = undef; $stat{hostError} = $stat{lastOutputLine} = undef; local(*RH, *WH); # # Run an optional pre-archive command # UserCommandRun("ArchivePreUserCmd"); $NeedPostCmd = 1; $xfer = BackupPC::Xfer::Archive->new($bpc); # # Run the transport program # my $xferArgs = { client => $client, host => $host, user => $ArchiveReq{user}, type => "archive", XferLOG => $ArchiveLOG, XferMethod => $Conf{XferMethod}, pathHdrSrc => $ArchiveReq{pathHdrSrc}, pathHdrDest => $ArchiveReq{pathHdrDest}, HostList => \@{$ArchiveReq{HostList}}, BackupList => \@{$ArchiveReq{BackupList}}, archiveloc => $ArchiveReq{archiveloc}, parfile => $ArchiveReq{parfile}, compression => $ArchiveReq{compression}, compext => $ArchiveReq{compext}, splitsize => $ArchiveReq{splitsize}, pidHandler => \&pidHandler, }; $xfer->args($xferArgs); if ( !defined($logMsg = $xfer->start()) ) { UserCommandRun("ArchivePostUserCmd") if ( $NeedPostCmd ); $stat{hostError} = "xfer start failed: ", $xfer->errStr; exit(ArchiveCleanup($client)); } print(LOG $bpc->timeStamp, "Starting archive\n"); print("started_archive\n"); $xfer->run(); $stat{xferOK} = 0 if ( defined($stat{hostError} = $xfer->errStr) ); alarm(0); exit(ArchiveCleanup($client)); ########################################################################### # Subroutines ########################################################################### sub catch_signal { my $signame = shift; # # Children quit quietly on ALRM # exit(1) if ( $Pid != $$ && $signame eq "ALRM" ); # # Ignore signals in children # return if ( $Pid != $$ ); # # Note: needs to be tested for each kind of XferMethod # print(LOG $bpc->timeStamp, "cleaning up after signal $signame\n"); $SIG{$signame} = 'IGNORE'; $ArchiveLOG->write(\"exiting after signal $signame\n"); $stat{xferOK} = 0; if ( $signame eq "INT" ) { $stat{hostError} = "aborted by user (signal=$signame)"; } else { $stat{hostError} = "aborted by signal=$signame"; } exit(ArchiveCleanup($client)); } # # Cleanup and update the archive status # sub ArchiveCleanup { my($client) = @_; $stat{xferOK} = 0 if ( $stat{hostError} || $stat{hostAbort} ); if ( !$stat{xferOK} ) { # # kill off the tranfer program, first nicely then forcefully # if ( @xferPid ) { kill($bpc->sigName2num("INT"), @xferPid); sleep(1); kill($bpc->sigName2num("KILL"), @xferPid); } } my $lastNum = -1; my @Archives; @Archives = $bpc->ArchiveInfoRead($client); for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Archives ; $i++ ) { $lastNum = $Archives[$i]{num} if ( $lastNum < $Archives[$i]{num} ); } $lastNum++; # # Run an optional post-archive command # UserCommandRun("ArchivePostUserCmd") if ( $NeedPostCmd ); rename("$Dir/ArchiveLOG$fileExt", "$Dir/ArchiveLOG.$lastNum$fileExt"); rename("$Dir/$reqFileName", "$Dir/ArchiveInfo.$lastNum"); my $endTime = time(); # # If the archive failed, clean up # if ( !$stat{xferOK} ) { # # wait a short while and see if the system is still alive # $stat{hostError} = $stat{lastOutputLine} if ( $stat{hostError} eq "" ); sleep(2); $stat{hostAbort} = 1; $ArchiveLOG->write(\"Archive failed: $stat{hostError}") if ( defined($ArchiveLOG) ); } $ArchiveLOG->close() if ( defined($ArchiveLOG) ); # # Add the new archive information to the archive file # @Archives = $bpc->ArchiveInfoRead($client); my $i = @Archives; $Archives[$i]{num} = $lastNum; $Archives[$i]{startTime} = $startTime; $Archives[$i]{endTime} = $endTime; $Archives[$i]{result} = $stat{xferOK} ? "ok" : "failed"; $Archives[$i]{errorMsg} = $stat{hostError}; while ( @Archives > $Conf{ArchiveInfoKeepCnt} ) { my $num = $Archives[0]{num}; unlink("$Dir/ArchiveLOG.$num.z"); unlink("$Dir/ArchiveLOG.$num"); unlink("$Dir/ArchiveInfo.$num"); shift(@Archives); } $bpc->ArchiveInfoWrite($client, @Archives); if ( !$stat{xferOK} ) { print(LOG $bpc->timeStamp, "Archive failed ($stat{hostError})\n"); print("archive failed: $stat{hostError}\n"); return 1; } else { print(LOG $bpc->timeStamp, "Archive Complete\n"); print("archive complete\n"); return; } } # # The Xfer method might tell us from time to time about processes # it forks. We tell BackupPC about this (for status displays) and # keep track of the pids in case we cancel the backup # sub pidHandler { @xferPid = @_; @xferPid = grep(/./, @xferPid); return if ( !@xferPid ); my @pids = @xferPid; my $str = join(",", @pids); $ArchiveLOG->write(\"Xfer PIDs are now $str\n") if ( defined($ArchiveLOG) ); print("xferPids $str\n"); } # # Run an optional pre- or post-dump command # sub UserCommandRun { my($type) = @_; return if ( !defined($Conf{$type}) ); my $vars = { xfer => $xfer, client => $client, host => $host, user => $user, share => $ArchiveReq{shareDest}, XferMethod => $Conf{XferMethod}, HostList => \@{$ArchiveReq{HostList}}, BackupList => \@{$ArchiveReq{BackupList}}, archiveloc => $ArchiveReq{archiveloc}, parfile => $ArchiveReq{parfile}, compression => $ArchiveReq{compression}, compext => $ArchiveReq{compext}, splitsize => $ArchiveReq{splitsize}, sshPath => $Conf{SshPath}, LOG => *LOG, XferLOG => $ArchiveLOG, stat => \%stat, xferOK => $stat{xferOK} || 0, type => $type, }; my $cmd = $bpc->cmdVarSubstitute($Conf{$type}, $vars); $ArchiveLOG->write(\"Executing $type: @$cmd\n"); # # Run the user's command, dumping the stdout/stderr into the # Xfer log file. Also supply the optional $vars and %Conf in # case the command is really perl code instead of a shell # command. # $bpc->cmdSystemOrEval($cmd, sub { $ArchiveLOG->write(\$_[0]); }, $vars, \%Conf); }