#!/bin/perl #============================================================= -*-perl-*- # # BackupPC_fixupBackupSummary: recreate backups file in case # it was lost. # # DESCRIPTION # # Usage: BackupPC_fixupBackupSummary [clients...] # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2005 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #======================================================================== # # Version 3.0.0beta2, released 11 Nov 2006. # # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net. # #======================================================================== use strict; no utf8; use lib "/usr/local/BackupPC/lib"; use Getopt::Std; use Data::Dumper; use Time::ParseDate; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::Attrib qw(:all); use BackupPC::FileZIO; use BackupPC::Storage; die("BackupPC::Lib->new failed\n") if ( !(my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new) ); my $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir(); my $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir(); my %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); my $Hosts = $bpc->HostInfoRead(); my @hostList; our(%backupInfo); my %opts; if ( !getopts("l", \%opts) ) { print STDERR <{$host}) ) { print("$host doesn't exist in BackupPC's host file... skipping\n"); next; } my $dir = "$TopDir/pc/$host"; print("Doing host $host\n"); if ( !opendir(DIR, $dir) ) { print("$host: Can't open $dir... skipping $host\n"); next; } # # Read the backups file # @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); # # Look through the LOG files to get information about # completed backups. The data from the LOG file is # incomplete, but enough to get some useful info. # # Also, try to pick up the new-style of information # that is kept in each backup tree. This info is # complete. This data is only saved after version # 2.1.2. # my @files = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach my $file ( @files ) { if ( $opts{l} && $file =~ /^LOG(.\d+\.z)?/ ) { push(@LogFiles, $file); } elsif ( $file =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { my $bkupNum = $1; $BkupNums->{$bkupNum} = 1; next if ( !-f "$dir/$bkupNum/backupInfo" ); # # Read backup info # %backupInfo = (); print(" Reading $dir/$bkupNum/backupInfo\n"); if ( !(my $ret = do "$dir/$bkupNum/backupInfo") ) { print(" couldn't parse $dir/$bkupNum/backupInfo: $@\n") if $@; print(" couldn't do $dir/$bkupNum/backupInfo: $!\n") unless defined $ret; print(" couldn't run $dir/$bkupNum/backupInfo\n"); next; } if ( !keys(%backupInfo) || !defined($backupInfo{num}) ) { print(" $dir/$bkupNum/backupInfo is empty\n"); next; } %{$BkupFromInfo->{$backupInfo{num}}} = %backupInfo; } } # # Read through LOG files from oldest to newest # @LogFiles = sort({-M "$dir/$a" <=> -M "$dir/$b"} @LogFiles); my $startTime; my $fillFromNum; foreach my $file ( @LogFiles ) { my $f = BackupPC::FileZIO->open("$dir/$file", 0, $file =~ /\.z/); if ( !defined($f) ) { print("$host: unable to open file $dir/$file\n"); next; } print(" Reading $file\n"); while ( (my $str = $f->readLine()) ne "" ) { if ( $str =~ /^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) (full|incr|partial) backup started / ) { $startTime = parsedate($1); next; } next if ( $str !~ /^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) (full|incr|partial) backup (\d+) complete, (\d+) files, (\d+) bytes, (\d+) xferErrs \((\d+) bad files, (\d+) bad shares, (\d+) other\)/ ); my $type = $2; my $bkupNum = $3; my $nFilesTotal = $4; my $sizeTotal = $5; my $xferErrs = $6; my $badFiles = $7; my $badShare = $8; my $endTime = parsedate($1); print(" Got $type backup $bkupNum at $endTime\n"); next if ( !-d "$dir/$bkupNum" ); $BkupFromLOG->{$bkupNum} = { num => $bkupNum, type => $type, startTime => $startTime, endTime => $endTime, size => $sizeTotal, nFiles => $nFilesTotal, xferErrs => $xferErrs, xferBadFile => $badFiles, xferBadShare => $badShare, nFilesExist => 0, sizeExist => 0, sizeExistComp => 0, tarErrs => 0, compress => $Conf{CompressLevel}, noFill => $type eq "incr" ? 1 : 0, level => $type eq "incr" ? 1 : 0, mangle => 1, fillFromNum => $fillFromNum, }; $fillFromNum = $bkupNum if ( $type eq "full" ); } } # # Now merge any info from $BkupFromInfo and $BkupFromLOG # that is missing from @Backups. # # First, anything in @Backups overrides the other data # # foreach ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) { my $bkupNum = $Backups[$i]{num}; delete($BkupFromLOG->{$bkupNum}); delete($BkupFromInfo->{$bkupNum}); delete($BkupNums->{$bkupNum}); } # # Now merge in data from the LOG and backupInfo files. # backupInfo files override LOG files. # my $changes; foreach my $bkupNum ( keys(%$BkupFromLOG) ) { next if ( defined($BkupFromInfo->{$bkupNum}) ); print(" Adding info for backup $bkupNum from LOG file\n"); push(@Backups, $BkupFromLOG->{$bkupNum}); delete($BkupNums->{$bkupNum}); $changes++; } foreach my $bkupNum ( keys(%$BkupFromInfo) ) { print(" Adding info for backup $bkupNum from backupInfo file\n"); push(@Backups, $BkupFromInfo->{$bkupNum}); delete($BkupNums->{$bkupNum}); $changes++; } foreach my $bkupNum ( keys(%$BkupNums) ) { print(" *** No info for backup number $bkupNum\n"); } if ( $changes ) { @Backups = sort({$a->{num} <=> $b->{num}} @Backups); # print Dumper \@Backups; $bpc->BackupInfoWrite($host, @Backups); } else { print(" No changes for host $host\n"); } }