#!/bin/perl #============================================================= -*-perl-*- # # BackupPC_tarExtract: extract data from a dump # # DESCRIPTION # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #======================================================================== # # Version 2.1.0_CVS, released 8 Feb 2004. # # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net. # #======================================================================== use strict; no utf8; use lib "/usr/local/BackupPC/lib"; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::Attrib qw(:all); use BackupPC::FileZIO; use BackupPC::PoolWrite; use File::Path; die("BackupPC::Lib->new failed\n") if ( !(my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new) ); my $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir(); my $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir(); my %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); if ( @ARGV != 3 ) { print("usage: $0 \n"); exit(1); } if ( $ARGV[0] !~ /^([\w\.\s-]+)$/ ) { print("$0: bad host name '$ARGV[0]'\n"); exit(1); } my $host = $1; if ( $ARGV[1] !~ /^([\w\s\.\/\$-]+)$/ ) { print("$0: bad share name '$ARGV[1]'\n"); exit(1); } my $ShareNameUM = $1; my $ShareName = $bpc->fileNameEltMangle($ShareNameUM); if ( $ARGV[2] !~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { print("$0: bad compress level '$ARGV[2]'\n"); exit(1); } my $Compress = $1; # # This constant and the line of code below that uses it is borrowed # from Archive::Tar. Thanks to Calle Dybedahl and Stephen Zander. # See www.cpan.org. # # Archive::Tar is Copyright 1997 Calle Dybedahl. All rights reserved. # Copyright 1998 Stephen Zander. All rights reserved. # my $tar_unpack_header = 'Z100 A8 A8 A8 A12 A12 A8 A1 Z100 A6 A2 Z32 Z32 A8 A8 A155 x12'; my $tar_header_length = 512; my $BufSize = 1048576; # 1MB or 2^20 my $MaxFiles = 20; my $Errors = 0; my $OutDir = "$TopDir/pc/$host/new"; my %Attrib = (); my $ExistFileCnt = 0; my $ExistFileSize = 0; my $ExistFileCompSize = 0; my $TotalFileCnt = 0; my $TotalFileSize = 0; sub TarRead { my($fh, $totBytes) = @_; my($numBytes, $newBytes, $data); $data = "\0" x $totBytes; while ( $numBytes < $totBytes ) { $newBytes = sysread($fh, substr($data, $numBytes, $totBytes - $numBytes), $totBytes - $numBytes); if ( $newBytes <= 0 ) { print(STDERR "Unexpected end of tar archive (tot = $totBytes," . " num = $numBytes, posn = " . sysseek($fh, 0, 1) . ")\n"); $Errors++; return; } $numBytes += $newBytes; } return $data; } sub TarReadHeader { my($fh) = @_; return $1 if ( TarRead($fh, $tar_header_length) =~ /(.*)/s ); return; } sub TarFlush { my($fh, $size) = @_; if ( $size % $tar_header_length ) { TarRead($fh, $tar_header_length - ($size % $tar_header_length)); } } sub TarReadFileInfo { my($fh) = @_; my($head, $longName, $longLink); my($name, $mode, $uid, $gid, $size, $mtime, $chksum, $type, $linkname, $magic, $version, $uname, $gname, $devmajor, $devminor, $prefix); while ( 1 ) { $head = TarReadHeader($fh); return if ( $head eq "" || $head eq "\0" x $tar_header_length ); ($name, # string $mode, # octal number $uid, # octal number $gid, # octal number $size, # octal number $mtime, # octal number $chksum, # octal number $type, # character $linkname, # string $magic, # string $version, # two bytes $uname, # string $gname, # string $devmajor, # octal number $devminor, # octal number $prefix) = unpack($tar_unpack_header, $head); $mode = oct $mode; $uid = oct $uid; $gid = oct $gid; if ( ord($size) == 128 ) { # # GNU tar extension: for >=8GB files the size is stored # in big endian binary. # $size = 65536 * 65536 * unpack("N", substr($size, 4, 4)) + unpack("N", substr($size, 8, 4)); } else { # # We used to have a patch here for smbclient 2.2.x. For file # sizes between 2 and 4GB it sent the wrong size. But since # samba 3.0.0 has been released we no longer support this # patch since valid files could have sizes that start with # 6 or 7 in octal (eg: 6-8GB files). # # $size =~ s/^6/2/; # fix bug in smbclient for >=2GB files # $size =~ s/^7/3/; # fix bug in smbclient for >=2GB files # # To avoid integer overflow in case we are in the 4GB - 8GB # range, we do the conversion in two parts. # if ( $size =~ /([0-9]{9,})/ ) { my $len = length($1); $size = oct(substr($1, 0, $len - 8)) * (1 << 24) + oct(substr($1, $len - 8)); } else { $size = oct($size); } } $mtime = oct $mtime; $chksum = oct $chksum; $devmajor = oct $devmajor; $devminor = oct $devminor; $name = "$prefix/$name" if $prefix; $prefix = ""; substr ($head, 148, 8) = " "; if (unpack ("%16C*", $head) != $chksum) { print(STDERR "$name: checksum error at " . sysseek($fh, 0, 1) , "\n"); $Errors++; } if ( $type eq "L" ) { $longName = TarRead($fh, $size) || return; # remove trailing NULL $longName = substr($longName, 0, $size - 1); TarFlush($fh, $size); next; } elsif ( $type eq "K" ) { $longLink = TarRead($fh, $size) || return; # remove trailing NULL $longLink = substr($longLink, 0, $size - 1); TarFlush($fh, $size); next; } $name = $longName if ( defined($longName) ); $linkname = $longLink if ( defined($longLink) ); $name =~ s{^\./+}{}; $name =~ s{/+$}{}; $name =~ s{//+}{/}g; return { name => $name, mangleName => $bpc->fileNameMangle($name), mode => $mode, uid => $uid, gid => $gid, size => $size, mtime => $mtime, type => $type, linkname => $linkname, devmajor => $devmajor, devminor => $devminor, }; } } sub TarReadFile { my($fh) = @_; my $f = TarReadFileInfo($fh) || return; my($dir, $file); if ( $f->{name} eq "" ) { # top-level dir $dir = ""; $file = $ShareNameUM; } else { ($file = $f->{name}) =~ s{.*?([^/]*)$}{$1}; # unmangled file if ( ($dir = $f->{mangleName}) =~ m{(.*)/.*} ) { $dir = "$ShareName/$1"; } else { $dir = $ShareName; } } if ( !defined($Attrib{$dir}) ) { foreach my $d ( keys(%Attrib) ) { next if ( $dir =~ m{^\Q$d/} ); attributeWrite($d); } $Attrib{$dir} = BackupPC::Attrib->new({ compress => $Compress }); if ( -f $Attrib{$dir}->fileName("$OutDir/$dir") && !$Attrib{$dir}->read("$OutDir/$dir") ) { printf(STDERR "Unable to read attribute file %s\n", $Attrib{$dir}->fileName("$OutDir/$dir")); $Errors++; } } if ( $f->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_DIR ) { # # Directory # mkpath("$OutDir/$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", 0, 0777) if ( !-d "$OutDir/$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}" ); } elsif ( $f->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_FILE ) { # # Regular file # my($nRead); #print("Reading $f->{name}, $f->{size} bytes, type $f->{type}\n"); my $poolWrite = BackupPC::PoolWrite->new($bpc, "$OutDir/$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", $f->{size}, $Compress); while ( $nRead < $f->{size} ) { my $thisRead = $f->{size} - $nRead < $BufSize ? $f->{size} - $nRead : $BufSize; my $data = TarRead($fh, $thisRead); if ( $data eq "" ) { print(STDERR "Unexpected end of tar archive during read\n"); $Errors++; return; } $poolWrite->write(\$data); $nRead += $thisRead; } processClose($poolWrite, "$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", $f->{size}); TarFlush($fh, $f->{size}); } elsif ( $f->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_HARDLINK ) { # # Hardlink to another file. GNU tar is clever about files # that are hardlinks to each other. The first link will be # sent as a regular file. The additional links will be sent # as this type. We store the hardlink just like a symlink: # the link name (path of the linked-to file) is stored in # a plain file. # $f->{size} = length($f->{linkname}); my $poolWrite = BackupPC::PoolWrite->new($bpc, "$OutDir/$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", $f->{size}, $Compress); $poolWrite->write(\$f->{linkname}); processClose($poolWrite, "$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", $f->{size}); } elsif ( $f->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_SYMLINK ) { # # Symbolic link: write the value of the link to a plain file, # that we pool as usual (ie: we don't create a symlink). # The attributes remember the original file type. # We also change the size to reflect the size of the link # contents. # $f->{size} = length($f->{linkname}); my $poolWrite = BackupPC::PoolWrite->new($bpc, "$OutDir/$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", $f->{size}, $Compress); $poolWrite->write(\$f->{linkname}); processClose($poolWrite, "$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", $f->{size}); } elsif ( $f->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_CHARDEV || $f->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_BLOCKDEV || $f->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_FIFO ) { # # Special files: for char and block special we write the # major and minor numbers to a plain file, that we pool # as usual. For a pipe file we create an empty file. # The attributes remember the original file type. # my $data; if ( $f->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_FIFO ) { $data = ""; } else { $data = "$f->{devmajor},$f->{devminor}"; } my $poolWrite = BackupPC::PoolWrite->new($bpc, "$OutDir/$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", length($data), $Compress); $poolWrite->write(\$data); $f->{size} = length($data); processClose($poolWrite, "$ShareName/$f->{mangleName}", length($data)); } else { print("Got unknown type $f->{type} for $f->{name}\n"); $Errors++; } $Attrib{$dir}->set($file, { type => $f->{type}, mode => $f->{mode}, uid => $f->{uid}, gid => $f->{gid}, size => $f->{size}, mtime => $f->{mtime}, }); return 1; } sub attributeWrite { my($d) = @_; my($poolWrite); return if ( !defined($Attrib{$d}) ); if ( $Attrib{$d}->fileCount ) { my $data = $Attrib{$d}->writeData; my $fileName = $Attrib{$d}->fileName("$OutDir/$d"); my $poolWrite = BackupPC::PoolWrite->new($bpc, $fileName, length($data), $Compress); $poolWrite->write(\$data); processClose($poolWrite, $Attrib{$d}->fileName($d), length($data)); } delete($Attrib{$d}); } sub processClose { my($poolWrite, $fileName, $origSize) = @_; my($exists, $digest, $outSize, $errs) = $poolWrite->close; if ( @$errs ) { print(STDERR join("", @$errs)); $Errors += @$errs; } $TotalFileCnt++; $TotalFileSize += $origSize; if ( $exists ) { $ExistFileCnt++; $ExistFileSize += $origSize; $ExistFileCompSize += $outSize; } elsif ( $outSize > 0 ) { print(NEW_FILES "$digest $origSize $fileName\n"); } } mkpath("$OutDir/$ShareName", 0, 0777); open(NEW_FILES, ">>", "$TopDir/pc/$host/NewFileList") || die("can't open $TopDir/pc/$host/NewFileList"); binmode(NEW_FILES); binmode(STDIN); 1 while ( TarReadFile(*STDIN) ); 1 while ( sysread(STDIN, my $discard, 1024) ); # # Flush out remaining attributes. # foreach my $d ( keys(%Attrib) ) { attributeWrite($d); } close(NEW_FILES); # # Report results to BackupPC_dump # print("Done: $Errors errors, $ExistFileCnt filesExist," . " $ExistFileSize sizeExist, $ExistFileCompSize sizeExistComp," . " $TotalFileCnt filesTotal, $TotalFileSize sizeTotal\n");