#!/usr/bin/perl #============================================================= -*-perl-*- # # BackupPC_tarPCCopy: create a tar archive of the PC directory # for copying the entire PC data directory. The archive will # contain hardlinks to the pool directory, which should be copied # before BackupPC_tarPCCopy is run. # # See the documentation for use. # # DESCRIPTION # # Usage: BackupPC_tarPCCopy [options] files/directories... # # Flags: # -c don't cache inode data (reduces memory usage at the # expense of longer run time) # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #======================================================================== # # Version 3.2.0beta0, released 5 April 2009. # # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net. # #======================================================================== use strict; no utf8; use lib "/usr/local/BackupPC/lib"; use File::Find; use File::Path; use Getopt::Std; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::Attrib qw(:all); use BackupPC::FileZIO; use BackupPC::View; use constant S_IFMT => 0170000; # type of file die("BackupPC::Lib->new failed\n") if ( !(my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new) ); my $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir(); my $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir(); my %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); my %opts; if ( !getopts("c", \%opts) || @ARGV < 1 ) { print STDERR < sub { archiveFile($fh) } }, $path); # # To avoid using too much memory for the inode cache, # remove it after each top-level directory is done. # %Inode2Path = (); # # Print some stats # print STDERR "Done $path ($argCnt of $argMax): $DirCnt dirs," . " $FileCnt files, $HLinkCnt hardlinks\n"; $FileCnt = 0; $HLinkCnt = 0; $ByteCnt = 0; $DirCnt = 0; $argCnt++; } # # Finish with two null 512 byte headers, and then round out a full # block. # my $data = "\0" x ($tar_header_length * 2); TarWrite($fh, \$data); TarWrite($fh, undef); if ( $ErrorCnt ) { # # Got errors so exit with a non-zero status # print STDERR "Got $ErrorCnt warnings/errors\n"; exit(1); } exit(0); ########################################################################### # Subroutines ########################################################################### sub archiveFile { my($fh) = @_; my($hdr); my @s = stat($_); # # Default type - we'll update later if it is a symlink, hardlink etc # $hdr->{type} = -d _ ? BPC_FTYPE_DIR : -f _ ? BPC_FTYPE_FILE : -1; $hdr->{fullPath} = $File::Find::name; $hdr->{inode} = $s[1]; $hdr->{nlink} = $s[3]; $hdr->{size} = $s[7]; $hdr->{devmajor} = $s[6] >> 8; $hdr->{devminor} = $s[6] & 0xff; $hdr->{uid} = $s[4]; $hdr->{gid} = $s[5]; $hdr->{mode} = $s[2]; $hdr->{mtime} = $s[9]; $hdr->{compress} = 1; if ( $hdr->{fullPath} !~ m{\Q$TopDir\E/pc/(.*)} ) { print STDERR "Can't extract TopDir ($TopDir) from" . " $hdr->{fullPath}\n"; $ErrorCnt++; return; } $hdr->{relPath} = $1; if ( $hdr->{relPath} =~ m{(.*)/(.*)} ) { $hdr->{name} = $2; } else { $hdr->{name} = $hdr->{relPath}; } if ( $hdr->{relPath} =~ m{(.*?)/} ) { my $clientName = $1; if ( $ClientName ne $clientName ) { $ClientName = $clientName; $ClientBackups = [ $bpc->BackupInfoRead($ClientName) ]; #print STDERR "Setting Client to $ClientName\n"; } if ( $hdr->{relPath} =~ m{(.*?)/(\d+)/} || $hdr->{relPath} =~ m{(.*?)/(\d+)$} ) { my $backupNum = $2; if ( $ClientBkupNum != $backupNum ) { my $i; $ClientBkupNum = $backupNum; # print STDERR "Setting ClientBkupNum to $ClientBkupNum\n"; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @$ClientBackups ; $i++ ) { if ( $ClientBackups->[$i]{num} == $ClientBkupNum ) { $ClientBkupCompress = $ClientBackups->[$i]{compress}; $ClientBkupMangle = $ClientBackups->[$i]{mangle}; # print STDERR "Setting $ClientBkupNum compress to $ClientBkupCompress, mangle to $ClientBkupMangle\n"; last; } } } $hdr->{compress} = $ClientBkupCompress; if ( $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_FILE && $hdr->{name} =~ /^f/ ) { (my $dir = $hdr->{fullPath}) =~ s{(.*)/.*}{$1}; if ( $ClientDir ne $dir ) { $ClientDir = $dir; $ClientDirAttr = BackupPC::Attrib->new( { compress => $ClientBkupCompress } ); if ( -f $ClientDirAttr->fileName($dir) && !$ClientDirAttr->read($dir) ) { print STDERR "Can't read attrib file in $dir\n"; $ErrorCnt++; } } my $name = $hdr->{name}; $name = $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($name) if ( $ClientBkupMangle ); my $attr = $ClientDirAttr->get($name); if ( defined($attr) ) { $hdr->{type} = $attr->{type}; $hdr->{realSize} = $attr->{size} if ( $attr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_FILE ); } #print STDERR "$hdr->{fullPath} has type $hdr->{type} and real size $hdr->{realSize}\n"; } } } else { $hdr->{compress} = 0; $hdr->{realSize} = $hdr->{size}; } #print STDERR "$File::Find::name\n"; TarWriteFile($hdr, $fh); } sub UidLookup { my($uid) = @_; $UidCache{$uid} = (getpwuid($uid))[0] if ( !exists($UidCache{$uid}) ); return $UidCache{$uid}; } sub GidLookup { my($gid) = @_; $GidCache{$gid} = (getgrgid($gid))[0] if ( !exists($GidCache{$gid}) ); return $GidCache{$gid}; } sub TarWrite { my($fh, $dataRef) = @_; if ( !defined($dataRef) ) { # # do flush by padding to a full $WriteBufSz # my $data = "\0" x ($WriteBufSz - length($WriteBuf)); $dataRef = \$data; } if ( length($WriteBuf) + length($$dataRef) < $WriteBufSz ) { # # just buffer and return # $WriteBuf .= $$dataRef; return; } my $done = $WriteBufSz - length($WriteBuf); if ( (my $n = syswrite($fh, $WriteBuf . substr($$dataRef, 0, $done))) != $WriteBufSz ) { print(STDERR "Unable to write to output file ($!) ($n vs $WriteBufSz)\n"); exit(1); } while ( $done + $WriteBufSz <= length($$dataRef) ) { if ( (my $n = syswrite($fh, substr($$dataRef, $done, $WriteBufSz))) != $WriteBufSz ) { print(STDERR "Unable to write to output file ($!) ($n v $WriteBufSz)\n"); exit(1); } $done += $WriteBufSz; } $WriteBuf = substr($$dataRef, $done); } sub TarWritePad { my($fh, $size) = @_; if ( $size % $tar_header_length ) { my $data = "\0" x ($tar_header_length - ($size % $tar_header_length)); TarWrite($fh, \$data); } } sub TarWriteHeader { my($fh, $hdr) = @_; $hdr->{uname} = UidLookup($hdr->{uid}) if ( !defined($hdr->{uname}) ); $hdr->{gname} = GidLookup($hdr->{gid}) if ( !defined($hdr->{gname}) ); my $devmajor = defined($hdr->{devmajor}) ? sprintf("%07o", $hdr->{devmajor}) : ""; my $devminor = defined($hdr->{devminor}) ? sprintf("%07o", $hdr->{devminor}) : ""; my $sizeStr; if ( $hdr->{size} >= 2 * 65536 * 65536 ) { # # GNU extension for files >= 8GB: send size in big-endian binary # $sizeStr = pack("c4 N N", 0x80, 0, 0, 0, $hdr->{size} / (65536 * 65536), $hdr->{size} % (65536 * 65536)); } elsif ( $hdr->{size} >= 1 * 65536 * 65536 ) { # # sprintf octal only handles up to 2^32 - 1 # $sizeStr = sprintf("%03o", $hdr->{size} / (1 << 24)) . sprintf("%08o", $hdr->{size} % (1 << 24)); } else { $sizeStr = sprintf("%011o", $hdr->{size}); } my $data = pack($tar_pack_header, substr($hdr->{name}, 0, 99), sprintf("%07o", $hdr->{mode}), sprintf("%07o", $hdr->{uid}), sprintf("%07o", $hdr->{gid}), $sizeStr, sprintf("%011o", $hdr->{mtime}), "", #checksum field - space padded by pack("A8") $hdr->{type}, substr($hdr->{linkname}, 0, 99), $hdr->{magic} || 'ustar ', $hdr->{version} || ' ', $hdr->{uname}, $hdr->{gname}, $devmajor, $devminor, "" # prefix is empty ); substr($data, 148, 7) = sprintf("%06o\0", unpack("%16C*",$data)); TarWrite($fh, \$data); } sub TarWriteFileInfo { my($fh, $hdr) = @_; # # Handle long link names (symbolic links) # if ( length($hdr->{linkname}) > 99 ) { my %h; my $data = $hdr->{linkname} . "\0"; $h{name} = "././\@LongLink"; $h{type} = "K"; $h{size} = length($data); TarWriteHeader($fh, \%h); TarWrite($fh, \$data); TarWritePad($fh, length($data)); } # # Handle long file names # if ( length($hdr->{name}) > 99 ) { my %h; my $data = $hdr->{name} . "\0"; $h{name} = "././\@LongLink"; $h{type} = "L"; $h{size} = length($data); TarWriteHeader($fh, \%h); TarWrite($fh, \$data); TarWritePad($fh, length($data)); } TarWriteHeader($fh, $hdr); } my $Attr; my $AttrDir; sub TarWriteFile { my($hdr, $fh) = @_; my $tarPath = $hdr->{relPath}; $tarPath =~ s{//+}{/}g; $tarPath = "./" . $tarPath if ( $tarPath !~ /^\.\// ); $tarPath =~ s{//+}{/}g; $hdr->{name} = $tarPath; if ( $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_DIR ) { # # Directory: just write the header # $hdr->{name} .= "/" if ( $hdr->{name} !~ m{/$} ); TarWriteFileInfo($fh, $hdr); $DirCnt++; } elsif ( $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_FILE || $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_HARDLINK || $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_SYMLINK || $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_CHARDEV || $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_BLOCKDEV || $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_FIFO || $hdr->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_SOCKET ) { # # Underlying file is a regular file: write the header and file # my($data, $dataMD5, $size, $linkName); if ( defined($Inode2Path{$hdr->{inode}}) ) { $linkName = $Inode2Path{$hdr->{inode}}; #print STDERR "Got cache hit for $linkName\n"; } else { my $f = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($hdr->{fullPath}, 0, $hdr->{compress}); if ( !defined($f) ) { print(STDERR "Unable to open file $hdr->{fullPath}\n"); $ErrorCnt++; return; } # # Try to find the hardlink it points to by computing # the pool file digest. # $f->read(\$dataMD5, $BufSize); if ( !defined($hdr->{realSize}) ) { # # Need to get the real size # $size = length($dataMD5); while ( $f->read(\$data, $BufSize) > 0 ) { $size += length($data); } $hdr->{realSize} = $size; } $f->close(); my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; my $len = length($dataMD5); if ( $hdr->{realSize} < 1048576 && length($dataMD5) != $hdr->{realSize} ) { print(STDERR "File $hdr->{fullPath} has bad size" . " (expect $hdr->{realSize}, got $len)\n"); } else { my $digest = $bpc->Buffer2MD5($md5, $hdr->{realSize}, \$dataMD5); my $path = $bpc->MD52Path($digest, $hdr->{compress}); my $i = -1; # print(STDERR "Looking up $hdr->{fullPath} at $path\n"); while ( 1 ) { my $testPath = $path; $testPath .= "_$i" if ( $i >= 0 ); last if ( !-f $testPath ); my $inode = (stat(_))[1]; if ( $inode == $hdr->{inode} ) { # # Found it! Just emit a tar hardlink # $testPath =~ s{\Q$TopDir\E}{..}; $linkName = $testPath; last; } $i++; } } } if ( defined($linkName) ) { $hdr->{type} = BPC_FTYPE_HARDLINK; $hdr->{linkname} = $linkName; TarWriteFileInfo($fh, $hdr); $HLinkCnt++; #print STDERR "$hdr->{relPath} matches $testPath\n"; if ( !$opts{c} && $hdr->{nlink} > 2 ) { # # add it to the cache if there are more # than 2 links (pool + current file), # since there are more to go # $Inode2Path{$hdr->{inode}} = $linkName; } return; } $size = 0; if ( $hdr->{nlink} > 1 ) { print STDERR "Can't find $hdr->{relPath} in pool, will copy file\n"; $ErrorCnt++; } $hdr->{type} = BPC_FTYPE_FILE; my $f = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($hdr->{fullPath}, 0, 0); if ( !defined($f) ) { print(STDERR "Unable to open file $hdr->{fullPath}\n"); $ErrorCnt++; return; } TarWriteFileInfo($fh, $hdr); while ( $f->read(\$data, $BufSize) > 0 ) { if ( $size + length($data) > $hdr->{size} ) { print(STDERR "Error: truncating $hdr->{fullPath} to" . " $hdr->{size} bytes\n"); $data = substr($data, 0, $hdr->{size} - $size); $ErrorCnt++; } TarWrite($fh, \$data); $size += length($data); } $f->close; if ( $size != $hdr->{size} ) { print(STDERR "Error: padding $hdr->{fullPath} to $hdr->{size}" . " bytes from $size bytes\n"); $ErrorCnt++; while ( $size < $hdr->{size} ) { my $len = $hdr->{size} - $size; $len = $BufSize if ( $len > $BufSize ); $data = "\0" x $len; TarWrite($fh, \$data); $size += $len; } } TarWritePad($fh, $size); $FileCnt++; $ByteCnt += $size; } else { print(STDERR "Got unknown type $hdr->{type} for $hdr->{name}\n"); $ErrorCnt++; } }