#!/bin/perl -T #============================================================= -*-perl-*-w # # BackupPC_Admin: Apache/CGI interface for BackupPC. # # DESCRIPTION # BackupPC_Admin provides a flexible web interface for BackupPC. # It is a CGI script that runs under Apache. # # It requires that Apache pass in $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} and # $ENV{REMOTE_USER}. The latter requires .ht_access style # authentication. Replace the code below if you are using some other # type of authentication, and have a different way of getting the # user name. # # Also, this script needs to run as the BackupPC user. To accomplish # this the script is typically installed as setuid to the BackupPC user. # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2001 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #======================================================================== # # Version 1.5.0, released 2 Aug 2002. # # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net. # #======================================================================== use strict; use CGI; use lib "__INSTALLDIR__/lib"; use BackupPC::Lib; use BackupPC::FileZIO; use BackupPC::Attrib qw(:all); use Data::Dumper; use vars qw($Cgi %In $MyURL $User %Conf $TopDir $BinDir $bpc); use vars qw(%Status %Info %Jobs @BgQueue @UserQueue @CmdQueue %QueueLen %StatusHost); use vars qw($Hosts $HostsMTime $ConfigMTime $PrivAdmin); use vars qw(%UserEmailInfo $UserEmailInfoMTime %RestoreReq); $Cgi = new CGI; %In = $Cgi->Vars; # # We require that Apache pass in $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} and $ENV{REMOTE_USER}. # The latter requires .ht_access style authentication. Replace this # code if you are using some other type of authentication, and have # a different way of getting the user name. # $MyURL = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; $User = $ENV{REMOTE_USER}; if ( !defined($bpc) ) { ErrorExit("BackupPC::Lib->new failed: check apache error_log\n") if ( !($bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new) ); $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir(); $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir(); %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); $ConfigMTime = $bpc->ConfigMTime(); } elsif ( $bpc->ConfigMTime() != $ConfigMTime ) { $bpc->ConfigRead(); %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); $ConfigMTime = $bpc->ConfigMTime(); } # # Clean up %ENV for taint checking # delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; $ENV{PATH} = $Conf{MyPath}; # # Verify we are running as the correct user # if ( $Conf{BackupPCUserVerify} && $> != (my $uid = (getpwnam($Conf{BackupPCUser}))[2]) ) { ErrorExit("Wrong user: my userid is $>, instead of $uid" . " ($Conf{BackupPCUser})\n"); } if ( !defined($Hosts) || $bpc->HostsMTime() != $HostsMTime ) { $HostsMTime = $bpc->HostsMTime(); $Hosts = $bpc->HostInfoRead(); } my %ActionDispatch = ( "summary" => \&Action_Summary, "Start Incr Backup" => \&Action_StartStopBackup, "Start Full Backup" => \&Action_StartStopBackup, "Stop/Dequeue Backup" => \&Action_StartStopBackup, "queue" => \&Action_Queue, "view" => \&Action_View, "LOGlist" => \&Action_LOGlist, "emailSummary" => \&Action_EmailSummary, "browse" => \&Action_Browse, "Restore" => \&Action_Restore, "RestoreFile" => \&Action_RestoreFile, "hostInfo" => \&Action_HostInfo, "generalInfo" => \&Action_GeneralInfo, "restoreInfo" => \&Action_RestoreInfo, ); # # Set default actions, then call sub handler # $In{action} ||= "hostInfo" if ( defined($In{host}) ); $In{action} = "generalInfo" if ( !defined($ActionDispatch{$In{action}}) ); $ActionDispatch{$In{action}}(); exit(0); ########################################################################### # Action handling subroutines ########################################################################### sub Action_Summary { my($fullTot, $fullSizeTot, $incrTot, $incrSizeTot, $str, $strNone, $strGood, $hostCntGood, $hostCntNone); $hostCntGood = $hostCntNone = 0; GetStatusInfo("hosts"); my $Privileged = CheckPermission(); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can view PC summaries." ); } foreach my $host ( sort(keys(%Status)) ) { my($fullDur, $incrCnt, $incrAge, $fullSize, $fullRate); my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); my $fullCnt = $incrCnt = 0; my $fullAge = $incrAge = -1; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) { if ( $Backups[$i]{type} eq "full" ) { $fullCnt++; if ( $fullAge < 0 || $Backups[$i]{startTime} > $fullAge ) { $fullAge = $Backups[$i]{startTime}; $fullSize = $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024 * 1024); $fullDur = $Backups[$i]{endTime} - $Backups[$i]{startTime}; } $fullSizeTot += $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024 * 1024); } else { $incrCnt++; if ( $incrAge < 0 || $Backups[$i]{startTime} > $incrAge ) { $incrAge = $Backups[$i]{startTime}; } $incrSizeTot += $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024 * 1024); } } if ( $fullAge < 0 ) { $fullAge = ""; $fullRate = ""; } else { $fullAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $fullAge) / (24 * 3600)); $fullRate = sprintf("%.2f", $fullSize / ($fullDur <= 0 ? 1 : $fullDur)); } if ( $incrAge < 0 ) { $incrAge = ""; } else { $incrAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $incrAge) / (24 * 3600)); } $fullTot += $fullCnt; $incrTot += $incrCnt; $fullSize = sprintf("%.2f", $fullSize / 1000); $str = < ${HostLink($host)} ${UserLink($Hosts->{$host}{user})} $fullCnt $fullAge $fullSize $fullRate $incrCnt $incrAge $Status{$host}{state} $Status{$host}{reason} EOF if ( @Backups == 0 ) { $hostCntNone++; $strNone .= $str; } else { $hostCntGood++; $strGood .= $str; } } $fullSizeTot = sprintf("%.2f", $fullSizeTot / 1000); $incrSizeTot = sprintf("%.2f", $incrSizeTot / 1000); my $now = timeStamp2(time); Header("BackupPC: Server Summary"); print < This status was generated at $now.

${h2("Hosts with good Backups")}

There are $hostCntGood hosts that have been backed up, for a total of:

  • $fullTot full backups of total size ${fullSizeTot}GB (prior to pooling and compression),
  • $incrTot incr backups of total size ${incrSizeTot}GB (prior to pooling and compression).
Host User #Full Full Age/days Full Size/GB Speed MB/sec #Incr Incr Age/days State Last attempt

${h2("Hosts with no Backups")}

There are $hostCntNone hosts with no backups.

Host User #Full Full Age/days Full Size/GB Speed MB/sec #Incr Incr Age/days Current State Last backup attempt
EOF Trailer(); } sub Action_StartStopBackup { my($str, $reply); my $start = 1 if ( $In{action} eq "Start Incr Backup" || $In{action} eq "Start Full Backup" ); my $doFull = $In{action} eq "Start Full Backup" ? 1 : 0; my $type = $doFull ? "full" : "incremental"; my $host = $In{host}; my $Privileged = CheckPermission($host); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can stop or start backups on" . " ${EscapeHTML($host)}."); } ServerConnect(); if ( $In{doit} ) { if ( $start ) { if ( $Hosts->{$host}{dhcp} ) { $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("backup $In{hostIP} $host" . " $User $doFull"); $str = "Backup requested on DHCP $host ($In{hostIP}) by" . " $User from $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}"; } else { $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("backup $host $host $User $doFull"); $str = "Backup requested on $host by $User"; } } else { $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("stop $host $User $In{backoff}"); $str = "Backup stopped/dequeued on $host by $User"; } Header("BackupPC: Backup Requested on $host"); print < Reply from server was: $reply

Go back to $host home page. EOF Trailer(); } else { if ( $start ) { my $ipAddr = ConfirmIPAddress($host); Header("BackupPC: Start Backup Confirm on $host"); print < You are about to start a $type backup on $host.

Do you really want to do this?
EOF } else { my $backoff = ""; GetStatusInfo("host($host)"); if ( $StatusHost{backoffTime} > time ) { $backoff = sprintf("%.1f", ($StatusHost{backoffTime} - time) / 3600); } Header("BackupPC: Stop Backup Confirm on $host"); print < You are about to stop/dequeue backups on $host;
Also, please don't start another backup for hours.

Do you really want to do this?

EOF } Trailer(); } } sub Action_Queue { my($strBg, $strUser, $strCmd); GetStatusInfo("queues"); my $Privileged = CheckPermission(); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can view queues." ); } while ( @BgQueue ) { my $req = pop(@BgQueue); my($reqTime) = timeStamp2($req->{reqTime}); $strBg .= < ${HostLink($req->{host})} $reqTime $req->{user} EOF } while ( @UserQueue ) { my $req = pop(@UserQueue); my $reqTime = timeStamp2($req->{reqTime}); $strUser .= < ${HostLink($req->{host})} $reqTime $req->{user} EOF } while ( @CmdQueue ) { my $req = pop(@CmdQueue); my $reqTime = timeStamp2($req->{reqTime}); (my $cmd = $req->{cmd}) =~ s/$BinDir\///; $strCmd .= < ${HostLink($req->{host})} $reqTime $req->{user} $cmd EOF } Header("BackupPC: Queue Summary"); print < ${h2("User Queue Summary")}

The following user requests are currently queued: $strUser
Host Req Time User

${h2("Background Queue Summary")}

The following background requests are currently queued: $strBg
Host Req Time User

${h2("Command Queue Summary")}

The following command requests are currently queued: $strCmd
Host Req Time User Command
EOF Trailer(); } sub Action_View { my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host}); my $compress = 0; my $fh; my $host = $In{host}; my $num = $In{num}; my $type = $In{type}; my $linkHosts = 0; my($file, $comment); my $ext = $num ne "" ? ".$num" : ""; ErrorExit("Invalid number $num") if ( $num ne "" && $num !~ /^\d+$/ ); if ( $type eq "XferLOG" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG$ext"; $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG$ext" if ( !-f $file && !-f "$file.z"); } elsif ( $type eq "XferLOGbad" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad"; $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad" if ( !-f $file && !-f "$file.z"); } elsif ( $type eq "XferErrbad" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad"; $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad" if ( !-f $file && !-f "$file.z"); $comment = "(Extracting only Errors)"; } elsif ( $type eq "XferErr" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG$ext"; $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG$ext" if ( !-f $file && !-f "$file.z"); $comment = "(Extracting only Errors)"; } elsif ( $type eq "RestoreLOG" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/RestoreLOG$ext"; } elsif ( $type eq "RestoreErr" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/RestoreLOG$ext"; $comment = "(Extracting only Errors)"; } elsif ( $host ne "" && $type eq "config" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/config.pl"; } elsif ( $type eq "docs" ) { $file = "$BinDir/../doc/BackupPC.html"; if ( open(LOG, $file) ) { Header("BackupPC: Documentation"); print while ( ); close(LOG); Trailer(); } else { ErrorExit("Unable to open $file: configuration problem?"); } return; } elsif ( $type eq "config" ) { $file = "$TopDir/conf/config.pl"; } elsif ( $type eq "hosts" ) { $file = "$TopDir/conf/hosts"; } elsif ( $host ne "" ) { $file = "$TopDir/pc/$host/LOG$ext"; } else { $file = "$TopDir/log/LOG$ext"; $linkHosts = 1; } if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can view log or config files." ); } if ( !-f $file && -f "$file.z" ) { $file .= ".z"; $compress = 1; } Header("BackupPC: Log File $file"); print < EOF if ( defined($fh = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($file, 0, $compress)) ) { my $mtimeStr = $bpc->timeStamp((stat($file))[9], 1); print <$file, modified $mtimeStr $comment EOF print "

        if ( $type eq "XferErr" || $type eq "XferErrbad"
				|| $type eq "RestoreErr" ) {
	    my $skipped;
            while ( 1 ) {
                $_ = $fh->readLine();
                if ( $_ eq "" ) {
		    print("[ skipped $skipped lines ]\n") if ( $skipped );
                if ( /smb: \\>/
                        || /^\s*(\d+) \(\s*\d+\.\d kb\/s\) (.*)$/
                        || /^tar: dumped \d+ files/
                        || /^added interface/i
                        || /^restore tar file /i
                        || /^restore directory /i
                        || /^tarmode is now/i
                        || /^Total bytes written/i
                        || /^Domain=/i
                        || /^Getting files newer than/i
                        || /^Output is \/dev\/null/
                        || /^\([\d\.]* kb\/s\) \(average [\d\.]* kb\/s\)$/
                        || /^\s+directory \\/
                        || /^Timezone is/
                        || /^\.\//
			    ) {
		print("[ skipped $skipped lines ]\n") if ( $skipped );
		$skipped = 0;
                print ${EscapeHTML($_)};
        } elsif ( $linkHosts ) {
            while ( 1 ) {
                $_ = $fh->readLine();
                last if ( $_ eq "" );
                my $s = ${EscapeHTML($_)};
                $s =~ s/\b([\w-]+)\b/defined($Hosts->{$1})
                                        ? ${HostLink($1)} : $1/eg;
                print $s;
        } elsif ( $type eq "config" ) {
            while ( 1 ) {
                $_ = $fh->readLine();
                last if ( $_ eq "" );
                # remove any passwords and user names
                print ${EscapeHTML($_)};
        } else {
            while ( 1 ) {
                $_ = $fh->readLine();
                last if ( $_ eq "" );
                print ${EscapeHTML($_)};
    } else {
\nCan't open log file $file\n");
    print <

sub Action_LOGlist
    my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host});

    if ( !$Privileged ) {
        ErrorExit("Only privileged users can view log files.");
    my $host = $In{host};
    my($url0, $hdr, $root, $str);
    if ( $host ne "" ) {
        $root = "$TopDir/pc/$host/LOG";
        $url0 = "&host=$host";
        $hdr = "for host $host";
    } else {
        $root = "$TopDir/log/LOG";
        $url0 = "";
        $hdr = "";
    for ( my $i = -1 ; ; $i++ ) {
        my $url1 = "";
        my $file = $root;
        if ( $i >= 0 ) {
            $file .= ".$i";
            $url1 = "&num=$i";
        $file .= ".z" if ( !-f $file && -f "$file.z" );
        last if ( !-f $file );
        my $mtimeStr = $bpc->timeStamp((stat($file))[9], 1);
        my $size     = (stat($file))[7];
        $str .= < $file 
    Header("BackupPC: Log File History");
    print <

File Size Modification time
EOF Trailer(); } sub Action_EmailSummary { my $Privileged = CheckPermission(); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can view email summaries." ); } GetStatusInfo("hosts"); ReadUserEmailInfo(); my(%EmailStr, $str); foreach my $u ( keys(%UserEmailInfo) ) { next if ( !defined($UserEmailInfo{$u}{lastTime}) ); my $emailTimeStr = timeStamp2($UserEmailInfo{$u}{lastTime}); $EmailStr{$UserEmailInfo{$u}{lastTime}} .= <${UserLink($u)} ${HostLink($UserEmailInfo{$u}{lastHost})} $emailTimeStr $UserEmailInfo{$u}{lastSubj} EOF } foreach my $t ( sort({$b <=> $a} keys(%EmailStr)) ) { $str .= $EmailStr{$t}; } Header("BackupPC: Email Summary"); print < $str
Recipient Host Time Subject
EOF Trailer(); } sub Action_Browse { my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host}); my($i, $dirStr, $fileStr, $mangle); my($numF, $compressF, $mangleF, $fullDirF); my $checkBoxCnt = 0; # checkbox counter if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can browse backup files" . " for host ${EscapeHTML($In{host})}." ); } my $host = $In{host}; my $num = $In{num}; my $dir = $In{dir}; if ( $host eq "" ) { ErrorExit("Empty host name."); } # # Find the requested backup and the previous filled backup # my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) { if ( !$Backups[$i]{noFill} ) { $numF = $Backups[$i]{num}; $mangleF = $Backups[$i]{mangle}; $compressF = $Backups[$i]{compress}; } last if ( $Backups[$i]{num} == $num ); } if ( $i >= @Backups ) { ErrorExit("Backup number $num for host ${EscapeHTML($host)} does" . " not exist."); } if ( !$Backups[$i]{noFill} ) { # no need to back-fill a filled backup $numF = $mangleF = $compressF = undef; } my $backupTime = timeStamp2($Backups[$i]{startTime}); my $backupAge = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $Backups[$i]{startTime}) / (24 * 3600)); $mangle = $Backups[$i]{mangle}; if ( $dir eq "" || $dir eq "." || $dir eq ".." ) { if ( !opendir(DIR, "$TopDir/pc/$host/$num") ) { ErrorExit("Can't browse bad directory name" . " ${EscapeHTML(\"$TopDir/pc/$host/$num\")}"); } # # Read this directory and find the first directory # foreach my $f ( readdir(DIR) ) { next if ( $f eq "." || $f eq ".." ); if ( -d "$TopDir/pc/$host/$num/$f" ) { $dir = "/$f"; last; } } closedir(DIR); if ( $dir eq "" || $dir eq "." || $dir eq ".." ) { ErrorExit("Directory ${EscapeHTML(\"$TopDir/pc/$host/$num\")}" . " is empty"); } } my $relDir = $dir; my $fullDir = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$num/$relDir"; if ( defined($numF) ) { # get full path to filled backup if ( $mangle && !$mangleF ) { $fullDirF = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$numF/" . $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($relDir); } else { $fullDirF = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$numF/$relDir"; } } my $currDir = undef; # # Read attributes for the directory and optionally for the filled backup # my $attr = BackupPC::Attrib->new({ compress => $Backups[$i]{compress}}); my $attrF = BackupPC::Attrib->new({ compress => $compressF}) if ( defined($numF) ); $attr->read($fullDir) if ( -f $attr->fileName($fullDir) ); if ( defined($numF) && -f $attrF->fileName($fullDirF) && $attrF->read($fullDirF) ) { $attr->merge($attrF); } # # Loop up the directory tree until we hit the top. # my(@DirStrPrev); while ( 1 ) { my($fLast, $fum, $fLastum, @DirStr); if ( $fullDir =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} || !opendir(DIR, $fullDir) ) { ErrorExit("Can't browse bad directory name" . " ${EscapeHTML($fullDir)}"); } # # Read this directory and optionally the corresponding filled directory # my @Dir = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); if ( defined($numF) && opendir(DIR, $fullDirF) ) { if ( $mangle == $mangleF ) { @Dir = (@Dir, readdir(DIR)); } else { foreach my $f ( readdir(DIR) ) { next if ( $f eq "." || $f eq ".." ); push(@Dir, $bpc->fileNameMangle($f)); } } closedir(DIR); } my $fileCnt = 0; # file counter $fLast = $dirStr = ""; # # Loop over each of the files in this directory # my(@DirUniq); foreach my $f ( sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} @Dir) ) { next if ( $f eq "." || $f eq ".." || $f eq $fLast || ($mangle && $f eq "attrib") ); $fLast = $f; push(@DirUniq, $f); } while ( defined(my $f = shift(@DirUniq)) ) { my $path = "$relDir/$f"; my($dirOpen, $gotDir, $imgStr, $img); $fum = $mangle ? $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($f) : $f; # unmangled $f my $fumURI = $fum; # URI escaped $f $path =~ s{^/+}{/}; $path =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/eg; $fumURI =~ s/([^\w.\/-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/eg; $dirOpen = 1 if ( defined($currDir) && $f eq $currDir ); if ( -d "$fullDir/$f" ) { # # Display directory if it exists in current backup. # First find out if there are subdirs # my @s = (defined($numF) && -d "$fullDirF/$f") ? stat("$fullDirF/$f") : stat("$fullDir/$f"); my($bold, $unbold, $BGcolor); $img |= 1 << 6; $img |= 1 << 5 if ( $s[3] > 2 ); if ( $dirOpen ) { $bold = ""; $unbold = ""; $img |= 1 << 2; $img |= 1 << 3 if ( $s[3] > 2 ); } my $imgFileName = sprintf("%07b.gif", $img); $imgStr = ""; if ( "$relDir/$f" eq $dir ) { $BGcolor = " bgcolor=\"$Conf{CgiHeaderBgColor}\""; } else { $BGcolor = ""; } my $dirName = $fum; $dirName =~ s/ / /g; push(@DirStr, {needTick => 1, tdArgs => $BGcolor, link => <$imgStr $bold$dirName$unbold EOF $fileCnt++; $gotDir = 1; if ( $dirOpen ) { my($lastTick, $doneLastTick); foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) { $lastTick = $d if ( $d->{needTick} ); } $doneLastTick = 1 if ( !defined($lastTick) ); foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) { $img = 0; if ( $d->{needTick} ) { $img |= 1 << 0; } if ( $d == $lastTick ) { $img |= 1 << 4; $doneLastTick = 1; } elsif ( !$doneLastTick ) { $img |= 1 << 3 | 1 << 4; } my $imgFileName = sprintf("%07b.gif", $img); $imgStr = ""; push(@DirStr, {needTick => 0, tdArgs => $d->{tdArgs}, link => $imgStr . $d->{link} }); } } } if ( $relDir eq $dir ) { # # This is the selected directory, so display all the files # my $attrStr; if ( defined($a = $attr->get($fum)) ) { my $mtimeStr = $bpc->timeStamp($a->{mtime}); my $typeStr = $attr->fileType2Text($a->{type}); my $modeStr = sprintf("0%o", $a->{mode} & 07777); $attrStr .= <$typeStr $modeStr $a->{size} $mtimeStr EOF } else { $attrStr .= " \n"; } if ( $gotDir ) { $fileStr .= < ${EscapeHTML($fum)} $attrStr EOF } else { $fileStr .= < ${EscapeHTML($fum)} $attrStr EOF } $checkBoxCnt++; } } @DirStrPrev = @DirStr; last if ( $relDir eq "" ); # # Prune the last directory off $relDir # $relDir =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)/$1/; $currDir = $2; $fullDir = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$num/$relDir"; $fullDirF = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$numF/$relDir" if ( defined($numF) ); } my $dirDisplay = $mangle ? $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($dir) : $dir; $dirDisplay =~ s{//}{/}g; my $filledBackup; if ( defined($numF) ) { $filledBackup = < This display is merged with backup #$numF, the most recent prior filled (full) dump. EOF } Header("BackupPC: Browse backup $num for $host"); foreach my $d ( @DirStrPrev ) { $dirStr .= "{tdArgs}>$d->{link}\n"; } ### hide checkall button if there are no files my ($topCheckAll, $checkAll, $fileHeader); if ( $fileStr ) { $fileHeader = < Name Type Mode Size Mod time EOF $checkAll = <  Select all EOF # and put a checkall box on top if there are at least 20 files if ( $checkBoxCnt >= 20 ) { $topCheckAll = $checkAll; $topCheckAll =~ s{allFiles}{allFilestop}g; } } else { $fileStr = <The directory ${EscapeHTML($dirDisplay)} is empty EOF } print <
  • You are browsing backup #$num, which started around $backupTime ($backupAge days ago), $filledBackup
  • Click on a directory below to navigate into that directory,
  • Click on a file below to restore that file.
${h2("Contents of ${EscapeHTML($dirDisplay)}")}


$fileHeader $topCheckAll $fileStr $checkAll

EOF Trailer(); } sub Action_Restore { my($str, $reply, $i); my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host}); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can restore backup files" . " for host ${EscapeHTML($In{host})}." ); } my $host = $In{host}; my $num = $In{num}; my(@fileList, $fileListStr, $hiddenStr, $share, $pathHdr, $badFileCnt); my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) { last if ( $Backups[$i]{num} == $num ); } my $mangle = $Backups[$i]{mangle}; ServerConnect(); if ( !defined($Hosts->{$host}) ) { ErrorExit("Bad host name ${EscapeHTML($host)}"); } for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $In{fcbMax} ; $i++ ) { next if ( !defined($In{"fcb$i"}) ); (my $name = $In{"fcb$i"}) =~ s/%([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg; $badFileCnt++ if ( $name =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} ); if ( $name =~ m{^/+(.*?)(/.*)} ) { $share = $1; $name = $mangle ? $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($2) : $2; if ( @fileList == 0 ) { $pathHdr = $name; } else { while ( substr($name, 0, length($pathHdr)) ne $pathHdr ) { $pathHdr = substr($pathHdr, 0, rindex($pathHdr, "/")); } } } push(@fileList, $name); $share = $mangle ? $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($share) : $share; $hiddenStr .= < EOF $fileListStr .= < ${EscapeHTML($name)} EOF } $hiddenStr .= "\n"; $badFileCnt++ if ( $In{pathHdr} =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} ); $badFileCnt++ if ( $In{num} =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} ); if ( @fileList == 0 ) { ErrorExit("You haven't selected any files; please go Back to" . " select some files."); } if ( $badFileCnt ) { ErrorExit("Nice try, but you can't put '..' in any of the file names"); } if ( @fileList == 1 ) { $pathHdr =~ s/(.*)\/.*/$1/; } $pathHdr = "/" if ( $pathHdr eq "" ); if ( $In{type} != 0 && @fileList == $In{fcbMax} ) { # # All the files in the list were selected, so just restore the # entire parent directory # @fileList = ( $pathHdr ); } if ( $In{type} == 0 ) { # # Tell the user what options they have # Header("BackupPC: Restore Options for $host"); print < You have selected the following files/directories from share $share, backup number #$num:

You have three choices for restoring these files/directories. Please select one of the following options.

${h2("Option 1: Direct Restore")}

You can start a restore that will restore these files directly onto $host.

Warning: any existing files that match the ones you have selected will be overwritten!

Restore the files to host
Restore the files to share
Restore the files below dir
(relative to share)
EOF # # Verify that Archive::Zip is available before showing the # zip restore option # if ( eval { require Archive::Zip } ) { print < You can download a Zip archive containing all the files/directories you have selected. You can then use a local application, such as WinZip, to view or extract any of the files.

Warning: depending upon which files/directories you have selected, this archive might be very very large. It might take many minutes to create and transfer the archive, and you will need enough local disk space to store it.

$hiddenStr Make archive relative to ${EscapeHTML($pathHdr eq "" ? "/" : $pathHdr)} (otherwise archive will contain full paths).
Compression (0=off, 1=fast,...,9=best)
EOF } else { print < You could download a zip archive, but Archive::Zip is not installed. Please ask your system adminstrator to install Archive::Zip from www.cpan.org.

EOF } print < You can download a Tar archive containing all the files/directories you have selected. You can then use a local application, such as tar or WinZip to view or extract any of the files.

Warning: depending upon which files/directories you have selected, this archive might be very very large. It might take many minutes to create and transfer the archive, and you will need enough local disk space to store it.

$hiddenStr Make archive relative to ${EscapeHTML($pathHdr eq "" ? "/" : $pathHdr)} (otherwise archive will contain full paths).
EOF Trailer(); } elsif ( $In{type} == 1 ) { # # Provide the selected files via a tar archive. # $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; my $pid = fork(); if ( !defined($pid) ) { $bpc->ServerMesg("log Can't fork for tar restore request by $User"); ErrorExit("Can't fork for tar restore"); } if ( $pid ) { # # This is the parent. # my @fileListTrim = @fileList; if ( @fileListTrim > 10 ) { @fileListTrim = (@fileListTrim[0..9], '...'); } $bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User downloaded tar archive for $host," . " backup $num; files were: " . join(", ", @fileListTrim)); return; } # # This is the child. Print the headers and run BackupPC_tarCreate. # my @pathOpts; if ( $In{relative} ) { @pathOpts = ("-r", $pathHdr, "-p", ""); } $bpc->ServerDisconnect(); print "Content-Type: application/x-gtar\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"; print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"restore.tar\"\n\n"; exec("$BinDir/BackupPC_tarCreate", "-h", $host, "-n", $num, "-s", $share, @pathOpts, @fileList ); } elsif ( $In{type} == 2 ) { # # Provide the selected files via a zip archive. # $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; my $pid = fork(); if ( !defined($pid) ) { $bpc->ServerMesg("log Can't fork for zip restore request by $User"); ErrorExit("Can't fork for zip restore"); } if ( $pid ) { # # This is the parent. # my @fileListTrim = @fileList; if ( @fileListTrim > 10 ) { @fileListTrim = (@fileListTrim[0..9], '...'); } $bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User downloaded zip archive for $host," . " backup $num; files were: " . join(", ", @fileListTrim)); return; } # # This is the child. Print the headers and run BackupPC_tarCreate. # my @pathOpts; if ( $In{relative} ) { @pathOpts = ("-r", $pathHdr, "-p", ""); } $bpc->ServerDisconnect(); print "Content-Type: application/zip\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"; print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"restore.zip\"\n\n"; $In{compressLevel} = 5 if ( $In{compressLevel} !~ /^\d+$/ ); exec("$BinDir/BackupPC_zipCreate", "-h", $host, "-n", $num, "-c", $In{compressLevel}, "-s", $share, @pathOpts, @fileList ); } elsif ( $In{type} == 3 ) { # # Do restore directly onto host # if ( !defined($Hosts->{$In{hostDest}}) ) { ErrorExit("Host ${EscapeHTML($In{hostDest})} doesn't exist"); } if ( !CheckPermission($In{hostDest}) ) { ErrorExit("You don't have permission to restore onto host" . " ${EscapeHTML($In{hostDest})}"); } $fileListStr = ""; foreach my $f ( @fileList ) { my $targetFile = $f; (my $strippedShare = $share) =~ s/^\///; (my $strippedShareDest = $In{shareDest}) =~ s/^\///; substr($targetFile, 0, length($pathHdr)) = $In{pathHdr}; $fileListStr .= <$host:/$strippedShare$f$In{hostDest}:/$strippedShareDest$targetFile EOF } Header("BackupPC: Restore Confirm on $host"); print < You are about to start a restore directly to the machine $In{hostDest}. The following files will be restored to share $In{shareDest}, from backup number $num:

Original file/dirWill be restored to

$hiddenStr Do you really want to do this?
EOF Trailer(); } elsif ( $In{type} == 4 ) { if ( !defined($Hosts->{$In{hostDest}}) ) { ErrorExit("Host ${EscapeHTML($In{hostDest})} doesn't exist"); } if ( !CheckPermission($In{hostDest}) ) { ErrorExit("You don't have permission to restore onto host" . " ${EscapeHTML($In{hostDest})}"); } my $hostDest = $1 if ( $In{hostDest} =~ /(.+)/ ); my $ipAddr = ConfirmIPAddress($hostDest); # # Prepare and send the restore request. We write the request # information using Data::Dumper to a unique file, # $TopDir/pc/$hostDest/restoreReq.$$.n. We use a file # in case the list of files to restore is very long. # my $reqFileName; for ( my $i = 0 ; ; $i++ ) { $reqFileName = "restoreReq.$$.$i"; last if ( !-f "$TopDir/pc/$hostDest/$reqFileName" ); } my %restoreReq = ( # source of restore is hostSrc, #num, path shareSrc/pathHdrSrc num => $In{num}, hostSrc => $host, shareSrc => $share, pathHdrSrc => $pathHdr, # destination of restore is hostDest:shareDest/pathHdrDest hostDest => $hostDest, shareDest => $In{shareDest}, pathHdrDest => $In{pathHdr}, # list of files to restore fileList => \@fileList, # other info user => $User, reqTime => time, ); my($dump) = Data::Dumper->new( [ \%restoreReq], [qw(*RestoreReq)]); $dump->Indent(1); if ( open(REQ, ">$TopDir/pc/$hostDest/$reqFileName") ) { print(REQ $dump->Dump); close(REQ); } else { ErrorExit("Can't open/create " . ${EscapeHTML("$TopDir/pc/$hostDest/$reqFileName")}); } $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("restore $ipAddr" . " $hostDest $User $reqFileName"); $str = "Restore requested to host $hostDest, backup #$num," . " by $User from $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}"; Header("BackupPC: Restore Requested on $hostDest"); print < Reply from server was: $reply

Go back to $hostDest home page. EOF Trailer(); } } sub Action_RestoreFile { restoreFile($In{host}, $In{num}, $In{dir}); } sub restoreFile { my($host, $num, $dir, $skipHardLink, $origName) = @_; my($Privileged) = CheckPermission($host); my($i, $numF, $mangleF, $compressF, $mangle, $compress, $dirUM); # # Some common content (media) types from www.iana.org (via MIME::Types). # my $Ext2ContentType = { 'asc' => 'text/plain', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'book' => 'application/x-maker', 'cc' => 'text/plain', 'cpp' => 'text/plain', 'csh' => 'application/x-csh', 'csv' => 'text/comma-separated-values', 'c' => 'text/plain', 'deb' => 'application/x-debian-package', 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'dot' => 'application/msword', 'dtd' => 'text/xml', 'dvi' => 'application/x-dvi', 'eps' => 'application/postscript', 'fb' => 'application/x-maker', 'fbdoc'=> 'application/x-maker', 'fm' => 'application/x-maker', 'frame'=> 'application/x-maker', 'frm' => 'application/x-maker', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'gtar' => 'application/x-gtar', 'gz' => 'application/x-gzip', 'hh' => 'text/plain', 'hpp' => 'text/plain', 'h' => 'text/plain', 'html' => 'text/html', 'htmlx'=> 'text/html', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'iges' => 'model/iges', 'igs' => 'model/iges', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'js' => 'application/x-javascript', 'latex'=> 'application/x-latex', 'maker'=> 'application/x-maker', 'mid' => 'audio/midi', 'midi' => 'audio/midi', 'movie'=> 'video/x-sgi-movie', 'mov' => 'video/quicktime', 'mp2' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpp' => 'application/vnd.ms-project', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'pgp' => 'application/pgp-signature', 'php' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'pht' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'phtml'=> 'application/x-httpd-php', 'png' => 'image/png', 'ppm' => 'image/x-portable-pixmap', 'ppt' => 'application/powerpoint', 'ppt' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'ps' => 'application/postscript', 'qt' => 'video/quicktime', 'rgb' => 'image/x-rgb', 'rtf' => 'application/rtf', 'rtf' => 'text/rtf', 'shar' => 'application/x-shar', 'shtml'=> 'text/html', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'tex' => 'application/x-tex', 'texi' => 'application/x-texinfo', 'texinfo'=> 'application/x-texinfo', 'tgz' => 'application/x-gtar', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'vcf' => 'text/x-vCard', 'vrml' => 'model/vrml', 'wav' => 'audio/x-wav', 'wmls' => 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript', 'wml' => 'text/vnd.wap.wml', 'wrl' => 'model/vrml', 'xls' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'xml' => 'text/xml', 'xwd' => 'image/x-xwindowdump', 'z' => 'application/x-compress', 'zip' => 'application/zip', }; if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can restore backup files" . " for host ${EscapeHTML($host)}." ); } ServerConnect(); my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); if ( $host eq "" ) { ErrorExit("Empty host name"); } $dir = "/" if ( $dir eq "" ); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) { if ( !$Backups[$i]{noFill} ) { $numF = $Backups[$i]{num}; $mangleF = $Backups[$i]{mangle}; $compressF = $Backups[$i]{compress}; } last if ( $Backups[$i]{num} == $num ); } $mangle = $Backups[$i]{mangle}; $compress = $Backups[$i]{compress}; if ( !$Backups[$i]{noFill} ) { # no need to back-fill a filled backup $numF = $mangleF = $compressF = undef; } my $fullPath = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$num/$dir"; $fullPath =~ s{/+}{/}g; if ( !-f $fullPath && defined($numF) ) { my $dirF = $dir; my $fullPathF; if ( $mangle && !$mangleF ) { $fullPathF = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$numF/" . $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($dir); } else { $fullPathF = "$TopDir/pc/$host/$numF/$dir"; } if ( -f $fullPathF ) { $fullPath = $fullPathF; $compress = $compressF; } } if ( $fullPath =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} || !-f $fullPath ) { ErrorExit("Can't restore bad file ${EscapeHTML($fullPath)}"); } my $dirUM = $mangle ? $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($dir) : $dir; my $attr = BackupPC::Attrib->new({compress => $compress}); my $fullDir = $fullPath; $fullDir =~ s{(.*)/.*}{$1}; my $fileName = $1 if ( $dirUM =~ /.*\/(.*)/ ); $attr->read($fullDir) if ( -f $attr->fileName($fullDir) ); my $a = $attr->get($fileName); my $f = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($fullPath, 0, $compress); my $data; if ( !$skipHardLink && $a->{type} == BPC_FTYPE_HARDLINK ) { # # hardlinks should look like the file they point to # my $linkName; while ( $f->read(\$data, 65536) > 0 ) { $linkName .= $data; } $f->close; $linkName =~ s/^\.\///; my $share = $1 if ( $dir =~ /^\/?(.*?)\// ); restoreFile($host, $num, "$share/" . ($mangle ? $bpc->fileNameMangle($linkName) : $linkName), 1, $dir); return; } $dirUM =~ s{//}{/}g; $fullPath =~ s{//}{/}g; $bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User recovered file $dirUM ($fullPath)"); $dir = $origName if ( defined($origName) ); $dirUM = $mangle ? $bpc->fileNameUnmangle($dir) : $dir; my $ext = $1 if ( $dirUM =~ /\.([^\/\.]+)$/ ); my $contentType = $Ext2ContentType->{lc($ext)} || "application/octet-stream"; $fileName = $1 if ( $dirUM =~ /.*\/(.*)/ ); $fileName =~ s/"/\\"/g; print "Content-Type: $contentType\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"; print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$fileName\"\n\n"; while ( $f->read(\$data, 1024 * 1024) > 0 ) { print STDOUT $data; } $f->close; } sub Action_HostInfo { my $host = $1 if ( $In{host} =~ /(.*)/ ); my($statusStr, $startIncrStr); $host =~ s/^\s+//; $host =~ s/\s+$//; return Action_GeneralInfo() if ( $host eq "" ); $host = lc($host) if ( !-d "$TopDir/pc/$host" && -d "$TopDir/pc/" . lc($host) ); if ( $host =~ /\.\./ || !-d "$TopDir/pc/$host" ) { # # try to lookup by user name # if ( !defined($Hosts->{$host}) ) { foreach my $h ( keys(%$Hosts) ) { if ( $Hosts->{$h}{user} eq $host || lc($Hosts->{$h}{user}) eq lc($host) ) { $host = $h; last; } } CheckPermission(); ErrorExit("Unknown host or user ${EscapeHTML($host)}") if ( !defined($Hosts->{$host}) ); } $In{host} = $host; } GetStatusInfo("host($host)"); $bpc->ConfigRead($host); %Conf = $bpc->Conf(); my $Privileged = CheckPermission($host); if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can view information about" . " host ${EscapeHTML($host)}." ); } ReadUserEmailInfo(); my @Backups = $bpc->BackupInfoRead($host); my($str, $sizeStr, $compStr, $errStr, $warnStr); for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Backups ; $i++ ) { my $startTime = timeStamp2($Backups[$i]{startTime}); my $dur = $Backups[$i]{endTime} - $Backups[$i]{startTime}; $dur = 1 if ( $dur <= 0 ); my $duration = sprintf("%.1f", $dur / 60); my $MB = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024*1024)); my $MBperSec = sprintf("%.2f", $Backups[$i]{size} / (1024*1024*$dur)); my $MBExist = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{sizeExist} / (1024*1024)); my $MBNew = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{sizeNew} / (1024*1024)); my($MBExistComp, $ExistComp, $MBNewComp, $NewComp); if ( $Backups[$i]{sizeExist} && $Backups[$i]{sizeExistComp} ) { $MBExistComp = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{sizeExistComp} / (1024 * 1024)); $ExistComp = sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (1 - $Backups[$i]{sizeExistComp} / $Backups[$i]{sizeExist})); } if ( $Backups[$i]{sizeNew} && $Backups[$i]{sizeNewComp} ) { $MBNewComp = sprintf("%.1f", $Backups[$i]{sizeNewComp} / (1024 * 1024)); $NewComp = sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (1 - $Backups[$i]{sizeNewComp} / $Backups[$i]{sizeNew})); } my $age = sprintf("%.1f", (time - $Backups[$i]{startTime}) / (24*3600)); my $browseURL = "$MyURL?action=browse&host=$host&num=$Backups[$i]{num}"; my $filled = $Backups[$i]{noFill} ? "no" : "yes"; $filled .= " ($Backups[$i]{fillFromNum}) " if ( $Backups[$i]{fillFromNum} ne "" ); $str .= < $Backups[$i]{num} $Backups[$i]{type} $filled $startTime $duration $age $TopDir/pc/$host/$Backups[$i]{num} EOF $sizeStr .= < $Backups[$i]{num} $Backups[$i]{type} $Backups[$i]{nFiles} $MB $MBperSec $Backups[$i]{nFilesExist} $MBExist $Backups[$i]{nFilesNew} $MBNew EOF $Backups[$i]{compress} ||= "off"; $compStr .= < $Backups[$i]{num} $Backups[$i]{type} $Backups[$i]{compress} $MBExist $MBExistComp $ExistComp $MBNew $MBNewComp $NewComp EOF $errStr .= < $Backups[$i]{num} $Backups[$i]{type} XferLOG, Errors $Backups[$i]{xferErrs} $Backups[$i]{xferBadFile} $Backups[$i]{xferBadShare} $Backups[$i]{tarErrs} EOF } my @Restores = $bpc->RestoreInfoRead($host); my $restoreStr; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Restores ; $i++ ) { my $startTime = timeStamp2($Restores[$i]{startTime}); my $dur = $Restores[$i]{endTime} - $Restores[$i]{startTime}; $dur = 1 if ( $dur <= 0 ); my $duration = sprintf("%.1f", $dur / 60); my $MB = sprintf("%.1f", $Restores[$i]{size} / (1024*1024)); my $MBperSec = sprintf("%.2f", $Restores[$i]{size} / (1024*1024*$dur)); $restoreStr .= <$Restores[$i]{num} $Restores[$i]{result} $startTime $duration $Restores[$i]{nFiles} $MB $Restores[$i]{tarCreateErrs} $Restores[$i]{xferErrs} EOF } $restoreStr = < Click on the restore number for more details. $restoreStr
Restore# Result Start Date Dur/mins #files MB #tar errs #xferErrs

EOF if ( @Backups == 0 ) { $warnStr = "

This PC has never been backed up!!

\n"; } if ( defined($Hosts->{$host}) ) { my $user = $Hosts->{$host}{user}; if ( $user ne "" ) { $statusStr .= <This PC is used by ${UserLink($user)}. EOF } if ( defined($UserEmailInfo{$user}) && $UserEmailInfo{$user}{lastHost} eq $host ) { my $mailTime = timeStamp2($UserEmailInfo{$user}{lastTime}); my $subj = $UserEmailInfo{$user}{lastSubj}; $statusStr .= <Last email sent to ${UserLink($user)} was at $mailTime, subject "$subj". EOF } } if ( defined($Jobs{$host}) ) { my $startTime = timeStamp2($Jobs{$host}{startTime}); (my $cmd = $Jobs{$host}{cmd}) =~ s/$BinDir\///g; $statusStr .= <The command $cmd is currently running for $host, started $startTime. EOF } if ( $StatusHost{BgQueueOn} ) { $statusStr .= <Host $host is queued on the background queue (will be backed up soon). EOF } if ( $StatusHost{UserQueueOn} ) { $statusStr .= <Host $host is queued on the user queue (will be backed up soon). EOF } if ( $StatusHost{CmdQueueOn} ) { $statusStr .= <A command for $host is on the command queue (will run soon). EOF } my $startTime = timeStamp2($StatusHost{endTime} == 0 ? $StatusHost{startTime} : $StatusHost{endTime}); my $reason = ""; if ( $StatusHost{reason} ne "" ) { $reason = " ($StatusHost{reason})"; } $statusStr .= <Last status is state "$StatusHost{state}"$reason as of $startTime. EOF if ( $StatusHost{error} ne "" ) { $statusStr .= <Last error is "${EscapeHTML($StatusHost{error})}" EOF } my $priorStr = "Pings"; if ( $StatusHost{deadCnt} > 0 ) { $statusStr .= <Pings to $host have failed $StatusHost{deadCnt} consecutive times. EOF $priorStr = "Prior to that, pings"; } if ( $StatusHost{aliveCnt} > 0 ) { $statusStr .= <$priorStr to $host have succeeded $StatusHost{aliveCnt} consecutive times. EOF if ( $StatusHost{aliveCnt} >= $Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt} && $Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt} >= 0 && $Conf{BlackoutHourBegin} >= 0 && $Conf{BlackoutHourEnd} >= 0 ) { my(@days) = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); my($days) = join(", ", @days[@{$Conf{BlackoutWeekDays}}]); my($t0) = sprintf("%d:%02d", $Conf{BlackoutHourBegin}, 60 * ($Conf{BlackoutHourBegin} - int($Conf{BlackoutHourBegin}))); my($t1) = sprintf("%d:%02d", $Conf{BlackoutHourEnd}, 60 * ($Conf{BlackoutHourEnd} - int($Conf{BlackoutHourEnd}))); $statusStr .= <Because $host has been on the network at least $Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt} consecutive times, it will not be backed up from $t0 to $t1 on $days. EOF } } if ( $StatusHost{backoffTime} > time ) { my $hours = sprintf("%.1f", ($StatusHost{backoffTime} - time) / 3600); $statusStr .= <Backups are deferred for $hours hours (change this number). EOF } if ( @Backups ) { # only allow incremental if there are already some backups $startIncrStr = < EOF } Header("BackupPC: Host $host Backup Summary"); print < $warnStr
${h2("User Actions")}

${h2("Backup Summary")}

Click on the backup number to browse and restore backup files. $str
Backup# Type Filled Start Date Duration/mins Age/days Server Backup Path

$restoreStr ${h2("Xfer Error Summary")}

Backup# Type View #Xfer errs #bad files #bad share #tar errs

${h2("File Size/Count Reuse Summary")}

Existing files are those already in the pool; new files are those added to the pool. Empty files and SMB errors aren't counted in the reuse and new counts. $sizeStr
Totals Existing Files New Files
Backup# Type #Files Size/MB MB/sec #Files Size/MB #Files Size/MB

${h2("Compression Summary")}

Compression performance for files already in the pool and newly compressed files. $compStr
Existing Files New Files
Backup# Type Comp Level Size/MB Comp/MB Comp Size/MB Comp/MB Comp

EOF Trailer(); } sub Action_GeneralInfo { GetStatusInfo("info jobs hosts queueLen"); my $Privileged = CheckPermission(); my($jobStr, $statusStr, $tarPidHdr, $ rivLinks); foreach my $host ( sort(keys(%Jobs)) ) { my $startTime = timeStamp2($Jobs{$host}{startTime}); next if ( $host eq $bpc->trashJob && $Jobs{$host}{processState} ne "running" ); $Jobs{$host}{type} = $Status{$host}{type} if ( $Jobs{$host}{type} eq "" && defined($Status{$host})); (my $cmd = $Jobs{$host}{cmd}) =~ s/$BinDir\///g; $jobStr .= < ${HostLink($host)} $Jobs{$host}{type} ${UserLink($Hosts->{$host}{user})} $startTime $cmd $Jobs{$host}{pid} $Jobs{$host}{xferPid} EOF if ( $Jobs{$host}{tarPid} > 0 ) { $jobStr .= " $Jobs{$host}{tarPid} \n"; $tarPidHdr ||= " tar PID \n"; } $jobStr .= "\n"; } foreach my $host ( sort(keys(%Status)) ) { next if ( $Status{$host}{reason} ne "backup failed" ); my $startTime = timeStamp2($Status{$host}{startTime}); my($errorTime, $XferViewStr); if ( $Status{$host}{errorTime} > 0 ) { $errorTime = timeStamp2($Status{$host}{errorTime}); } if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad.z" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad.z" ) { $XferViewStr = <XferLOG, XferErr EOF } else { $XferViewStr = ""; } (my $shortErr = $Status{$host}{error}) =~ s/(.{48}).*/$1.../; $statusStr .= < ${HostLink($host)} $Status{$host}{type} ${UserLink($Hosts->{$host}{user})} $startTime $XferViewStr $errorTime ${EscapeHTML($shortErr)} EOF } my $now = timeStamp2(time); my $nextWakeupTime = timeStamp2($Info{nextWakeup}); my $DUlastTime = timeStamp2($Info{DUlastValueTime}); my $DUmaxTime = timeStamp2($Info{DUDailyMaxTime}); my $numBgQueue = $QueueLen{BgQueue}; my $numUserQueue = $QueueLen{UserQueue}; my $numCmdQueue = $QueueLen{CmdQueue}; my $serverStartTime = timeStamp2($Info{startTime}); my $poolInfo = genPoolInfo("pool", \%Info); my $cpoolInfo = genPoolInfo("cpool", \%Info); if ( $Info{poolFileCnt} > 0 && $Info{cpoolFileCnt} > 0 ) { $poolInfo = <Uncompressed pool:

  • Compressed pool:
    EOF } elsif ( $Info{cpoolFileCnt} > 0 ) { $poolInfo = $cpoolInfo; } Header("BackupPC: Server Status"); print < ${h2("General Server Information")}
    • The server's PID is $Info{pid} on host $Conf{ServerHost}, version $Info{Version}, started at $serverStartTime.
    • This status was generated at $now.
    • PCs will be next queued at $nextWakeupTime.
    • Other info:
      • $numBgQueue pending backup requests from last scheduled wakeup,
      • $numUserQueue pending user backup requests,
      • $numCmdQueue pending command requests, $poolInfo
      • Pool file system was recently at $Info{DUlastValue}% ($DUlastTime), today's max is $Info{DUDailyMax}% ($DUmaxTime) and yesterday's max was $Info{DUDailyMaxPrev}%.
    ${h2("Currently Running Jobs")}

    $tarPidHdr $jobStr
    Host Type User Start Time Command PID Xfer PID

    ${h2("Failures that need attention")}

    Host Type User Last Try Details Error Time Last error (other than no ping)
    EOF Trailer(); } sub Action_RestoreInfo { my $Privileged = CheckPermission($In{host}); my $host = $1 if ( $In{host} =~ /(.*)/ ); my $num = $In{num}; my $i; if ( !$Privileged ) { ErrorExit("Only privileged users can view restore information." ); } # # Find the requested restore # my @Restores = $bpc->RestoreInfoRead($host); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @Restores ; $i++ ) { last if ( $Restores[$i]{num} == $num ); } if ( $i >= @Restores ) { ErrorExit("Restore number $num for host ${EscapeHTML($host)} does" . " not exist."); } %RestoreReq = (); do "$TopDir/pc/$host/RestoreInfo.$Restores[$i]{num}" if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/RestoreInfo.$Restores[$i]{num}" ); my $startTime = timeStamp2($Restores[$i]{startTime}); my $reqTime = timeStamp2($RestoreReq{reqTime}); my $dur = $Restores[$i]{endTime} - $Restores[$i]{startTime}; $dur = 1 if ( $dur <= 0 ); my $duration = sprintf("%.1f", $dur / 60); my $MB = sprintf("%.1f", $Restores[$i]{size} / (1024*1024)); my $MBperSec = sprintf("%.2f", $Restores[$i]{size} / (1024*1024*$dur)); my $fileListStr = ""; foreach my $f ( @{$RestoreReq{fileList}} ) { my $targetFile = $f; (my $strippedShareSrc = $RestoreReq{shareSrc}) =~ s/^\///; (my $strippedShareDest = $RestoreReq{shareDest}) =~ s/^\///; substr($targetFile, 0, length($RestoreReq{pathHdrSrc})) = $RestoreReq{pathHdrDest}; $fileListStr .= <$RestoreReq{hostSrc}:/$strippedShareSrc$f$RestoreReq{hostDest}:/$strippedShareDest$targetFile EOF } Header("BackupPC: Restore #$num details for $host"); print <
    Number $Restores[$i]{num}
    Requested by $RestoreReq{user}
    Request time $reqTime
    Result $Restores[$i]{result}
    Error Message $Restores[$i]{errorMsg}
    Source host $RestoreReq{hostSrc}
    Source backup num $RestoreReq{num}
    Source share $RestoreReq{shareSrc}
    Destination host $RestoreReq{hostDest}
    Destination share $RestoreReq{shareDest}
    Start time $startTime
    Duration $duration min
    Number of files $Restores[$i]{nFiles}
    Total size ${MB} MB
    Transfer rate $MBperSec MB/sec
    TarCreate errors $Restores[$i]{tarCreateErrs}
    Xfer errors $Restores[$i]{xferErrs}
    Xfer log file View, Errors

    ${h1("File/Directory list")}

    Original file/dirRestored to
    EOF Trailer(); } ########################################################################### # Miscellaneous subroutines ########################################################################### sub timeStamp2 { my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($_[0] == 0 ? time : $_[0] ); $year += 1900; $mon++; if ( $Conf{CgiDateFormatMMDD} ) { return sprintf("$mon/$mday %02d:%02d", $hour, $min); } else { return sprintf("$mday/$mon %02d:%02d", $hour, $min); } } sub HostLink { my($host) = @_; my($s); if ( defined($Hosts->{$host}) || defined($Status{$host}) ) { $s = "$host"; } else { $s = $host; } return \$s; } sub UserLink { my($user) = @_; my($s); return \$user if ( $user eq "" || $Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate} eq "" ); if ( $Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck} eq "" || -f sprintf($Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck}, $user, $user, $user) ) { $s = "$user"; } else { $s = $user; } return \$s; } sub EscapeHTML { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/&/&/g; $s =~ s/\"/"/g; $s =~ s/>/>/g; $s =~ s/\n

    ", @mesg); $Conf{CgiHeaderFontType} ||= "arial"; $Conf{CgiHeaderFontSize} ||= "3"; $Conf{CgiNavBarBgColor} ||= "#ddeeee"; $Conf{CgiHeaderBgColor} ||= "#99cc33"; $bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User (host=$In{host}) got CGI error: $head") if ( defined($bpc) ); Header("BackupPC: Error"); print <$mesg

    EOF Trailer(); exit(1); } sub ServerConnect { # # Verify that the server connection is ok # return if ( $bpc->ServerOK() ); $bpc->ServerDisconnect(); if ( my $err = $bpc->ServerConnect($Conf{ServerHost}, $Conf{ServerPort}) ) { ErrorExit( "Unable to connect to BackupPC server", "This CGI script ($MyURL) is unable to connect to the BackupPC" . " server on $Conf{ServerHost} port $Conf{ServerPort}. The error" . " was: $err.", "Perhaps the BackupPC server is not running or there is a " . " configuration error. Please report this to your Sys Admin." ); } } sub GetStatusInfo { my($status) = @_; ServerConnect(); my $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("status $status"); $reply = $1 if ( $reply =~ /(.*)/s ); eval($reply); # ignore status related to admin and trashClean jobs if ( $status =~ /\bhosts\b/ ) { delete($Status{$bpc->adminJob}); delete($Status{$bpc->trashJob}); } } sub ReadUserEmailInfo { if ( (stat("$TopDir/log/UserEmailInfo.pl"))[9] != $UserEmailInfoMTime ) { do "$TopDir/log/UserEmailInfo.pl"; $UserEmailInfoMTime = (stat("$TopDir/log/UserEmailInfo.pl"))[9]; } } # # Check if the user is privileged. A privileged user can access # any information (backup files, logs, status pages etc). # # A user is privileged if they belong to the group # $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup}, or they are in $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} # or they are the user assigned to a host in the host file. # sub CheckPermission { my($host) = @_; my $Privileged = 0; return 0 if ( $User eq "" || ($host ne "" && !defined($Hosts->{$host})) ); if ( $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} ne "" ) { my($n,$p,$gid,$mem) = getgrnam($Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup}); $Privileged ||= ($mem =~ /\b$User\b/); } if ( $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} ne "" ) { $Privileged ||= ($Conf{CgiAdminUsers} =~ /\b$User\b/); $Privileged ||= $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} eq "*"; } $PrivAdmin = $Privileged; $Privileged ||= $User eq $Hosts->{$host}{user}; return $Privileged; } # # Given a host name tries to find the IP address. For non-dhcp hosts # we just return the host name. For dhcp hosts we check the address # the user is using ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}) and also the last-known IP # address for $host. (Later we should replace this with a broadcast # nmblookup.) # sub ConfirmIPAddress { my($host) = @_; my $ipAddr = $host; if ( $Hosts->{$host}{dhcp} && $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^(\d+[\.\d]*)$/ ) { $ipAddr = $1; my($netBiosHost, $netBiosUser) = $bpc->NetBiosInfoGet($ipAddr); if ( $netBiosHost ne $host ) { my($tryIP); GetStatusInfo("host($host)"); if ( defined($StatusHost{dhcpHostIP}) && $StatusHost{dhcpHostIP} ne $ipAddr ) { $tryIP = " and $StatusHost{dhcpHostIP}"; ($netBiosHost, $netBiosUser) = $bpc->NetBiosInfoGet($StatusHost{dhcpHostIP}); } if ( $netBiosHost ne $host ) { ErrorExit("Can't find IP address for ${EscapeHTML($host)}", < Until I see $host at a particular DHCP address, you can only start this request from the client machine itself. EOF } $ipAddr = $StatusHost{dhcpHostIP}; } } return $ipAddr; } sub genPoolInfo { my($name, $info) = @_; my $poolSize = sprintf("%.2f", $info->{"${name}Kb"} / (1000 * 1024)); my $poolRmSize = sprintf("%.2f", $info->{"${name}KbRm"} / (1000 * 1024)); my $poolTime = timeStamp2($info->{"${name}Time"}); $info->{"${name}FileCntRm"} = $info->{"${name}FileCntRm"} + 0; return <Pool is ${poolSize}GB comprising $info->{"${name}FileCnt"} files and $info->{"${name}DirCnt"} directories (as of $poolTime),
  • Pool hashing gives $info->{"${name}FileCntRep"} repeated files with longest chain $info->{"${name}FileRepMax"},
  • Nightly cleanup removed $info->{"${name}FileCntRm"} files of size ${poolRmSize}GB (around $poolTime), EOF } ########################################################################### # HTML layout subroutines ########################################################################### sub Header { my($title) = @_; my @adminLinks = ( { link => "", name => "Status", priv => 1}, { link => "?action=summary", name => "PC Summary" }, { link => "?action=view&type=LOG", name => "LOG file" }, { link => "?action=LOGlist", name => "Old LOGs" }, { link => "?action=emailSummary", name => "Email summary" }, { link => "?action=view&type=config", name => "Config file" }, { link => "?action=view&type=hosts", name => "Hosts file" }, { link => "?action=queue", name => "Current queues" }, { link => "?action=view&type=docs", name => "Documentation", priv => 1}, { link => "http://backuppc.sourceforge.net", name => "SourceForge", priv => 1}, ); print $Cgi->header(); print < $title $Conf{CgiHeaders}
    EOF NavSectionTitle("BackupPC"); print " \n"; if ( defined($In{host}) && defined($Hosts->{$In{host}}) ) { my $host = $In{host}; NavSectionTitle("Host $In{host}"); NavSectionStart(); NavLink("?host=$host", "Home"); NavLink("?action=view&type=LOG&host=$host", "LOG file"); NavLink("?action=LOGlist&host=$host", "Old LOGs"); if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad.z" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad" || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad.z" ) { NavLink("?action=view&type=XferLOGbad&host=$host", "Last bad XferLOG"); NavLink("?action=view&type=XferErrbad&host=$host", "Last bad XferLOG (errors only)"); } if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/config.pl" ) { NavLink("?action=view&type=config&host=$host", "Config file"); } NavSectionEnd(); } NavSectionTitle("Hosts"); if ( %$Hosts > 0 ) { NavSectionStart(); foreach my $host ( sort(keys(%$Hosts)) ) { next if ( $Hosts->{$host}{user} ne $User ); NavLink("?host=$host", $host); } NavSectionEnd(); } print <
    Host or User name:
    EOF NavSectionTitle("Server"); NavSectionStart(); foreach my $l ( @adminLinks ) { if ( $PrivAdmin || $l->{priv} ) { NavLink($l->{link}, $l->{name}); } else { NavLink(undef, $l->{name}); } } NavSectionEnd(); print <   EOF } sub Trailer { print < EOF } sub h1 { my($str) = @_; return \<  $str EOF } sub h2 { my($str) = @_; return \<  $str EOF } sub NavSectionTitle { my($head) = @_; print < $head EOF } sub NavSectionStart { print < EOF } sub NavSectionEnd { print "\n"; } sub NavLink { my($link, $text) = @_; print "·"; if ( defined($link) ) { $link = "$MyURL$link" if ( $link eq "" || $link =~ /^\?/ ); print <$text EOF } else { print <$text EOF } }