#!/bin/perl # # makeDist: Build a BackupPC distribution # # DESCRIPTION # # This script should be run with no arguments to build a # distribution. The $Version and $ReleaseDate should be # edited below to specify the version name and the release # date. The distribution is createede in the sub-directory # dist. The dsitribution is in the file name: # # dist/BackupPC-$Version.tar.gz. # # AUTHOR # Craig Barratt # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Craig Barratt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #======================================================================== # use strict; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Getopt::Std; umask(0022); my $Version = "2.1.0_CVS"; my $ReleaseDate = "8 Feb 2004"; my $DistDir = "dist/BackupPC-$Version"; my @PerlSrc = qw( bin/BackupPC bin/BackupPC_archive bin/BackupPC_archiveHost bin/BackupPC_dump bin/BackupPC_link bin/BackupPC_nightly bin/BackupPC_restore bin/BackupPC_sendEmail bin/BackupPC_serverMesg bin/BackupPC_trashClean bin/BackupPC_tarExtract bin/BackupPC_tarCreate bin/BackupPC_compressPool bin/BackupPC_zipCreate bin/BackupPC_zcat lib/BackupPC/Attrib.pm lib/BackupPC/FileZIO.pm lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm lib/BackupPC/PoolWrite.pm lib/BackupPC/View.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/AdminOptions.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/Archive.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/ArchiveInfo.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/Browse.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/DirHistory.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/EmailSummary.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/GeneralInfo.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/HostInfo.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/Lib.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/LOGlist.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/Queue.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/ReloadServer.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/RestoreFile.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/RestoreInfo.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/Restore.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/StartServer.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/StartStopBackup.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/StopServer.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/Summary.pm lib/BackupPC/CGI/View.pm lib/BackupPC/Lang/de.pm lib/BackupPC/Lang/en.pm lib/BackupPC/Lang/es.pm lib/BackupPC/Lang/fr.pm lib/BackupPC/Lang/it.pm lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Archive.pm lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Smb.pm lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Tar.pm lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Rsync.pm lib/BackupPC/Xfer/RsyncFileIO.pm lib/BackupPC/Zip/FileMember.pm cgi-bin/BackupPC_Admin ); my %opts; if ( !getopts("l", \%opts) || @ARGV != 0 ) { print("usage: $0 [-l]\n"); exit(1); } # # Check config parameters # my $ConfVars = {}; my $errCnt; $errCnt += CheckConfigParams("conf/config.pl", $ConfVars, 0); # # These config parameters are not used in the code, so ignore them. # $ConfVars->{BackupPCUser} = 2; $ConfVars->{CgiDir} = 2; $ConfVars->{InstallDir} = 2; $ConfVars->{CgiImageDir} = 2; # # These config parameters are used in the code to be backward compatible, # but are not present in the current config file, so ignore them. # $ConfVars->{BlackoutHourBegin} = 2; $ConfVars->{BlackoutHourEnd} = 2; $ConfVars->{BlackoutWeekDays} = 2; foreach my $file ( @PerlSrc ) { $errCnt += CheckConfigParams($file, $ConfVars, 1); } if ( !$opts{l} ) { $errCnt += CheckLangUsage(); $errCnt += CheckLangTags(); } if ( $errCnt ) { print("Exiting because of errors\n"); exit(1) } $errCnt = 0; foreach my $var ( sort(keys(%$ConfVars) ) ) { next if ( $ConfVars->{$var} >= 2 || $var =~ /^\$/ ); printf("Unused config parameter $var\n"); $errCnt++; } if ( $errCnt ) { print("Exiting because of errors\n"); exit(1) } rmtree($DistDir, 0, 0); mkpath($DistDir, 0, 0777); foreach my $dir ( qw(bin doc conf images init.d/src cgi-bin lib/BackupPC/CGI lib/BackupPC/Lang lib/BackupPC/Xfer lib/BackupPC/Zip ) ) { mkpath("$DistDir/$dir", 0, 0777); } my %ConfName; my $ConfPod = config2pod(); rmtree("doc", 0, 0); mkpath("doc", 0, 0777); InstallFile("doc-src/BackupPC.pod", "doc/BackupPC.pod"); use Pod::Html; pod2html("doc/BackupPC.pod", "--backlink=Back to Top", "--header", "--title=BackupPC", "--outfile=doc/BackupPC.html"); foreach my $file ( (@PerlSrc, , qw( conf/config.pl conf/hosts init.d/README init.d/src/debian-backuppc init.d/src/gentoo-backuppc init.d/src/gentoo-backuppc.conf init.d/src/linux-backuppc init.d/src/solaris-backuppc init.d/src/suse-backuppc doc/BackupPC.pod doc/BackupPC.html README LICENSE ChangeLog configure.pl )) ) { InstallFile("$file", "$DistDir/$file"); } rmtree("doc", 0, 0); system("cd dist ; tar zcf BackupPC-$Version.tar.gz BackupPC-$Version"); print("Distribution written to dist/BackupPC-$Version.tar.gz\n"); unlink("pod2htmd.x~~"); unlink("pod2htmi.x~~"); ########################################################################### # Subroutines ########################################################################### sub InstallFile { my($file, $dest) = @_; unlink($dest) if ( -d $dest ); if ( $file =~ /\.gif/ ) { die("can't copy($file, $dest)\n") unless copy($file, $dest); } else { open(FILE, $file) || die("can't open $file for reading\n"); open(OUT, ">$dest") || die("can't open $dest for writing\n"); binmode(FILE); binmode(OUT); while ( ) { s/^# *Version \d+\.\d+[\.\w]*, released \d+ \w+ \d{4}\.?/# Version __VERSION__, released __RELEASEDATE__./; s/__VERSION__/$Version/g; s/__RELEASEDATE__/$ReleaseDate/g; if ( $file =~ /BackupPC\.html$/ && !/A NAME="item_%24Conf/ ) { s/\$Conf{([^}]*)}/ defined($ConfName{$1}) ? "\$Conf{$1}<\/A>" : "\$Conf{$1}"/eg; } if ( /__CONFIGPOD__/ ) { print OUT $ConfPod; } elsif ( /^use lib ".*BackupPC\/lib";/ || /^use lib "\/home\/pcbackup\/install\/lib";/ ) { print OUT "use lib \"__INSTALLDIR__/lib\";\n"; } elsif ( $file =~ /Lib.pm/ && /(.*TopDir *=> .*)'.*',/ ) { print OUT "$1'__TOPDIR__',\n"; } elsif ( $file =~ /Lib.pm/ && /(.*Version *=> .*)'[\w\d\.]+',/ ) { print OUT "$1'$Version',\n"; } elsif ( $file =~ /Lib.pm/ && /(.*BinDir *=> .*)'.*',/ ) { print OUT "$1'__INSTALLDIR__',\n"; } elsif ( $file =~ /Lib.pm/ && /(.*LibDir *=> .*)'.*',/ ) { print OUT "$1'__INSTALLDIR__',\n"; } elsif ( $file =~ /BackupPC_Admin/ && /(my *\$installDir *= *)'.*'/ ) { print OUT "$1'__INSTALLDIR__/lib';\n"; } else { print OUT; } } close(FILE); close(OUT); } if ( -x $file ) { chmod(0555, $dest); } else { chmod(0444, $dest); } } sub config2pod { open(C, "conf/config.pl") || die("can't open conf/config.pl"); binmode(C); my($str, $out, $getHdr, @conf); my $first = 1; while ( ) { chomp; s/ +$//; if ( /^#########################/ ) { if ( $getHdr ) { $str =~ s/\n.*//sg; $out .= "=back\n\n" if ( !$first ); $out .= "=head2 $str\n\n=over 4\n\n"; $str = ""; $first = 0; } $getHdr = !$getHdr; next; } if ( /^#/ ) { s/# ?//; next if ( $str eq "" && /^$/ ); $str .= $_ . "\n"; $str .= "\n" if ( $str =~ /examples?:\n$/i ); } elsif ( /^\$Conf{([^}]*)/ ) { my $var = $1; s/ +/ /g; s/;\s*#.*/;/; if ( !s/\[$/[ ... ];/ && !s/<<'EOF'/.../ ) { s/([^;])\s*$/$1 .../; } push(@conf, $_); my $text = $_; $text =~ s/\s+/_/sg; $text =~ s{(\W)}{sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1) )}gxe; $text = substr($text, 0, 50); $ConfName{$var} = "item_$text"; } elsif ( /^$/ ) { if ( $str ne "" && @conf ) { $out .= "=item " . join("\n\n=item ", @conf) . "\n\n"; $out .= $str; $out .= "\n" if ( $str !~ /\n$/ ); } $str = ""; @conf = (); } } if ( $str ne "" && @conf ) { $out .= "=item " . join("\n\n=item ", @conf) . "\n\n"; $out .= $str; $out .= "\n" if ( $str !~ /\n$/ ); } $out .= "=back\n\n" if ( !$first ); return $out; } sub CheckConfigParams { my($file, $vars, $check) = @_; my $errors; open(F, $file) || die("can't open $file\n"); binmode(F); if ( $check ) { while ( ) { s/\$(self|bpc)->{Conf}{([^}\$]+)}/if ( !defined($vars->{$2}) ) { print("Unexpected Conf var $2 in $file\n"); $errors++; } else { $vars->{$2}++; }/eg; s/\$[Cc]onf(?:->)?{([^}\$]+)}/if ( !defined($vars->{$1}) ) { print("Unexpected Conf var $1 in $file\n"); $errors++; } else { $vars->{$1}++; }/eg; s/UserCommandRun\("([^"]*)"\)/if ( !defined($vars->{$1}) ) { print("Unexpected Conf var $1 in $file\n"); $errors++; } else { $vars->{$1}++; }/eg; } } else { while ( ) { s/^[^#]*\$self->{Conf}{([^}]*)/$vars->{$1} = 1;/eg; s/^[^#]*\$Conf{([^}]*)/$vars->{$1} = 1;/eg; } } close(F); return $errors; } # # Make sure that every lang variable in cgi-bin/BackupPC_Admin matches # the strings in each lib/BackupPC/Lang/*.pm file. This makes sure # we didn't miss any translations in any of the languages. # sub CheckLangUsage { my $errors; my $vars = {}; foreach my $file ( ( qw(cgi-bin/BackupPC_Admin bin/BackupPC_sendEmail), ) ) { open(F, $file) || die("can't open $file"); binmode(F); while ( ) { s/\$Lang->{([^}]*)}/$vars->{$1} = 1;/eg; } close(F); } foreach my $f ( ) { my $done = {}; open(F, $f) || die("can't open $f\n"); binmode(F); while ( ) { s/#.*//g; s/\$Lang{([^}]*)}/ my $var = $1; next if ( $var =~ m{^(Reason_|Status_|backupType_)} ); if ( !defined($vars->{$var}) ) { print("Unexpected Lang var $var in $f\n"); $errors++; } else { $done->{$var} = 1; }/eg; } close(F); foreach my $v ( keys(%$vars) ) { # # skip "variables" with "$", since they are like expressions # next if ( $v =~ /\$/ ); if ( !defined($done->{$v}) ) { print("Lang var $v missing from $f\n"); $errors++; } } } return $errors; } # # Pedantically check that all the html tags in each language file # match. # sub CheckLangTags { my($en, $enVars) = LangParse("lib/BackupPC/Lang/en.pm"); my($errors); foreach my $lang ( qw(fr.pm de.pm es.pm it.pm) ) { my($d, $dVars) = LangParse("lib/BackupPC/Lang/$lang"); foreach my $v1 ( @$en ) { my $v2 = shift(@$d); if ( $v1->{var} ne $v2->{var} ) { print("Botch: got $lang var $v2->{var} vs en.pm $v1->{var}\n"); exit; } my $t1 = LangTextStrip($v1->{val}); my $t2 = LangTextStrip($v2->{val}); if ( $t1 ne $t2 ) { print("$v1->{var}: got en.pm $t1\nvs $lang $t2\n\n"); $errors++; } } } return $errors; } sub LangTextStrip { my($t) = @_; $t = "" if ( $t !~ /<.*>/ ); $t =~ s/^[^<]*])[^<]*[^<]*$/>/; $t =~ s/(value=)"[^"]*"/$1""/sg; $t =~ s/({h[12]\()"[^"]*"/$1""/g; $t =~ s/ENG[\s\n]*//sg; $t =~ s/^(< ) { if ( /^#/ && !defined($endLine) ) { if ( $comment ) { $out .= $_; } else { if ( $out ne "" ) { $allVars->{$var} = @lang if ( defined($var) ); push(@lang, { text => $out, var => $var, }); } $var = undef; $comment = 1; $out = $_; } } elsif ( /^\s*\$Lang\{([^}]*)/ ) { $comment = 0; if ( defined($var) ) { $allVars->{$var} = @lang if ( defined($var) ); push(@lang, { text => $out, var => $var, }); $out = $_; } else { $out .= $_; } $var = $1; $endLine = $1 if ( /^\s*\$Lang\{[^}]*} *= *<<(.*);/ ); $endLine = $1 if ( /^\s*\$Lang\{[^}]*} *= *<<'(.*)';/ ); } else { $endLine = undef if ( defined($endLine) && /^\Q$endLine[\n\r]*$/ ); $out .= $_; } } if ( $out ne "" ) { $allVars->{$var} = @lang if ( defined($var) ); push(@lang, { text => $out, var => $var, }); } close(C); foreach my $v ( @lang ) { if ( $v->{text} =~ /\$Lang{$v->{var}}\s*=\s*(.*)/s ) { $v->{val} = $1; } } return (\@lang, $allVars); }