Mojo Facets - server side facet browsing using Mojolicious and jQuery UI Data sources: Put JSON file from Simile Exhibit project in data/ with extension .js or .json Alternative format is pipe (|) separated text files with extension .txt First column is always header with field names Multi-line values should be wrapped in ^multi-line-text^ If you save bounch of html files with table in directory with .html extension, they will we all read as single data set, allowing easy analysys of search results, for example. Start with: LANG=hr_HR.utf8 ./script/mojo_facets daemon --reload Data replication: # master ./script/mojo_facets daemon --listen 'http://*:4444' --reload # slave MASTER=http://localhost:4444 ./script/mojo_facets daemon --reload Turning actions into changes: There are two kinds of audit log in MojoFacets: 1. actions stored in /tmp/actions are clicks on user interface with parameters 2. changes are more structured, including old value and unique values from edit of one value in dataset If you want to create changes which can be applied again on original dataset or any other dataset which has same unique values you can use helper script: $ ./script/actions-to-changes /data/mojo_facets/*