Experiments with air quality sensors Scripts in this directory read from sensor serial port output (which is 3.3V serial connected to usb serial dongle) and store data to influxdb using curl. When receiving data from sensors, they check header and checksum to avoid sending garbage data. This also helps when you select wrong serial port, beacuse script from wrong sensor won't send invalid or corrupt data. Timestamp are also generated locally to mitigate any network latency to influxdb (which is somewhere in the cloud, and latency can vary just enough to create empty vertical stripes in graphs which is ugly and incorrect). Exception to that rule is dsm501.pl which is general serial to influx bridge used by helper shell scripts to handle sensors which require 5V by connecting them to Arduino-like mcu. Example of that is: mq7.sh which uses https://github.com/dpavlin/mq7-co-monitor/ on Arduino to produce output which is then fed to dsm501.pl.