use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; require 5; use Config; use Getopt::Long; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. %MakeParams = InitMakeParams(); WriteMakefile(%MakeParams); GetTestInfo(); sub InitMakeParams { my $opts; my %Params = ( NAME => 'SNMP', dist => { SUFFIX => "gz", COMPRESS => "gzip -9f"}, MAN3PODS => { '' => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/SNMP.3' }, XSPROTOARG => '-noprototypes', # XXX remove later? VERSION_FROM => '', realclean => { FILES => 'host' }, ); my ($snmp_lib, $snmp_llib, $sep); if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') { $snmp_lib = 'libnetsnmp.lib'; $snmp_link_lib = 'libnetsnmp'; $sep = '\\'; # XXX fix me } else { $opts = NetSNMPGetOpts(); if (!$ENV{'NETSNMP_LIBS'}) { $Params{'LIBS'} = `$opts->{'nsconfig'} --libs`; chomp($Params{'LIBS'}); } else { $Params{'LIBS'} = $ENV{'NETSNMP_LIBS'}; } if (!$ENV{'NETSNMP_CCFLAGS'}) { $Params{'CCFLAGS'} = `$opts->{'nsconfig'} --cflags`; chomp($Params{'CCFLAGS'}); $Params{'CCFLAGS'} .= " " . $Config{'ccflags'}; } else { $Params{'CCFLAGS'} = $ENV{'NETSNMP_CCFLAGS'}; } if ($opts->{'insource'} eq "true") { $Params{'LIBS'} = "-L../../snmplib/.libs -L../../snmplib/ " . $Params{'LIBS'}; $Params{'CCFLAGS'} = "-I../../include " . $Params{'CCFLAGS'}; # } else { # $Params{'PREREQ_PM'} = { 'NetSNMP::default_store' => 0.01 }; } $Params{'CCFLAGS'} =~ s/ -W[-\w]+//g; # ignore developer warnings if (!$ENV{'NETSNMP_PREFIX'}) { $prefix = `$opts->{'nsconfig'} --prefix`; chomp($prefix); $sep = '/'; } else { $prefix = $ENV{'NETSNMP_PREFIX'}; } if ($Params{'LIBS'} eq "" || $Params{'CCFLAGS'} eq "") { die "You need to install net-snmp first (I can't find net-snmp-config)"; } } return(%Params); } sub find_files { my($f,$d) = @_; my ($dir,$found,$file); for $dir (@$d){ $found = 0; for $file (@$f) { $found++ if -f "$dir/$file"; } if ($found == @$f) { return $dir; } } } sub GetTestInfo { my $sep = ($^O =~ /win32/i ? '\\' : '/'); my $info_file = "t${sep}snmptest.cmd"; my $snmpd_path1 = "${prefix}${sep}sbin"; my $snmpd_path2 = "${sep}usr${sep}sbin"; my $snmpd_path3 = "${sep}usr${sep}bin"; open(H, ">$info_file") || die "Error: could not open file '$info_file'($!)"; if($^O =~ /win32/i) { #you are using WIN 32 my $mibdir = "${prefix}${sep}share${sep}snmp${sep}mibs"; print < $host\n"; $agent_port = prompt("Please enter the agent port number: ", 161); print H "AGENT_PORT => $agent_port\n"; $trap_port = prompt("Please enter the trap port number: ", 162); print H "TRAP_PORT => $trap_port\n"; $mibdir = prompt("Please enter the MIB directory: ", "/usr/mibs"); print H "MIBDIR => $mibdir\n"; } else { # you are using UNIX my ($mibdir, $snmpd, $snmptrapd); if ($opts->{'insource'} eq "true") { $mibdir = "../../mibs"; $snmpd = "../../agent/snmpd"; $snmptrapd = "../../apps/snmptrapd"; } else { $mibdir = "${prefix}${sep}share${sep}snmp${sep}mibs"; $snmpd = find_files(["snmpd"], [$snmpd_path1, $snmpd_path2]); $snmptrapd = find_files(["snmptrapd"], [$snmpd_path1, $snmpd_path2]); } $mibdir = find_files(["NET-SNMP-MIB.txt"],[$mibdir]); $mibdir ||= prompt("Unable to locate the MIBs, Please enter the path: ", $mibdir); $snmpd ||= prompt("Unable to locate \"snmpd\". Please enter the path: ", $snmpd_path1); $snmptrapd ||= prompt("Unable to locate \"snmptrapd\". Please enter the path: ", $snmpd_path1); $snmpd =~ s/($sep)?(snmpd)?$/${sep}snmpd/; $snmptrapd =~ s/($sep)?(snmptrapd)?$/${sep}snmptrapd/; print H "SNMPD => $snmpd\n"; print H "SNMPTRAPD => $snmptrapd\n"; print H "MIBDIR => $mibdir\n"; if (!$opts->{'insource'}) { if (-e $snmpd and -r $snmpd) { if (not -x $snmpd) { warn("Error: $snmpd not executable. 'make test' will not work.\n"); } } else { warn("Error: $snmpd does not exist or is unreadable. 'make test' will not work.\n"); } if (-e $snmptrapd and -r $snmptrapd) { if (not -x $snmptrapd) { warn("Error: $snmptrapd not executable. 'make test' will not work.\n"); } } else { warn("Error: $snmptrapd does not exist or is unreadable. 'make test' will not work.\n"); } } } # end of else close H; } sub HasSSL { my $config_header = shift; my $has_ssl; unless (open(C,"<$config_header")) { warn("Unable to open $config_header, assuming no SSL\n"); return undef; } while () { $has_ssl++, last if /^\s*#define\s+USE_OPENSSL/; } close C; return $has_ssl; } # common subroutines -- DO NOT EDIT. # They are imported from the file sub NetSNMPGetOpts { my %ret; my $rootpath = shift; $rootpath = "../" if (!$rootpath); $rootpath .= '/' if ($rootpath !~ /\/$/); if ($ENV{'NET-SNMP-CONFIG'} && $ENV{'NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE'}) { # have env vars, pull from there $ret{'nsconfig'} = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-CONFIG'}; $ret{'insource'} = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE'}; } else { # don't have env vars, pull from command line and put there GetOptions("NET-SNMP-CONFIG=s" => \$ret{'nsconfig'}, "NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=s" => \$ret{'insource'}); if ($ret{'insource'} eq "true" && $ret{'nsconfig'} eq "") { $ret{'nsconfig'}="sh ROOTPATH../net-snmp-config"; } elsif ($ret{'nsconfig'} eq "") { $ret{'nsconfig'}="net-snmp-config"; } $ENV{'NET-SNMP-CONFIG'} = $ret{'nsconfig'}; $ENV{'NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE'} = $ret{'insource'}; } $ret{'nsconfig'} =~ s/ROOTPATH/$rootpath/; $ret{'rootpath'} = $rootpath; \%ret; }