RedHat Installation =================== Please note that because this is a network service, requiring modifications to your firewall rules, I do not provide an automated way to set this up. 1. Build reaim, and copy the executable to /usr/sbin 2. Copy the etc/init.d/reaim and etc/logrotate.d/reaim files to the appropriate directories on your disk. 3. Run chkconfig --add reaim 4. Run adduser -c "ReAim Proxy Server" -d / -s /sbin/nologin reaim 5. Setup your firewall redirections. 6. Touch /var/log/reaim.log, and chown it to the reaim user. 7. Run /etc/init.d/reaim start If it doesn't work after this, see the manual page for some troubleshooting tips.