useScandata = isset($scandata); if (!$this->useScandata) return; $this->identifier = $identifier; $xpath = new DOMXPath($scandata); $xpath->registerNamespace("s", ""); $squery = '//s:book/s:pageData/s:page'; $query = '//book/pageData/page'; $pages = $xpath->query($squery); if($pages->length == 0) { $pages = $xpath->query($query);//Hack, xmlns not always supplied in scandata } $index = null; foreach ($pages as $page) { // Find the first access format page $access = strtolower(trim($page->getElementsByTagName('addToAccessFormats')->item(0)->nodeValue)); if("true" != $access) { continue; } $elems = $page->getElementsByTagName('handSide'); $hand = (($elems->length == 0) ? 'none' : strtolower(trim($elems->item(0)->nodeValue))); if ("left" == $hand) { $index = 0; break; } elseif ("right" == $hand) { $index = 1; break; } else { $index = 0; break; } } if(!isset($index)) { //echo "Warning: No addToAccessFormats=true in scandata, using all leafs\n"; $index = 2;//The javascript bookreader must start at 2 } $this->startIndex = $index; $this->flipToLeafMap = array(null,null,null); $this->leafToFlipMap = array(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $access = strtolower(trim($page->getElementsByTagName('addToAccessFormats')->item(0)->nodeValue)); $this->leafToFlipMap[$page->getAttribute('leafNum')] = null; if("true" == $access) { //echo "Flip $index is leaf {$page->getAttribute('leafNum')} on {$page->getElementsByTagName('handSide')->item(0)->nodeValue}\n"; $this->leafToFlipMap[$page->getAttribute('leafNum')] = sprintf("%04d", $index); $this->flipToLeafMap[$index++] = intval($page->getAttribute('leafNum')); $this->count++; //echo "Pagecount {$this->getPageCount()}\n"; } } } function useScandata() {return $this->useScandata;} function getPageCount() {return $this->count;} function getStartIndex() {return $this->startIndex;} function getAllMappedLeaves() { // array_slice to skip non-access pages at the beginning, array_filter to remove any nulls // that remain from initialization of the map, and array_values to resequence the keys return array_values(array_filter(array_slice($this->flipToLeafMap, $this->startIndex), 'is_numeric')); } function flipToLeaf($i) { if($i < $this->startIndex || $i > $this->getPageCount() + $this->startIndex) throw new Exception("Flip map index $i out of bounds"); return $this->flipToLeafMap[$i]; } /** * This takes the result of the flipbook_search.php call, and drops * non-access pages and remaps the page indexes **/ function remapSearch($result) { if(!$this->useScandata) return $result; $naming = new Naming($this->identifier); $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXML($result); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $query = '//PAGE'; $pages = $xpath->query($query); foreach($pages as $page) { $name = $page->getAttribute('file'); $leaf = intval($naming->imageIndex('DJVU_XML',$name)); $idx = $this->leafToFlipMap[$leaf]; if(isset($idx)) { //echo "Reverse mapping $leaf as $idx\n"; $page->setAttribute('file',"_$idx");//The flipbook js regex looks for the "_" } else { $page->parentNode->removeChild($page); } } return $dom->saveXML(); } /** * A utility for creating the FlipSearchMap from within flipbook_search.php. * $searchUrl is provided to flipbook_search.php by the flipbook.php ajax * interface. We decode it, find the scandata, and create a FlipSearchMap * from it. **/ static function buildSearchMap($searchUrl) { $unzip = configGetValue('bin-unzip'); $url = urldecode($searchUrl); //Another way is for the javascript code to pass in server, itemdir, and identifier directly //For now we'll parse the $url passed us. #if (!preg_match('|http://\[0-9]+/items/\w+)/(\w+)_djvu.xml$|', $url, $match)) #if (!preg_match('|(\w+)/(\w+)_djvu.xml$|', $url, $match)) if (!preg_match('|(/[0-9]+/items/[\w-]+)/([\w-]+)_djvu.xml$|', $url, $match)) fatal("Can't get server and identifier from url $url"); $bookDir = $match[1]; $identifier = $match[2]; //Look for the marker indicating a "new" flipbook with scandata usage. $naming = new Naming($identifier); $zipName = $naming->zipName('FLIP_JPG'); $handle = popen("$unzip -p $bookDir/$zipName config.xml",'r'); $config = fgets($handle); pclose($handle); if("" != $config) { $dom = Scandata::getScandataDomDocument($bookDir,$identifier); return new FlipSearchMap($dom,$identifier); } else { return new FlipSearchMap(); } } } ?>