Ganeti extstorage provider for local zfs volumes INSTALLATION On node which will host zfs storage pool cd /usr/share/ganeti/extstorage/ git clone zfs cd zfs vi Run install scripts: # ls install/ Cron helper can be install under /etc/cron.daily # ls cron/ daily-block-snapshot purge-log Overview commands are available (try running them to see output): # ls bin/ backup ill instance list node snap Create test instances: # ls t/*.sh t/ t/ t/ Review that instaces have been created: # ./bin/ill t- Test ganeti commands after reading them: # ls t/gnt-* t/ t/ DRBD disk replication Ganeti's extstorage provider doesn't support drbd target. But, lvm emulation scripts are sufficiant enough to create -t drbd instance or convert plain (created on zfs thanks to wrappers ;-) to drbd. KNOWN BUGS for extstorage - gnt-backup export doesn't work because extstorage snapshoot hook are not available - gnt-instance move works from somewhere to zfs, but not from zfs to somewhere KNOWN BUGS for using -t plain on top of zfs - cron/daily-block-snapshot snapshots are not correctly renamed