Ganet extstorage provider for local zfs volumes INSTALLATION On node which has zfs storage pool cd /usr/share/ganeti/extstorage/ git clone zfs cd zfs vi You need to specify zfs filesystem under which block devices will be created. Now ssh into ganeti master node and do following: 1. enable new disk template gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates plain,drbd,ext \ --ipolicy-disk-templates plain,drbd,ext 2. create log directory mkdir /var/log/ganeti/extstorage 3. try instance creation with something similar to gnt-instance add -t ext --disk=0:size=10G,provider=zfs \ --disk=1:size=20G,provider=zfs \ -n arh-hw --no-name-check --no-ip-check \ -o debootstrap+default -B maxmem=512M zfs-ext-test